Can't Find Her Home

I hate it here

It's so hot here!It's the middle of the night and so hot!Frank was sitting up in front and me and Jenny in the back.When we got there I couldn't believe my eyes my father owned a ranch!"This is home kids!"He said he pulled up the drive way and parked the car.

"Wow father nice place."Frank said I got Jenny out and carried her to the door where I waited for my dad to open "Mommy are we home?"Jenny asked me"Yes sweet heart."I told her.She snuggle her head in my neck"Mommy you smell good"She said.

My dad finally came with Jenny's bags and open the door to let me in.I walked in and found a chair inside and layed Jenny on it.I ran back out side to help Frank."Can you believe we have another sister!?"He asked me as we began to walk with our stuff."Yeah it's a bit weird but you know what got me is that.When she said the she was adopted a shiver went up my spine?Weird huh?"I told him.

"Yeah weird"He said and walked faster away from me."Wait Frank" I called to him.He ran inside when I got there I saw Jenny was up."Jenny why are you up?"I asked her"I thought I saw daddy!"She said and ran to me and gave me a big hug."Hey Helen want to share a room?"Frank asked me"Yeah how big is the room?"I asked him."Really big!"He said I walked up stairs with Jenny right behide me.

"You weren't kidding?!"I said he laughed and walked over to Jenny."Hey baby sis!"Frank said she was confuse."He is my big brother?"She asks me"Yeah and I'm your big sis."I told her."So you aren't my mommy?"She asked with a sad voice."No Jenny I'm sorry but if you want to call me by a nick name it will be okay?"I told her."Okay I will call you...Sis!"She said with a big smile.

"Okay kids it's time for bed!"My dad said"Alright girls there is only one bed and there is three of us?Who gets the bed?"Frank said."It's a big bed we can all fit."I said"Yeah we can share Frankie!"Jenny said with a cute voice."Aw I haven't bin called that in years!"He said and looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Okay Frankie!I stopped calling you that for ever huh!?"I said."Kids bed now!!"My dad yelled at us now.I jumped in bed I slept on the left side.Jenny slept in the middle and Frank at the right hand end.

Jenny was tossing and turning and so was Frank I turned on the lights and saw black scorpion.I got Jenny out of bed and ran to pull Frank out of the bed."What is wrong with you?!"Frank screamed at me.I was holding Jenny and I pointed Frank to the black scorpion."Holy Shit!!"Frank screams"What is it kids!?"My dad said running in with a bat and was wearing his boxer's and t-shirt.I covered my eyes and looked away"What is it kids!?"He asked."That thing!Kill it!!"Frank said my dad turned to our bed and saw the thing."Oh did I tell you we get scorpions?"He said.

Frank was yelling at my dad and all hell broke lose."You left us for a new family!!"Frank said "I wasn't my attention to!!Me and your mother had problems and we had to split up!"He said.

"You left us!You ass!"Frank yelled with that my dad slapped Frank."Hey don't touch him!!"I yelled I ran to Frank with Jenny in my arm's.I hugged Frank and I saw tears coming down"If I ever see you lay a hand on him or Jenny I will call the cops!"I threaded him.My dad left with out killing the scorpion.

"Frank?Big brother?Are you okay?"I asked him.He fell to his knees and hugged me tight like Jenny was."Helen!I was so scared!Big sis I want to go home!"Jenny said crying as well."Don't worry Jenny I won't let him hurt you."I told them.Frank was huffing and buffing into me.

I hate this place!How could he hit Frank his son!His only son and my brother!He tries to hit him again I will call the cops!No one hurts my brother!

That night we all slept on the floor Frank was still hugging me and so was Jenny.I stayed up think of what happen.Tears started to come down my cheeks I need Mikey so he could help me Frank,Mikey,Gerard,and Emilee my hero's.One of my hero is dead and the other one is hurting inside.What should I do!?Tell me please!