Can't Find Her Home

Walking along

It was morning and I was up first Jenny and Frank where still sleeping.I got up and walked out side of this big room.I was in the hall way"Which way is the kitchen in this place"I whisper to myself.I pulled out a coin"Heads left, bird right."I whisper to myself.I flipped the coin and it landed on heads.And left I went it to my suprise I ended up in the living room.I kept walking to the kitchen.I could smell coffee and muffins!I got to the kitchen door but stopped because I heard my father (or Mike) talking to someone.

I finally went in and ingored the talking and walked to get a coffee mug."Good morning Bell."Mike said.Bell my little nick name to him he would always call me that when I was small."Morning."I said I was poring myself a cup of coffee."Are you drinking coffee?"He asked me"No it's tea."I lied to him.

"Oh well Bell.This is Amber."He said"Morning"I heard her say.I put lots of cream in my coffee and sugar.I walked back outside with out saying a word."Did I say something wrong?"She asked MIke I was still standing by the door.

"No she just had a bad night."He told her"Hell yeah I did!"I whispered I walked back upstairs to my room.I saw Frank up"Morning Frankie."I said he turned around and met with my eyes."Morning."He said this was so strange Frank was always happy in the morning.

"Want some coffee?"I asked"No"He said.He turned around and was looking out of the window.There was silence again till Jenny woke up.Her pretty blue eyes where watering when she yawned."Morning!"She said she jumped up and ran to Frank."Mornig Frankie!"She said with a happy tone."Morning Jelly!"He said and picked her up.

"Morning Bell!"She said as Frank was still holding her."Morning Jelly"I said in an lieing tone.Frank put her down and she ran to me and hugged me tight."Bell can you brush my hair?"She ask with those pretty blue eyes."Sure but get dress first."I told her"No!I want to be in my pj's all day!"She said.She ran to get her brush her bags where in the living room.But I moved them to the hall way.

"Helen do you want to go for a walk after breakfest?"Frank asked me"Yeah sure."I told him Jenny came back wih her bags and through them on the floor."Okay here!"Jenny said"Kids breakfest!"Mike called.Frank got his clothes and got dress in the bed room bathroom.It was hard to dress Jenny she was picky!She finally choose a blue dress and white flower girl socks and black convers.

I got dress and waited for Frank.He came out but with in a bad mood"What are you looking at!?"He said.He walked right pass me and went down stairs to breakfest I was the last one to get there.

"Bell are you hungery?I made you favorite Blue berry pancakes."Mike said."No I'm going to make a call to my best friend."I told him"Oh well I save you some okay"He said."Sure"I said and went up stair to my room to use the phone I called Mikey."Hello?"Mikey said"Hey Mikey it's me."I said."Helen!?Hi I miss you!!!"He said over the phone I giggled little."Why are you sad?"He asked me."I'm not sad I'm fine!"I said"Stop hiding it!"He said.He new me to good.

"What's wrong?"He asked"I can't tell you"I said"Why not?"He asked"Because I don't want to."I said."Tell me!!"He almost yelled"Okay fine I have a kid"I told him a lie"What!?You little..."I cut him off"I'm playing with you I have a new sister!"I told him"What!?Oh my gosh!Thank goodness I didn't call you what I was thinking."He said.

"Yeah lucky save.Mikey I miss you so much!I need you here!"I told him."What's wrong?"He asked me."Everything!My father slapped Frank last night and Jenny is scared...I just don't know what to do!"I told him."What!?That's awful!"He said I heard foot steps close to my door."I have to go Mikey"I whisper to him"Alright bye"He said I hung up the phone.

"Bell are you ready for our walk?"Frank asked"Yeah"I said.Jenny came running up the stairs to me."Where are you two going?"She asked"Out for a walk."Frank said"Can I go?"She asked."Sure."Frank said.

I was uneasy about the walk Frank was so mad at me in the morning but he changed moods.

When we found the back door we where off Jenny holding my hand and skipping along the path.Frank was looking stright a head"Helen?Can I tell you some thing?"Frank said and broke the silence."Yeah what is it?"I asked.

"I'm..."Frank said a little scared to say."Tell me?"I told him"I'm bi!"He screamed out loud."ReallY!?That's great!"I said he was susprise when I said that."Who do you like?"I asked Jenny let go of my hand and picked so flowers on the ranch."I like Gerard."He said I hugged him tight."You are taking this good."He said.

"Don't care if your bi.I'm just happy you are you!"I said"Bell!"I hear Jenny call me.