Can't Find Her Home

Toware Heart

When the bell rang to let the class out I got up and pushed in my chair as quietly as I could. I walked out of the room and began to run. “Hey wait up!” Someone was calling to me. I turned to see who but he pushed me down to the ground “OMG! I’m sorry! Here let me help you up!” It was Jared he was the one who pushed me down. I was all my weight was on my left leg which began to hurt. “Here take my hand let me help you up” He said his hand was out and I took it. He was looking into my eyes I turned away with a blush in my face. “Are you alright?” He asked me “Yeah I’m fine but I have to get to my class.” I said I began to walk he was right beside me. “What class do you have next?” He asked.

“Uh p.e. Sucks because I can’t run or done a push up.” I asked he laughed when I said that. When we got to the lockers someone be hide me kicked the leg that I fell on. I let out a scream of pain and fell to the ground again. “OMG! Helen are you alright?!” Carlie asked she was the one who kicked me. Jared help me up he was holding on to me tight so I wouldn’t fall. “Yeah I’m fine.” I said “Can you walk?” Jared asked with a worried looked on his face. “I don’t know but let me try.” I said he let go of me and I tried to walk but I let out another scream. I was about to fall back but Carlie run to catch me “Let me see your leg? You might have sprang ankle.” He said “What?! I can’t have sprang ankle! My mom and my brother will kill me!” I said “Well just let him check to see if it’s not a sprang ankle Helen.” Carlie said.

“Okay fine just to make you guys stop worrying.” I said Jared began to left my pants sleeve from the leg to check.Please don’t let it be a sprang ankle! I repeated to myself over and over in my head. “Okay it’s not a sprang ankle you just have bruise the size of my fits.” Jared said he put down my pants sleeve. “Thank goodness!” I said with a smile on my face. Carlie let me go and I stepped on my bruised up leg and let out another scream. “Don’t step on it Helen! It will hurt for a couple of days but don’t step on it!” Jared said he was mad a little. “I have some gauze in my locker she can have them.” Carlie said “That’s good can you bring them?” Jared asked. “Sure my locker is just right over there.” She said she ran to her locker and opened it an pulled out a first aid kit.

She opened it and got out the gauze she put back her first aid kit and closed her locker an ran back to us. “Here you go.” She said “Good know this will help your leg heal but you are going to have to buy a whole bunch of gauzes.” He said Carlie pulled up my pants sleeve and Jared began to wrap the gauze around my leg. When he was done he helped me up. The bell rang and the three of us where late to our class Carlie took me to my pe class. She sat me on the bleachers and told the teacher what happen. Then she pointed at me to let the teacher know what happen. Then the pe teacher walked over to me “Okay kid let me see the injured leg.” The teacher asked. I pulled up my pant sleeve and showed him my injured leg. “Okay remove the bangs.” He asked “What? Why?” I asked him he looked at me. “To see if your not faking it!” He said Carlie was gone and I began to unwrap my leg to show him my bruise. “Ye ouch. That’s a bad bruise kid. You can sit out for this week till your leg is healed.” He said and walked off.

“Thanks.” I said I began to wrap my leg again to it hurt because I tighten it. “Helen!” I heard some call out to me again. It was Frank again I have him for pe too! But he was in other class. Gerard and Mikey where also in this class. Frank ran to me “Helen I heard what happen in art class. Your art teacher thinks of you as a little artist.” He said I blushed I hid my leg from Frank. “So did you make any friends?” He asked “You first.” I didn’t want him to know I had friends. “Oh yeah I made three new friends! One is named Carle the other one is Ryan and last but not lease Simon!” He said. “Oh are you going to hang out with them at lunch?” I asked “Yeah but are you going to joins us for lunch too?” He asked me. “Uh no me and my new friends are eating somewhere else.” I said “What you aren’t going to be hang out with me and Gerard and Mikey?!” He asked “Frank Iero get over here know!” His pe teacher yelled. He ran off before I could tell him no “So that is your brother? Wow he doesn’t look a thing like you.” Someone said it was Jared. He had pe with me too. “Are you going to be able to walk during lunch?” He asked me “I think not it’s going to take me a while.” I said. “Well you can hop on my back and I can take you?” He said “No I think I should walk.” I said.

“I think the way your leg is in. I think you are going to need my help.” He said with a small smile on his face. I blushed again he sat next to me when the pe told the class to take a seat on the bleachers. Mikey sat on the other side of me but why his girlfriend is with him. I moved up three bleachers up away from. But the pain my leg made me want to scream. Jared was right by my side making sure I don’t fall “You aren’t suppose to be moving around to much! Look your gau…” I cut him off “Do you have to say it out loud! Frank could of heard you!” I said “Sorry but look your gauze is lose now!” He whispered. I look at the bang that was hanging out I left up my pants sleeve and began to wrap it again. “Jared and Helen get down to the middle row now!!” the pe teacher said. “No I can’t get down.” I said I start to think of something to tell the teacher I can’t walk.

“Bingo! Jared tell the teacher about my leg but not out loud!!” I told him. “Okay!” He said. He walked down and to the teacher and whispered to him “then get her down to the middle row.” The teacher said he speaks so loud. Jared came back up to me “Okay I give you a left down our you walk down?” He said “I will take the walk.” I said. I got up but he picked me up and took me to the middle row. Some of the kids where looking at us and one of those kids were Mikey. He was mad he turned away with angry look on his face. Throw the whole period me and Jared sat there and talked about music. “So that boy Mikey why does he give a look of hurt?” He asked I was drinking water and he made me choking on it when I heard the world hurt. I began to cough and cough “Are you okay!?” he asked me I shook my head yes.

“Okay freshmen you can leave early to fine the lunch room!” the pe teacher said. “Come on get on my back we can go to lunch.” He said “What no! I should walk!” I said “No get on!” He said “Okay fine.” I said I got on me and him where off Carlie was waiting for us. The bell rang and all three of where together “So how’s your leg?” Carlie said she was lifting up my pants sleeve to see. I moved my leg back and forward to keep her from showing the people. “She doesn’t want anyone else but us to know.” Jared said I wasn’t in the mood I got depress after what I heard. I laid my head on Jared shoulder to hide my face. From the people “Can we fine some where quit and away from the people?” I asked with a sad tone. “Uh sure there is a secret place of bleachers at the back of the school. We can eat there it’s quit and secret for you to eat.” She said moving my bangs from my face be hide my ear.
I hide my face from her “Helen what’s wrong dear?” Carlie said she began to show us where the secret hid bleachers are. I got off Jared and sat on the bleachers quitly with a look of depress. Carlie can read my face I must have had Want to die now! Written across my face “Helen what’s wrong?” Carlie asked me “Huh?” I wasn’t aware that I was in trance. “Are you okay?” She asked me worried “Yeah I’m fine but I want something to drink.” I said I got up and walked to the water futon that was only in the lockers I ignore the pain in my leg. While walking there I saw something that ripped my heart into a thousand pieces.

It was Mikey and his girlfriend making out in the lockers. I turned around before he could see me. I ran back to Jared and Carlie “Hey your back!” Jared said I was looking at the floor I just want to scream in pain. But not from my leg but from my heart “Helen what’s wrong?” Jared asked me. “I want to go home. Can you guys take me to the office so I can call my mom?” I said “Sure but why do you want to go home?” Carlie asked “Because I feel sick.” I said “Uh sure I can carry you there.” Jared said I got on his back and we all began to walk. I laid my head on his shoulder Carlie held my hand I put my hood on and began to cry in silence. We took the long way to get to the office “Is she alright?” “No she feel like she is going to throw up. She also said that she has pain in her leg.” Jared said.

Carlie sat by me throw till the bell rang my mom was called and I sat alone throw on period till my mom came. “Just sigh her out and she can go.” The woman said “Okay come on Helen.” My mom said the bell rang and me and my mom walked past throw the crowd of kids. Frank saw us and so did Gerard “Hey mom what are you doing here?” Frank asked he saw me and so did Gerard. “Helen isn’t feeling good I bet she ate something was bad.” She said. My hood was still on and they didn’t see my face “Helen are you okay?” Gerard asked me I didn’t say anything. I began to walk off when I was out of the school my mom was be hide me.

“Helen that was rude of you! Gerard just want to know if you where alright!” My mom said. I didn’t answer her either. I just sat in silence throw the whole ride home. When we where home I unlocked the door and ran upstairs my room. I locked my bed room door and began to cry. “Helen dear? I’m sorry for getting mad at you. If it will make feel any better Gerard and Mikey are staying with us for a week.” She said when I heard that my heart just sank. “Helen unlock the door please!” She said worried now I got up from bed and got a piece of paper and pencil. An began to write something to my mom.
Dear mother,
I’m sorry for my rudeness with Gerard but I don’t feel well right now. I feel bad what I have done but when Gerard and Mikey come please tell them to leave me be. Also tell Frank and Jenny that I’m not in the mood to be talking to people. But please tell them to leave me be and when dinner comes I’m not hungry.

Love Helen.

I folded the note and slid it under my door way “What’s this?” Was all my mother said.