Can't Find Her Home

She's my sister!

That same night I woke up to crying.I got out of my bed and walked to my parent's room.When I got there I saw my mama walking back and forth with Helen in her hand."Mama.I can't sleep."I told her."Aw Frank did the baby wake you up?"Mama said.I shook my head yes."Oh sorry sweetie just go back to sleep ok."Mama told me.

"Okay"I reply ed.I left my parent's room and walked back to mine.But before I opened my bed room door I saw my papa walking up stair.

"Frank what are you doing up?"Papa asked me."The baby."I told him."Oh well then go to sleep buddy.You now Gerard and Mikey are coming back in two days."He said."Oh yeah!! I can't wait!"I yelled with happiness."Shh Frank your going to wake up Helen!"Papa told me."Oh sorry!"I said.

I opened my bed room door and went back to sleep.I couldn't wait for tomorrow because Gerard and Mikey are coming home soon!

That morning I woke up and jump straight out of bed and ran down stairs to watch cartoons.I was always up early before anyone in the house.I turned on the t.v and but the volume on low.So I wouldn't wake up mama,papa,and Helen.

After a couple of cartoons I heard my mama coming down stairs."Good morning mama!"I told her."Good morning Frankie"She said with a smile on her face."Frank do you like having Helen around the house?"Mama asked me."Uh I think it's okay but she is loud."I told her.She laughed a little."You were the same too Frank."Mama said."But I wasn't that loud right?"I said.

"Well Frank you were a bit of a trouble making when you were same."She said."Oh I was that bad."I asked her."No you were just right."She said.Soon I heard papa coming down stairs with Helen in his arms.

"I have a great middle named for her!"Papa told us."Really what is it?"Mama asked"Yeah what is it papa?"I also asked as well.

"What about Helen Alice Iero!?"Papa said."That sounds great and I think she likes it too."Mama said.When I saw Helen she was smiling."Papa can Helen watch cartoons with me?"I asked.

"Aw Frank you want to spend time with your sister?"Mama asked me.I shook my head yes and papa coming walking with Helen and sat her down beside me."Ow where's the camera?!"Mama asked papa."Up stairs I'll go get it!"Papa said he ran up stairs to look for the camera.When I looked at Helen she had a little man in her hand."NO!Helen that's mine!"I yelled.I took the little man out of her hand.She began to cry.

"Frank why did you do that?!"Mama yelled she looked at me picked up Helen and rocked her back and forth.

"She had my toy!And look what she did!She broke his arm off!"I said."She's just a baby Frank she didn't know"Mama said.When papa came back I was mad and sitting down and watching t.v not talking to anyone."What happen?"Papa whispered."Frank got mad because little Helen took his toy."Mama reply-ed.

I didn't want to hear this anymore I got up and walked up stairs to my room and got dressed."I'm going to play outside."I told mama and papa."Okay but stay in the backyard so we can keep and eye on you!"Mama said
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Poor Frank he doesn't like to share his toy with his sister

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