Can't Find Her Home

Could it be him?

The after was still going me and Carlie were in the water it was nice and water “Look a seal!” Carlie said. We where walking out of the water I turned around and saw the seal jump in the water. “Bell! Did you see it did you!?” Jenny came and I picked her up “Yes I did. He is a beautiful animal isn’t he?” I said. “I want to go in the water I want to swim with the seal!” She said “Okay fine but you aren’t going in the deep okay?” I said she nodded. I walk to the water again with Jenny in my arms she is looking at the waves I place her down in the water. She splashed and splashed in the water she was splashing me now. I let her splash me “Bell look what I found!” She pulled out a sea shell “Can I keep it?” She turned to me and looked at me. “Yes you can now come on lets get out the water is getting cold” I said she stretched out her arms for me to pick her up. I did and we both walked out of the water after putting on new and dry clothes we went to join the others.

“Bell look what I found!” Jenny came back running with her little bucket in her hands she pulled out a sea dollar. “Wow Jenny you found sea dollar!” Frank said Jenny looked at Frank with confusion. “Sea dollars?” She said “Yes sea dollars the money of the sea” Franks said. Frank picked up Jenny “I’m going for a walk” I said “What me to come with you?” Carlie offered “No I want to be alone for a bit” I said. “Oh well be back before night falls okay?” Frank said I nodded and went off. I walked down the sandy shore I stop and look a cliff that is just a few miles away. I stood there and watched the waves hit it with great force as if it was trying to break it. But the cliff was taking every hit like it didn’t effect. Then it reminder of me I have took great hits but I never fell I can take a other hard hit from life and still won’t fall. I’m just to strong to fall on my knees just yet I continued my walk down the shore.

I sat on a rock looking out to the sea I was draw to I turned to my left to look at the cliff again but I saw something else too. It was a boy with black hair like midnight his eyes where blue. He was walking close to where I was sitting “Hey what are you doing here alone?” He asked me. “What are you doing here by self as well” I said to him “Nice one girl. My name is Vladimir Cullen Patson” He said. “My name is Helen Rosalie Iero” I said he looked familiar to me. Like I saw him from some where he had this grin from ear to ear I just smiled. “So what are you doing here?” I said I looked at him “Well do you see that beach house over there? That‘s where I live it’s quit fun to live near a the beach. To hear the waves and seals sooth you to sleep.” He said I looked over to his house and raise my eyebrow. His house was white and a light yellow it looked perfect to live in and to hear the wave at night to sooth you to sleep. Well that sounds lovely right now “So where do you live? I never seen you around here before?” he asked me. I turned my attach back to him. “I live in city well not in the city just in a small town with my older brother and baby sister.” I said he looked at me. “So you are a city girl?” “No I like the country side more then the city. More peaceful for me unlike my older brother who will go crazy do to much quietness.” I said he laugh to that.

“So you are like the middle child?” He said I nodded “Yeah I like being in the middle and you? Have any siblings?” I asked him. “No my mom said my stupid ass of a father took my twin sister and ran off with her.” He sounds very angry. “Really? That sucks man what was her name?” I asked him. “Her name was Anastasia a really nice for her mom loved that name for her” He said.

“Wow you and your sister have royal names you know that right?” I said he nodded “Well we come from a royal family in the 1500 century my mom’s family was very important till the 1800 century and the Patson name fell down.” He said. I looked at him he was staring out to the sea “Well that is nice to but I have to get back to my brother” He said. I jumped off the rock I was sitting on “Where are you heading off too?” “my brother and sister remember? They are giving me a birthday party on the beach and we are camping out here for two nights” I said. He looked at me “It’s your birthday today? Wow so is mine!” He said. “Well happy birthday to you” I said with kind smile “Hey don’t mind me asking this but my mom and I spend my birthday just the two of us would you and brother and sister like to come over?” He asked me.

“Well my friends are here too they are the ones that made me this little party. But no I’m sorry if you want you and your mom can come to mine if you guys want?” I offered. He smiled at me “I would like that” He said. I told him just to walk down the shore to you see a glowing camp fire. We said our good-bye and we ran off in different directions I saw the camp fire Frank was waiting for me. “Helen Rosalie Iero! Where the…” I ran to him and gave him a hug “You are the greatest brother I could ever have Frankie” I said. He blushed and hugged me back “Okay come on the we have to eat before we can cut your cake” Frank whispered to me. I smiled “Frank I invited some people is that alright?” I said.

“That is fine the more the better!” He said I smiled to that “Where is Jenny?” I asked him. “She is in the tent counting her shells still she found more on the shore while you where gone” He said. “Jenny! Bell is back” Frank said she popped her little head out from the tent her blonde her fell to the side. She ran to me and I picked her up “Helen why I’m white?” She asked me out of random. I didn’t know how to answer her question “Helen!” I turned around someone called my name. It was Vladimir I placed Jenny down I ran to him his mom was by his side. Jenny ran to Sharon she was fright of them Frank came with me to great them.

“Hi Vladimir glade you can make it! Oh this is my older brother Frank” I said “Nice to meet you two!” He said with a smile. “Hey I’m Vladimir and this is my mom Catherin” Vladimir said. “Nice to meet you two” She said with a happy smile we lead them to sit down. “These are my two great friends and my baby sister” I said Vladimir and his mom waved hi to them. Jenny hide be hide Sharon “Jenny they are friends come out” I said “HI I’m Sharon and that is my sister Carlie welcome to our little party” Sharon said. Everyone was getting along just fine Jenny was with me when I was talking to Vlad (His nick name) where talking.

“My Helen you have a lovely family!” Miss Patson said “Thank you I love them to death!” I said and hugged Jenny tighter and kissed her forehead. She giggled Frank came and joined in the little love we where having. “Okay time for the birthday girl and boy! To blow there candles together” Miss Patson said Sharon brought out the cake. Me and Vlad sat together Jenny and Frank where around me. Jenny wanted to sit on my lap I let her she was smiling she was happy to be apart of a family that loves her. Me and Vlad looked at each and gave each other a nodded we blew out the candles to together along with Jenny.

“Happy Birthday Bell!” Jenny said and gave me a kiss on my cheek “Happy birthday Helen” Frank said and kissed my forehead. I loved my fifteen birthday just loved it after we all got a piece of cake Jenny was crashing on the chair. I picked her up and went to lay her down in the tent I put her in her sleeping bag then placed two blankets on her. I gave her kiss good night then walked out of the tent to join the others. I saw Vlad sitting down by the shore by him self I went to join him.

“Hey what are you doing all the way down here by yourself?” I asked him I sat down be side him. “Nothing just think about my sister that’s all” He said “Ah well maybe she is thinking about you too” I said. “Yeah it feels like she is here with me right now” He said then he looked at me. “I always thought that my twin is under my nose and each time my heart tells me its her but sometimes its not. I want to find her I want to be apart of her life and want to feel whole.” He said. “Well maybe she wants to feel whole like you do maybe she is waiting for you to look for her.” I said. “Yeah but sometimes I had dreams where I have seen her. She is so beautiful her long raven black hair those eyes of grey that remind me of grey clouds. I want to find her so bad when I have dreams of her I always see her crying from pain.” He said.

That was like my dreams I would see the boy happy and dancing with me he will always talk to me. Like if we knew each other for years and his ink black hair and the blue eyes that remind me of the ocean. Some where deep inside me I felt so lost at some points as if I was missing something but what?