Can't Find Her Home

Forget about him!

When Frank got let out of the hospital it was my birthday I wasn’t in the greatest of moods. I don’t know why I always loved my birthday but I just don’t like it this year Jenny and Frank where going to stay over with me and Carlie. I was at school and I was walking to my art class but I didn’t want to go. “Hey Helen” I turned around and saw Jared standing by the class room door. “Hey Jared” I said “Hey aren’t you going to come in?” I asked him the door to the art room was open. Every one was inside and the bell was going to ring. “Yeah I was just waiting for you” He said me and him walked in together. My sketch book was out on the table and there was a beautiful red rose I took my seat. Rosalie was grinning Mikey well his face wasn’t the best expression. I took the rose it smelt lovely I open my sketch book to where the rose was placed.

A rose with this beauty never can compare to you.
You are the sun that shines down to brighten my day.
You are my sun the sun I see every day.
The sun that I never want to see set.

It was a beautiful poem there was an arrow pointing to Jared he was looking down to the table. He was blushing “Jared did you write this?” I asked him he looked up to me “Yes” He said in a faint whisper. I smiled “Uh Helen I have bin trying to get the nerves to say this but never could.” He said blushing. “Oh Jared just tell her already!” Rosalie said “Say what?” “Helen would you go out with me?” Jared asked me. “Uh” I didn’t know what to say. From the corner of my eye I saw that Mikey was angry but why does he care? I smiled again “I would love to go out with you” I said with a smile. Jared looked at me his grey eyes where full of joy. After class Jared walked me to P.E we where talking like if we where still friends Carlie came and joined us. “So what happen to you guys to day?” She asked us “Well Jared asked me if I would go out with him” I said Carlie looked at me then Jared. “Did you say…?” I interrupted her “Yes? I did” I said with a smile. “OMG really! I’m so happy for you two!” She said and gave me a hug when I reached the girl P.E lockers Jared left me to go to the boys lockers.

When I was finish dressing I walked out to the field with a smile on my face. When I hit the bleachers someone graved my arm and pulled me under the bleachers. If I yelled for help Frank could come running to beat how ever this dork was. “What do you think you are doing!?” It was Mikey I was tugging to get my arm free “Nothing!” I said. “Why did you say yes to Jared!?” He said angrily “Because I like him!” I said I finally got my arm free. “WHY!?” he said I ran out of the bleachers I left him standing there I found Frank he was sitting on the top of the bleachers Jared was waving to me. I smiled and ran up the stairs to get to them “Hey lil sis!” “Hey Helen” Jared said “Hey” I said I sat between them Frank wasn’t sitting with Gerard nor Mikey.

“Hey Frankie can I tell you something?” I asked “Sure what is it?” “When you are eighteen are you going to move out of mom’s house?” “Uh yes!” He said. “Are you going to invite me and jenny when you are settled in?” I asked him. “No…you and she are going to move in with me!” He said. “Really!?” I my mom was traveling and leaving frank and jenny alone. So frank might be doing mom a favor by taking us to live with him.
After school came me and Frank went walking to Jenny’s school she was waiting for us “Bell! Frankie!” She said. We all began walking to Carlie’s house she was home “Hey Iero kids!” she said. Sharron was home as well we where getting every thing ready for my night picnic for my birthday. Frank was helping Sharon in the kitchen I was helping Carlie with packing the things we need. “Hey Sharron where is the tent?” “In the hallway closet!” Sharon said. “I thought it was just a picnic?” I said “You thought wrong my friend” She said. We packed a lot of blankets, 5 pillows, and clothes for the morning, and food! Jenny was doing her homework while we loaded Sharon’s car with the stuff. The night wasn’t coming it was still noon so I went for a little walk. Carlie join me we walked to the little park the swings where free we ran to them. I felt like a kid again “Hey Helen” I turned to face Carlie I stopped swing “Yeah?” I answered.

“What are you going to do when you‘re older?” She asked me I looked toward the sky. “I want to go to collage make something of my life. But I don’t know what to manger myself in” I said. “What about art? Or writing what about music!” She said “My art is nothing compared to Jasper and Rosalie! I do love writing and music but I can’t play any instilments!” I said. “You can be study music and become a record producer? Or an author like what you always wanted” She said. “Have you bin reading my journal?” She got quite “You did huh!?” “Okay I did! I never knew you had a hard life!” She said. I looked down to the ground and kept quite and began to swing again “I’m sorry I read in your journal” She said. “It’s okay it’s good that someone knows how hard I had it. Being the back bone for my brother and little sister. Being there when they need me and helping them with their problems they might be having. But most of all giving them the love they need to go on.” I said. “You sound just like a mother? Its like Frank and Jenny are our kids instead of brother and sister?” Carlie said.

“Huh did you read the part in my journal where my jackass father slapped Frank when he finally stood up for himself?” I asked. “Yeah that was fucked up!” She said I got off the swing and I walked and went to lay on the grass. Carlie came and joined me we sat in silence “Bell!” I turned around and saw Frank and Jenny walking toward us. Jenny ran and tackled me “Hey Jelly did you finish your homework?” I asked her. “Yes! Can we now go to the beach!?” She asked I turned to look at Carlie she looked at her watch. “Yeah it’s the right time to go” She said I got up and Jenny had her arms around my neck. I picked her up Frank leaked his arm with mine we all walk back to the apartment Sharon was by his car waiting for us. We all hoped in me, Jenny and Carlie road in the back.

Frank went up front as we drove Jenny, Frank, and Carlie where sleeping only me and Sharon where up. “Is something wrong Helen?” Sharon asked me “No I’m fine” “It doesn’t seem like that? Come on dear is something bothering you?” He asked again. “Well today at school I got asked out by Jared and when Mikey heard the news he well…” I took a pause the expression mikey had on his face was pure anger toward me and Jared. “Well what dear?” “The look he had on his face was pure anger toward me and Jared…It wasn’t like him when he did that” I said. “He still might have feelings for you” “But why? He has someone new?” “Yeah but when you saw him with his new girl how did it make you feel?” “Like some throw me in front of a train!” I said angrily. “Now when he saw you say yes to Jared. He saw you say it he thought you where going to say no.” “But why did he think that? Just because he is happy doesn’t mean that I have to suffer!” I said.

“He didn’t want that maybe he wanted to be with you again?” “That’s a lie… When I saw him kissing his girlfriend it was like he forgot about me…” I said I felt some tears coming down my eyes. I wiped them away quickly “Then he was a jerk for leaving you! You don’t need him in your life anymore!” Sharon said. We arrived to the beach it was beautiful me and Sharon didn’t want to wake anyone up so me and him got out of the car quietly not to wake them. I ran to waters shore I took of my shoes and socks and stepped in the water. I was warm but felt good the waves came in and back out I closed my eyes “Everything will make sense soon” I opened my eyes. That voice again it was scaring me it was in my dream where I heard that voice. “Helen come on we need help!” Sharon called to me “Okay I will be there!” I said.