Can't Find Her Home

Back Home

Back home the first thing I did was give my mom a big hug."Ow my little muffins!I missed you guys so much!"She said she hugged me,Frank, and Jenny."Bell who is this lady!?That is hugging me to death!"Jenny said."This your new mom!"I said Frank was going to stay home for a couple of weeks.But me and him where getting ready for school"Shit!We have to go to school tomorrow!"Frank said he jumped on my bed knocking off my note books."Shit!Frank I'm starting high school!You know how scared I am!?"I said Jenny was in my room as well.But she was playing with my doll I told her can sleep in my room but she is stay in my mom's room.

"Don't worry!You are going to make looks of friends and you are going to close to me,Gerard, and Mikey!"He said.I still haven't told him that I'm not going to be hanging out with him this year."Yeah new friends."I said with a sad look."Hey why are you sad?"Frank asked me."Huh?Oh I'm not sad I'm just think who the hell is that boy!?"I said.

"Maybe it's just your head playing tricks on you."He said"Not funny!"I said I slapped my pillow over his head."You are so mean you know that right!?"I said.

"Owwy!You are the one who is mean!"He said.Jenny who was just watching us fight.It was kind of funny I'm going to public and Jenny is going to a catholic school.She was very mad about this.Because she never liked going to catholic school but the school she is going is mine and Frank old school."Don't be mad Jenny the school that you are going to is mine and Franks old school"I told her"Yeah so Helen here could pick you up every day and walk you home.Just like I did with her."Frank said.

"Really?So me and Bell can go to the woods every day?!"She was all happy now"What?All day going to the woods Jelly I might go....Okay we are going to the woods all day."I said."Kids bed time now!"My moms says Jenny rans out of my room stay to my mom's room."Aren't you going to your room?"I asked Frank"Nope I'm staying in your room to night."He said"Why are you sleeping here!?"I said I was stress out"Because I miss when we use to share my room with you."He said.

Frank was already under my covers"Hog!"I said he took most of my blankets"I'm cold!"He said"I'm cold too!"I almost yelled."Okay here is some warmth for jou!"He said in a cute voice.I took the cover from him"Thank you"I said.Though the whole night I was shivering till Frank gave me some of his blankets.

Now he was shivering I gave him a hug that kept us both warm through the whole night"Kids get up break fest!"My mom called Jenny opened my bed room door ran to the bed and jumped up and down."What!?The fuck!?"Frank said he was under the covers still I kicked him out my bed.But that was a bad idea because he took me down with him but the funny thing is that he fell first and I fell on him.

"Come on Bell and Frankie!Breakfast mama made pancakes!!"Jenny said she loved pancake so much.I got off of Frank and walked over to my mirror."God I look like a monster."I said with a sigh.I got my clothes out"Everyone out our else they won't life to see there next birthday.Frank out!"I said Jenny ran out of my room with a giggle.I looked over at Frank he was wrapped in covers."Frank." "Five more minutes." "Frank!" "Okay I'm up."He said and walked out of my room.