Can't Find Her Home

All these clues

Are little three day week comes to an end.What a week end too!I'm kind of happy to be back home with my mom.Well not that happy I dyed my bangs red and she was mad.She made me dye my hair back to black.

"Kids!"My mom called for us"Yeah!?"I yelled back."What!?"Frank calls."Come down here know!"My mom called.I ran down stair and so did Frank."What is it mom?"I ask."You guys are going to visit your dad!"My mom said all happy."What!?Why!?"Both of us yelled."Your father is getting married."She said sadly.

I couldn't hear that I ran up stairs and closed my bed room door.How could he?!How could he start a new family just like that!

"Helen sweet heart are you okay?"My mom ask."Yeah I'm fine!"I said."Oh well.Well start packing and when your done we are going shopping for a dress?"She said."Okay!"I said.I wonder who he is going to marry.That ass he forgot about us!I hate him!.

"Helen are you done packing?!"Frank asks"No why?"I reply.I'm haven't even start and I don't want to.But then mom will pack for me and put all these skitters and dress.So I began to pack.Why should I go?I'm not going to do anything

"Helen are you done?"My mom asked.Okay I hate three words now 'are','you',and 'done'"Yeah!"I said."Good now come on we need to buy you a dress!"She said."Okay coming!"I said"Frank are you coming!"She called again."Yeah I have no choice!"He said"Me either!"I yell.

I heard Frank laugh and I ran down stairs.My mom looked right at me"Mom what is it?"I asked"Nothing dear."She said.When Frank came down my looked at him to"What?"He said"You look like your father"She said.I looked at Frank and then looked back at my mom.Frank looks more like my mom and less then my dad.

"Helen are you coming?"Frank called from outside."Huh?Oh yeah,"I said I walked out side and closed the door.

Frank drove which I was scared as hell!He drives like a nut!When we got to the mall I jumped out of the car."What is up with you?"Frank asked my mom was still looking at me.

"What is it mom?"I asked her again"Oh nothing dear."She says.When we entered the mall it was a bit crazy.Lots of people where around every.Then I saw a sign out the door 'Book signing'.No wonder why.Me,Frank,and Mom went to get my dress first.I hope no one I know see me here!When we got there.I saw so many dress in many colors!"Now all the maids are wearing pink so you need one pink."My mom told me.

"Pink!?How du...I mean pink is always the color wedding bride pick always."I stopped myself before saying 'Dum'.Frank was smirking when I said that"Ah here is you."My mom said and pulled out this pretty black dress.It was like a doll dress"Wow mom I want this one!"I almost screamed."To bad it suppose to be pink."She said sadly.

"My it could be for the after party?"I asked her."True..Okay you can take it!Now we need one in pink?"She said."May I help you!"Some lady in a white collar ruffle shirt and black skirt said."Ah yes!I need a pink dress for my daughter."My mom said."This is your daughter?She doesn't look a thing like you."She said.

"Oh she takes after her grandmother."My mom said."Oh well I think this dress will suit your daughter"She said and pulled out this really ugly hot pink dress that was ruffled under then bottom."Now I like it!Can she try it out?"My mom asked"Yes she can!"She said.She graved my arm and pulled me toward the dressing rooms.

"Okay dear here you go"She said and grave me the dresses.You can guest witch one I choose to try on first.The little black doll dress it fit me perfect I went to look in the mirror to see how I looked.

I looked in the mirror and saw that the dress was so pretty on me.Then my mom and Frank came to see how it looked on me."WOW!!"Frank said when he saw me"How cute!"My mom said as well.I smiled and looked back at the mirror She doesn't look a thing like you.

The words of what that lady said rang in my head.I saw my Grey eyes and my long black hair and my skin was a bit dark then Frank and my Mom.

"Mom where did I get my Grey's from?"I asked her"Oh well from your grandma."She said."Oh well then why I'm dark then everyone else?"I asked and turned to look at them."You got tan when we went to the beach."She said."Okay let's move on and try one the other dress?"Frank said.No Frank I want to know more about where I got these eyes from!Every one in the family has blue,drown,and green eyes!Where did I get my Grey eyes from!? And why I'm I darker then you?!Tell me please!? I thought to myself.