Can't Find Her Home

I just want to forget

Frank left the room to go to bed but Mikey stayed with me."Ah so cold.."I whispered my eyes where shut when I said that."You are shivering too much."I heard Mikey whisper."You think?"I told him.He giggled bit.I was breathing heavly while I was sleeping and Mikey was sleeping too."Ah...Get away!...Get away!!...No I have Mikey..."I kept saying in my sleep.

"Mikey help!...Help!..Someone help me..."I said again."Helen?!"Mikey said"No!...Get away!..."I said.Mikey was shakeing me to wake up.I was kicking and punching"Helen wake up!"Mikey said.When I woke up I saw Mikey looking right at me.

"Helen what is wrong with you?!"He asked me."Ah it is nothing."I turned away when I said that."Helen you have bin very uneasy around me!?Now what is wrong!?"He asked me again.

I just stayed quit and wasn't looking at him."Please Helen...Tell me what's wrong?"He said with tears coming down his face."Someone kissed me and you know him!"I finally said.It felt good to tell him that.But scared at the same time."Who kissed you?!"He asked.

I got quit again and covered my head."Helen please tell me?Are you cheatting on me?"He asked.When he said that I got up and hugged him tight."I will never cheat on you Mikey!I just can't I love you to much to do that!"I told him.

"Then who the hell kissed you!?"He asked me one more time."Ge...Ger.."I said slowly."Gerard?He kissed you?!"He said I shook my head and he got mad."How could he?!That..."I stopped him by giving hima kiss on the lips.

"I didn't mean it Mikey he got me on surprises"I told him and hugged him tighter."How could he?You are mine and mine only!He can't take you away from me!He just can't!"He told me.

"He never will Mikey!I'm yours and yours only.He will never take me away from you!"I told him with tears coming down my face.He wiped them away from my face and held me tight .

When morning came I was still sick Mikey was gone and I was worry.I'm not okayI thought to my self ."How could you kiss her!!?She's mine you jerk!!!"I heard Mikey yelling from down stair.I got out of bed really fast and ran down stairs."You take every thing from me!"Mikey yelled at Gerard."She doesn't disever you!!"Gerard yelled back.

I was standing behide the kitchen door to hear every thing.My head was stippening"She doesn't need you!!"Gerard yelled."She doesn't want you!!"Mikey yell back.

I walked in on them I was leaning agest the wall.I couldn't keep myself up every thing was going a blur."Helen!"Both of the yelled"Stop it...Stop the fighting!!"I cryed with the little engery I had."Helen.."Mikey said walking close to me"Don't come any closer.."I told him."You okay Helen?"Gerard asked me.

Eveything was going black and every thing was getting cold."helen!"Mikey cryed I fell to the floor and that's all I could remenber.

I just want to forget about this day!Where is Frank!I need him!I thought to myself.

"Thank god!You are alright Helen!!"Frank said he was sitting next to my bed holding my hand."Frank what happen?Where I'm I too?"I asked him."You are still at Gerard's house and you where sleeping but tosing and turnig.Whispering 'I want to for get'."He said.

"Why are you crying?"I asked him"Because you fell to floor and won't wake up!"He said he hugged me tight and began to cry again.I hugged him to and I began to cry.I don't know what I will do if Frank wasn't with me.