Can't Find Her Home

Wow she's cute

A knock came from the door.I ran to go see who it was but I had to wait for mama or papa."Frank why are you waiting by the door?"Papa asked"Someone is knocking and I can't opened it because I'm to small."I told him."Oh well you can open it"Papa tolded me."Really okay!"I answered.

I opened the door to be surprised by Gerard and Mikey."Hey you guys!What are you guys doing here so early!?I thought you guys weren't coming home till Sunday?"I asked them."We got bored and wanted to come home early."Gerard told me.Mikey who was only three years old followed Gerard every where.

Mikey was very shy to talk to me."Come in you guys!"I tolded them."Mama Gerard and Mikey are here!"I yelled with happiness.

"Oh really?"Mama said."Yup come on let's go up stairs and play!"I said."Okay let's go!"Gerard said me,Gerard and Mikey ran up stairs.Mikey having trouble going up stairs was taking his time."Come on Mikey!"Gerard called."Wait Gee!"Mikey cryed.

Gerard was waiting on the stairs for Mikey.When I got to my room the door was open a bit.I open the door all the way to see Helen playing with my bears."Mama!Helen is in my room!"I cryed.She saw me and smile at me.She was only two years old and was barley walking.

When Gerard and Mikey come to my mine they saw Helen."Frank why didn't you tell me that you had a sister?!"Gerard asked.Mikey let go of Gerard's hand and walked slowly over to Helen.When Helen saw Mikey she ran to me and hided be hide me.

Mikey stopped in his trace and ran straight back to Gerard."Aw she's so cute!"Gerard said.Mama came up stairs to see what was going on.

"Is everything alright Frankie?"Mama asked."Yes mama"I told her."Oh my goodness!Helen is walking!?"Mama yelled papa came in to see what was going on."Wow she is walking and she is only two?!"Papa said."Wait she is only two and she's walking?That's so cute!"Gerard said.""Helen said."Her first word was Frank!"Mama said."Hey Mikey's first word was my name too!"Gerard said."Really?Maybe Helen likes Frank!"Mama said with a little smile.

"Oh frank she thinks she your her super hero!"Papa said.I was flushing red when I turned to see Helen she was holding my hand.

After a while mama and papa left so me,Gerard,Mikey,and Helen could play.Helen was trying to clime my bed so she could play with my bears.Mikey was also trying to clime the bed."Frank!Help"Helen cryed she was trying to clime the bed.

I ran to her picked her up and placed her on the bed."Gee Help me too!"Mikey called as well."Okay Mikey on three.1,2,3!"Gerard said he put Mikey on the bed.Me and Gerard began playing super hero's."Take that Super man!"Gerard said."Ha you are no match for Super Frank!"I called out.

I was getting late and Gerard and Mikey had to go soon.But I saw Gerard get hit with one of my teddy bears and I saw Helen who was throwing it."Ouch!Frank your little sister doesn't like seeing you fight with other people!"Gerard said while rubbing his head.

"No!Didn't hurt gee!"Mikey yelled at my sister.Pow!Helen throw a teddy bears at Mikey."Don't hurt Frank!!"Helen yelled as well.Me and Gerard ran after our sibling.I got Helen before she throw another teddy at Mikey.Gerard got Mikey before he throw a teddy bear at Helen.

"Wow my sister is really helpful in a fight!?"I told Gerard."Yeah so is Mikey!I never saw Mikey this mad before!?"Gerard told me.
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Wow Helen is strong for a two year old!

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