Can't Find Her Home

First day of high school!

It was eight o'clock in the morning I was all dress and ready for school I went down stairs to the kitchen to get break fest.To my luck my mom wasn't in the kitchen but in the shower."Bell!You finally came down!"Jenny said she was sitting down eating pancakes.Frank was sitting next to her drinking juice."Aren't you going to eat?"He asked me"No you know I don't eat before school."I said and poured a cup of hot water and got a tea bag out.I only drink tea in the morning to get me all warm up.

"How did you sleep last night?"Frank asked looking at me with a curies face."Good.I was dreaming about bunnies and cupcakes."I said he broke out laughing after I said that"You have that dream to Bell!?"Jenny asked"No jelly I was just joking.But I did have a weird dream."I said and took a sip of my tea."Okay it wasn't weird but that boy was in it.But me and him where dancing like if was like ballroom dancing.He was looking at me with great joy in his eyes.Kind weird but he was great dancer."I said.

"Helen I think you need help." "No I don't.Remember you got me a doctor and he didn't help me." "But Helen.." "No Frank I need to fine out this be myself not with your help.I'm leaving meet you at school."I said I put my mug in the sink got my bag and walked out of the door.I was so mad why do I need help?I'm fine man he just wants me to go crazy."Hey Helen!"Some called out I look over to see it was Gerard and Mikey."Hey you guys."was all I could say"We where just going to pick up Frank and you.Why are you walking alone?"Gerard asked all worried."Because I got mad at Frank.So I'm going to meet him at school."I said.

"Why did you get mad at him?" "Non of your business.Talk to guys at school."I said I heard a car door close.Mikey was going to walk with me to school as if I was a little girl."Mikey I just want to be alone."I told him"Gerard told me to" "Leave me alone!"I cut him off and began to run far away from him.The school was in the town which only took me 20 minutes if I ran,I which I did.The school was so big there where lots of kids.When I walked up the stair kids were all brushing agenst me and all most knocking down my note book.

In the hall way lots of kids where calling out to old friends and some where yelling.I was just walked the hallway all by myself.There was sign that said all fresh men go to the gym I followed the signs to the gym.So many kids where already sitting down.I looked around for an empty space to my luck there was one on the top of the bleachers.I run up the stairs to that empty stop and sat there looking down at other kids come in.

"Uh hey goth or emo kid.You are sitting in my spot!"Some girl dressed in pink said she was drown hair blue eyes and a fake nose.Other words a pinkie"Uh I don't see your name on it?"I said"Doesn't matter I sit there!"She said in an mad tone."Listen to me pinkie.You just got to this school.So how do you like sitting here?Go take your copy cats to the middle row."I told her.An boy was she mad but I didn't care"Hey I saw how you stood up with pinks nice."a Gothic girl said."It was nothing I just don't like getting pushed around.By cool kids.Oh my name is Helen yours?" "Carlie nice to meet you kid."."So have you made any friends here yet?"I asked"Yeah I made you one of my friends."She said.

"How about you?You seem like a girl who hangs out with emo kids." 'You are so dead wrong.I hang out with my older brother and his friends." "Oh so you are like me doesn't like to hang out with people who are just like you." "Yup.I mostly hang out them but I'm trying to break apart from him." "Why?" "Because my ex is his best friends little brother." "Ouch.I can see why you don't want to hang out with them." "Yeah.".After we finished talking she told me something that I never know about her.She was German and Italian she spoke prefect English.She was born in Italy move here with her parent's to start a new life.

When I finally got my paper for my classes I waited for Carlie to get hers but bad idea I should stay in line with her."Hey look it's the freak!"the pinkie who tried to take over my seat."Leave her alone Alice!"Carlie said she finally got her paper walked toward me.So that is her name Alice?Her copy cats where right be hide her."Our what?"She said"Our I'll get mom on your ass!"Carlie said.These two are sister!?Holy sunshines!"Come on Helen we don't want to be late for class."Carlie said and pulled me to door me with my mouth dropped open after what I heard."Hey kid are you okay?"She asked me"You two are sisters!?"I said"Yeah sad truth she is a mouth younger them me."She said.

"Hey there she is Helen!Over here!"Holy sunshine Frank saw me."Come on we don't want to be late for class!"I said I pulled her and we both began to run down the hallway.I didn't want her to see my brother and his friends.It wasn't that they were uncool but they where so noisy that goes for Gerard and Frank.

It's like I have two dads in the school I hope they didn't see Carlie!."Hey kid slow down you just skipped our first class!"She said I stopped and looked around if they follow me."Hey Helen our class is that way next to the lockers."She said now she was pulling me to class.I stayed be hide her the how time looking around for any signs of Frank our Gerard I didn't have to worry about Mikey he is innocent and wouldn't hurt a fly."Okay our first class is math.Hate math now come on we need to get the back seats before any one else."She said"What math?No!I hate math!"I said to late I was in class and lucky for Carlie there where two seats in the back open I sat next to the wall and she got out her black note back and began to write down the date.