Can't Find Her Home

I hear a baby?

I was playing outside by myself that day because Gerard and Mikey went camping for a week.I was playing by a creek that was be hide my house I always was use to playing by myself.I don't have a brother like Gerard did.That made me sad because I always wanted a brother to play with and teach him how to play prank and more.But it didn't happen my mother said I was her like Frankie and she will always love me no matter what.

As I walked deeper into the woods I thought I heared a baby crying.But I just thought it was my head playing tricks on me like I do to Gerard and Mikey .

I began throwing rocks into the creek as far as I could.My mama told me that I can't go to the creek by myself because it's not safe.But do I listen no I always wonder off.For me being an eight year old boy I thought I was a big kid.Then again I heared a baby crying.Where is that coming from?I thought to myself again.

It got louder and louder.I tryed to ignore it but I couldn't no longer.I began following the louder cries I wonder farther away from the creek and began going into the woods.I heared things about these woods that it was hunted by an old man that died here.But I didn't believe it.I was frank the brave nothing scares me.

As I walked closer to cries I saw a pink thing in the distant.I ran to the pink thing to be surprised be what I saw.

It was a baby!That was crying I thought that someone forgot about her she was still crying and I couldn't take the crying no more.I picked her up and rocked her back and further.Just like mother did when her nephew was born.I just copied her.It was getting late and I didn't want to leave her here.

I began walking back with her in my arms.It was dark really fast and when I got to my backyard with Helen in my arms.That's what I named her Helen.I saw my mama picking up the phone but when she saw me outside she ran out with my papa right be hide her."Frank where were...You"my mama said but when she saw Helen she just became quit just like papa.

"Frank sweet heart is that a baby?"Mama asked me."Yes her name is Helen I found her in the woods!"I answered.

"Frank what have I told you about going to the creek be yourself."Mama said."But I was bored and Gerard and Mikey weren't here to play with!"I said."And she was crying so loud mama that I had to look where it was coming from and I found her!"I said again."Well Frank it was good of you to look for what was making that noise.Because if you didn't you won't have found Helen."Papa told me.

That night Helen stayed in my parent's room.I heared my mama talking to papa about Helen."I don't know if we could raise another child"Mama said"Well we checked the news and there wasn't any reports about a missing child."Papa told Mama."The police said if there no lost child report.That it musted bid abandon."Papa said again."But who would want to abandon a little angel like this she is so beautiful."Mama said.

"Mama!"I said as I ran into the room to get my G'night kiss and hugged.I new that Mama new I was standing by the door to hear what they where talking about."Frankie we have good news Helen is going to be staying with us!"Mama said
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Omg! This is my first mcr fan write on the wed!
Most of my fan writes are in my little black book at school.
But it will help if you comment on it please and tell me what you think!