Can't Find Her Home

The fight for love

The after party was still going and me,Helen,and Jenny were sitting in our sighed seats.Jenny in the middle,Helen on the right hand side, and me on the left.Helen was sitting next to Mike she still is mad at him but she is trying to have a good time."Frankie I'm going to go dance with dad okay?"Jenny said."Okay but don't get stomped on!"I said with a grin on my face"Okay I won't!"She said.When she left I only saw Helen now she was just looking at the people have fun.Her eye's filled with sadness and hate toward Mikey.I couldn't blame her if she was mad but the sadness in her eyes looked like she was hopeless.She got up and walked down the stairs with her little rag doll bag.

I had to follow her if he begins cutting herself I would have to call the cops but if I do that she will tell them I cut myself.I follow her to the elevator I hide be hide a stand she won't see me.But I couldn't hide any long and walked beside her."Hey where are you going?"I asked her"To the four floor why?"She said"Why are you going to the four floor?"I asked her."Because I want to get my mind clear."She said"I go with you then."I said I got her right hand and held it.

"Okay"Was the only thing she said she was just standing there.She looked like a little doll so fragile but strong to take up with all this.The elevator doors open and we both walked in she pushed the fourth butten and the elevator's door closed.We weren't talking at all this was weird when we got to level four we got off.It was so empty here and cold Helen began walking straight we kept walking.When reach the end of the hallway she let go of my hand"Frank tell me something?"She asked.

"What is it?"I said"I feel hopeless with out him..."She said tears came down her cheeks."Ow you don't need him he is a dumass for leaving you!You can fine someone better like Jared he loves you.He loves you as if the world was coming to an end!"I told her.She looked at me"Jared?He loves me?"She asked"Yeah he told me!He said that he will risk his life to safe yours."I told her I wiped the tears away from her eyes.Her Grey eye's looked like stars in the night"Frank!"I heard a voice call out.I turned to see who it was and it was Adam.

"Helen go back to the party and I will be there in a couple of minutes okay."I told her"Okay."She said and ran to elevators.I waited till she went in the elevator"Where were you?I was looking for you!?"Adam asked me"I was with my sisters!Why do you want to know?!"I asked him"Are you sure I saw you with some other guy!"He said"Hey!Don 't yell at my brother!"I heard Helen yell"Don't get in to this!"He yelled at Helen.

Adam graved my arm and ran down a hallway with me."Where are you taking me!?"I asked him"If that guys loves he can't have!Because you are mine and my only!"He said"Frank!"Helen yelled she ran down the hallway"Helen!"I yell back"What are you going to do to me!"I asked him."Kill you so one can have you"He said we were to far ahead I couldn't see Helen.I'm scared I wish Gerard was here! I thought to myself.I finally broke free from him I ran down another hallway."Shit a dead end!"I said"Frank!"I heard Helen calling.

"Helen!Down here!!!"I yell to her but it was Adam he was using Helen."Don't hurt her!!"I yell at him Helen was kicking and biting she was tough but Adam was tougher."Frank!!"Helen cries she had a cut on her arm she was bleeding."Frank help me!"Helen yells why isn't anyone helping us.I got up my back was against the wall I was shivering.I wanted to run but I couldn't I didn't want to leave Helen.

I closed my eye's and began to cry This is it I'm going to die!An Helen is going to see my death or is he going to kill her too! Helen breaks free she runs toward me and holds me tight"If he kills us.I'm glade to die with you Frank."Helen said with tears coming down her face"How sweet but it's time for you two to die."He said he pulled a gun out.I hold Helen tighter"Frank!"I heard a voice call me.I look up to see it was Gerard I couldn't say anything"Gerard run!"I yell at him"No!I won't leave you!"He said"So this is your lover?!"Adam yelled he was pointing the gun at me and Helen."Don't hurt him!"I yelled at him then he point the gun at Gerard.He look afair but wasn't showing it."You took him away from me!"Adam yelled Gerard just stood there still and silence.

Adam back was turn to me and Helen I held Helen tight but she pulled away from me.She ran to be hide Adam she got the hand with the gun.Then Gerard ran to help her Adam was to strong but Helen and Gerard won't give up.Helen finally got the gun and Gerard pushed him down to and knocked him out."Come on!Lets go!"Gerard said I couldn't move I was frozen Gerard picked me up"Helen go get the help!"Gerard told her she shook her head yes and ran down the hall.I was safe when I was around him we went to other elevator's."Where are you taking me?"I asked him"To my room you will be safe there."He said he was still carrying me"I'm fine now Gerard you can put me down."I told him he put me down.

"Are you alright?"I asked him"Yeah I should ask you that."He said I blushed red"I guest my heart played a trick on me"I said"Yeah it did."He said"Yeah I should never listen to my heart."I said"No because your heart might be telling the truth some times."He said he got my hand and held in again I blushed.When we got to sixths floor me and him where still holding hands."Can I ask you something?"He asked me he was looking at me with those hazel eyes"Yeah what is it?"I said."Do you want to go out with me?"He asked my face was red really,really,red!"Uh sure!"I said with joy then he kissed me on the lips.My arms where around his waist I pulled him close to me

That kiss was wonderful he was kissing me gently at first but then it got rough my arms where still around his waist.I was so red I had no chance we stopped and broke apart.I was trying to catch my breath"So who kissies better me or Adam?"He asked me with a grin"You."I said I grin back at him.He looked like an angel but he was my angel and only mine.
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Okay to let you readers now the three chapter are all Frank's point of veiw