Can't Find Her Home

I'm hiding my hurt

It was what like three o'clock in th morning and our plane doesn't leave till 4:50!I hate traveling now."Helen,Mikey,Jenny!Time to wake up!"Frank called"No!Let us sleep!"I yelled Jenny was hideing under the covers I was sleeping on the left side of her and Mikey on the right.After what happen at the hotel me and him became best friends.But he still love his new girlfriend but when I go back to New Jeresy.I'm stay home with my mom and Jenny my whole life.That means no hanging out with Mikey,Gerard,or Frank.That really hurt becaues me and Frank haven't bin apart for so long.That brought a tear to my eye"Helen?Are you up?"Jenny whispered"Yeah why?"I whispered.

"What are you going to do when we get back home?"She asked"Stay home with mom like a locked up bird.In other words I won't be hanging out with my friends!I have no friends!I might hang out in the woods!"I said it was true to I have no friends!My brother's friends are my friends."Oh well when you go to the woods can you take me too?!"She asked"Yeah sure but you have to stay close I mean really close to me."I told her.

"Okay you guys you better be up or I pour water on you guys!!!!"Gerard said I got out of bed."Try to!"I said he flug open the door with a bucket of water."Holy crap!"I said I got Jenny and jumped out of the bed."Okay he is still a sleep."Jenny said"Okay!"Gerard said me and Jenny stood be hide Frank.Gerard dump the bucket of water on a sleeping Mikey and jumped out of the bed as if he saw a ghost."What the fuck is wrong with you!?"Mikey yelled I covered Jenny's ears"I told you to get up."Gerard said.

Frank,me, and Jenny where laughing our heads off tears where coming down my cheeks that is how funny it is."This isn't funny!"He was yelling I was laughing so hard my lugs where hurting.Jenny was on the floor still laughing and Frank was trying so hard to stop himself from laughing but faled badly.After me,Frank, and Jenny stopped laughing we had to get dress and pack our stuff."Jenny what are you going to wear?"I asked her"This!"She pulled out a t-shirt from Frank's suitcase."Jenny that's Frank green day shirt.You can't wear that!It's to big on you!"I told her.But her being six put it on anyway and ran down down the stairs wearing it.I was chaseing her but she was to fast.

"Jenny get back here!"I said me who only had my black skinny jeans on and a Billy Talent shirt on was chaseing a six year child around the house.I bumped into Mikey and fell back"Ouch!"I said I got up quickly"Are you okay?"He asked me"Yeah I'm fine but I have to get Jenny.Little brat took one of Frank's shirt!"I told him with a small smile."I see.But shouldn't you be wearing shoes to catch up to her?"He said."Yeah I should huh!Well I better go back up stairs then!"I said I ran to the up stairs to our room.

My black vans and convers where on the floor"Which ones should I where?"I told myself"I think the convers look good on you."Someone said.I turned my head to see who it was"Hey Mikey!"I said with a small smile.I pick my convers and sat on the bed and began to put them on"What brought you up here?"I asked him.He was just looking at me tie my shoes."Your smile"He said I lif my head up to look at him."What?"I said."Helen I was such a idoet!For leaveing you!It's just that I was so alone with out you!"He said tears began to come down his eyes.

I just sat there looking at him.I got up and walked to him"Why are you crying?"I asked him"Because I lost the most imported thing in my life!"He said.I wiped his tears away he pulled me into his arms.I just stood there"Stop crying Mikey please you know I hate to see you cry."I told him.He held me close till we broke apart"Mikey I still love you but this isn't right!You have a girlfriend and I think this will hurt her."I told him.

"But Helen...I still love you."He said"And I still love you too.But this isn't right."I said I ran out of the room.I ran up stairs to the adic that was secret place where I can escape from everyone."Why is he doing this to me?He still loves me but he loves someone else!Stupid heart why are you doing this to me!"I begin to cry in silence.Then the memrey of that boy who is like me comes back."Who are you!?"I whisper"Helen it's time to go!"Frank calls after a few seconds silence I came down.When I reached the living room everyone was standing there waiting for me"Hey where are my..."I stopped and saw that Mikey was caring one and Frank was holding my messager bag.Jenny was still wearing Frank's shirt but it did look cute on her."Come Bell we are going to be late!"Jenny said.