Can't Find Her Home

Problems begin.

I went back to my bed and laid down I fell asleep I was dreaming of that boy again. This time he had a look of worried on his face. I wanted to talk to him ask him his name. When he moved some of the strand of my hair away from my face I looked into his grey eyes “Who are you?” I asked. I heard a piano playing now it was playing a sweet tone me and him began to dance. “Who are you? Please tell me who you are?” I said one more time. “All your questions will be answered soon.” Was all he said. The ground beneath us began to shatter. “What is happing!?” I said the ground finally cave beneath me. “No wait tell me your name!!” I said then I woke up in my bed. I looked at my clock it was three o’clock soon high school was going to let out. I got out of bed and walked to the window the sun was shinning. Then I walked back to my bed and sat there thinking of my dream and what he said.

All your questions will be answered soon.What did he mean? Soon?I got up again and walked to my door and unlocked it. There was a note on the floor from my mom I began to read it. Dear Helen,
I know what you are going throw. You are going throw the faceted that me and your dad aren’t being together. Dear it’s okay for you to be mad and sad I know you are trying to solve this in your own way. But you aren’t alone you have me and Frank to talk to. I went to go pick up Jenny from school there is a pb and j on the kitchen table if you are hungry dear.

Love mom.

I crumbled up the note and throw it in the garbage. I went down stairs to the kitchen I saw the sandwich on the table I ignored it and walked to get a cup of water. I drink of water I walked back up stairs to my room locked the door and went back to bed. I closed my eyes on more time but I was woke up to Frank, Gerard, and Mikey running up the stairs “Helen are you in there?” Frank asked I said nothing again “Helen? Are you in there? Please say yes I’m getting worried!” He said “Gerard I’m worried! What if she is hurting herself!” Frank tried to whisper to Gerard but false badly. I got other paper and wrote something on it. I’m not cutting my self you jerk I’m feel depress and I want to be alone! An if you try to get me a doctor again I will hurt you with a bat when you are sleeping!

I slipped it under the door and waited to hear what Frank said. I went back to bed and laid down again this time I was looking out the window. I heard something slipped under my door I got up and saw the note that I wrote to frank. But it said turn it to the back of the page. I turned it over and began to read it. Helen why are you depress are you mad at me? If I did something to hurt please tell me? Look I know sometimes I can be a pain in your ass but I only do that because I love you. Gerard is worried too. He treats you as if you where his sister too. Come on Helen please tell me what’s wrong!

Hey kid it’s me Gerard what is up with you? You use to be a pretty cool kid liked to hang out with us loved to act as if you where a little girl again. What happen to that Helen? We miss her. Know you look at use with pain in your eyes I don’t know how frank miss that look in your eyes. But I can see it and I’m not even your brother! You look as if you can’t stand being near us! Especially Mikey! You always give him a look of hate in your eyes. Helen come on you really need to be telling us what is wrong are you mad at Mikey? Because if you are you can’t be mad at us for his stupid fault. When he told me about his new girlfriend I was about to kill him. Then I thought of how you where going to take it and the thoughts weren’t good. One thought scared me out of my pant’s where you where hiding your sadness them you saw Mikey and his new girlfriend. You acted normal for a few day then the phone rang at and I get the news from Frank that you killed yourself in your room.

An Jenny was the one who found your body. Then frank saw it and called the cop and took jenny to my house to sleepover for a couple of weeks. But her face was always so pale after what she saw. Helen if you want to talk knock three times on wall and I will come.

I crumble up the note and throw it at the wall in angry the only freaked person who knows what I’m going throw is Gerard but Frank my brother I want to tell him too. So he need to know about me. I took a deep breath and let it out I knocked on the wall three times. Hoping that Gerard would come knocking on the door I went back to bed and laid there. A knock came from my door then a faint whisper that said “Helen?” I got up and walked the door opened it slightly to see who it was. It was Gerard with Frank right be hide him. I open the door and to let them in Frank gave me a hug and never let me go.

When he finally let me I felt happy to be in his arms. I sat on my bed Gerard was on my left and frank on my right. I laid my head on Frank’s shoulder we were quiet for five minutes of silence Gerard finally said something. “Helen what’s wrong with you?” He asked “Nothing why?” “Helen cut the bullshit! Something is wrong tell us!” Gerard said he never yelled at me like that. “Gerard stop! She is only a kid!” Frank said “Frank how can’t you see that your sister has bin in pain after Mikey broke up with her?! Couldn’t you see it?!” He said again. He was just quiet know I knew this was a bad idea. I got up and walked out of my room. “Helen where are you going!?” Gerard asked me “Going to sleep over a friend’s house! I knew I should ask for help! I should of deal with it myself.” I said I ran down stairs to and out the door.

Put one thing I didn’t know where to go. I don’t know where Carlie or Jared life I began to walk down to the park it was almost dark. I saw the swings and walked toward them but was stopped by a hand that tugged my shoulder. I turned around quietly to see it was Carlie “Hey kid what are you doing here it’s almost night?” She asked me. I hugged her tight and began to cry “Carlie everything is going wrong! I can’t stand them! They try and try to help me! But it doesn’t work!” I said she was stroking my back gently. “Come on you can stay the night with my family but call your mom first when you get there and tell her you are alright.” She said. Me and her began to walk into town she we walked to apartment. “You live here?” I asked her “Yeah with my older brother he is a bit weird but really cool.” She said.

“Okay but I thought you life with your parent’s?” I asked her “No I stay there till my brother picks me up. But when we get there you got to tell me what happen to you okay?” she said. I shook my head yes and we began to walk up the stairs when we got to her apartment door she open it and walked in. “Hey Sharon I’m home and with a guest!” She said a young man about twenty popped his put from the kitchen. “Hey Carlie who is your friend?” He asked “This is Helen she is staying here for a while.” “Fight at home?” He asked me “Uh…” “Don’t worry I had bin on the same boat as you.” He said with a small grin on his face. “Since you are stay with us you should call your mom or dad an tell them that you are alright and to bring you some clothes.” He said I shook my head yes and Carlie showed me the phone.

I called and waited on the line for my mom to pick up. “Hello?” “Mom is that you?” “Helen!? Thank goodness you are okay where are you?!” She said worried. “I’m fine mom I’m at a friend’s house it alright if I stay here for a couple of days and if you can bring me some clothes and backpack for school?” “What!? But Helen your birth day is almost coming up!? Aren’t you going to spend it with your family?!” “Mom… I need some space. I can’t be with you guys right now. Please under stand mom can you just bring me my stuff?” “Okay fine but let me talk to the parent or guardian of your friend.”

She is letting me stay wow I thought she will try to fight more. “Uh Sharon my mom wants to talk to you.” I said “Okay hand me the phone dear.” He said I hand him the phone. I saw Carlie in the living room watching MTV music videos “So how did it go?” She ask “Okay she is letting me stay till I get my shit together.” I said I sat on the floor in front next to her. “So why did you run away from your home?” She ask “My brother’s best friend began to yell at me because I didn’t tell him what was going on with me. Then he began to yell at my brother and that’s when I couldn’t take it.” I said “Ouch. So how is your leg? When you left home Jared kept worrying about you he wanted to call you but he realties that he didn’t have your number.” She said

“Helen your mom is sending your brother to drop off your stuff.” He said as he walked into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. “What!? No.” I slam my head on the couch “What’s wrong kid?” Sharon ask “She and her brother had a fight so yeah.” Carlie said. “Oh well when he comes you can hide in Carlie’s room and I get your stuff?” He said. “No I think I should get my stuff but you answer the door and I will be wait here.” I said he laughed. We all watch some scary movie till a knock came from the door and I let out a scream. Sharon went to get it he was laughing when I screamed and so was Carlie “Helen dear someone is at the door for you!” Sharon called I got up and walked to the door. It was Mikey who was dropping off my stuff? Oh no Sharon you better slam the door on this ass hole! “Why are you dropping off my stuff?” I asked “Because Gerard and Frank are still auguring about you. An Jenny is asking where you at are.” He handed me my clothes and bag. “Thanks bye now.” I said cold I went back inside I tried to close the door but it was stuck.

I saw Mikey’s foot he was keeping the door from closing “Move your foot.” I said again in a cold tone. “No not till I talk to you!” he said “Why should I talk to you?! You left me remember!” I said “Hey Helen Jared is on the phone!” Carlie was lying to get me back inside. “WHO THE FUCK IS JARED!?” “Non of your damn business!” I said I saw that his foot moved away from the door. I saw my chance and closed the door I wasn’t going to talk to him. He was dead to me I don’t know him he is just another problem in my life.