Can't Find Her Home


I and Vlad watched the ocean for a moment “Vladimir time to go!” His mom called to him. “Aright!” He said he got up and stuck out his hand to help me up I took it. We both walked back up “It was really nice to meet you!” miss Patson said. “Hey do you want to come over to my house tomorrow?” Vlad asked me. “Frank is it alright is I go over?” I asked him he was next to me. “Sure” He said after they left I was too tired to stay up with the others I went to the tent. I got in my sleeping bag that was next to Jenny she was still a sleep I covered my self with the a blanket and went to sleep.

Frank P.O.V

Helen left for bed she was tired I couldn’t blame her I was tired to but that’s to Sharon we have coffee! I drank like one cup of coffee Sharon had like two cups of coffee Carlie she is getting close to sleeping on the chair she is sitting on. “Carlie time for bed” Sharon went and told her “No I want to stay and help you guys clean” She said yawning. “No bed now Carlie” Sharon told her. “Fine see you guys in the morning” She said and got up from the chair and went to the tent. It was now me and Sharon alone I sat on a chair next to the fire. I was mesmerized by how the flames dance I was losted looking into the fire ‘Frank when you leaves moms house are you going to invite me and Jenny over?’ the thought of me forgetting about my sister hurts me. Why would Helen say that I love her and Jenny. Even though they aren’t my biologic sisters they are still my sisters but Jenny knows she is adopted and she blocking it out that she is.

But Helen she doesn’t know and I don’t want her to know I never want her to know. Because my fear is that if she finds out that she is adopted she might be mad or worst she will stop loving us. But there is something in my head telling me to tell her before she finds out for herself. “Frank? Are you alright you are really quite right now?” Sharon asked me I take my gazes off the fire and look at him. “Yeah I’m fine just losted in some thoughts” I said. “What where you thinking of?” He asked me I took a sip of my coffee “Of my sisters but mostly Helen.” I answered him. “Why is something wrong?” “Well I never told any one about this but only my ex-friends. But anyone else was out of the question…” I took a pause to think if I should tell Sharon. “Frank if you don’t want to tell me it’s okay. It’s your secret not mine” He said that is the problem. I want to tell him but I don’t want to what if he tells Carlie? Then Carlie goes and tells Helen no you know what I’m keeping it a secret for as long as I live.

I will take it to my grave and never let it out no matter what “Yeah…So is Carlie your only sister?” I asked him I was changing the subject. “Uh no she has a twin sister named Alice. They are nothing a like! One likes to dress in pink while the other likes to dress in black. But I both love them till I moved out and Carlie was devastated to hear me moving. She asked my mom and dad if she can move in with me they both said yes I was happy that she was going to live with me. Uh like Alice she had a problem being my sister she was rude and meanest girl to me. But Carlie was nice and loved to be my sister she was happy to be around me. I can remember when she was ten they told her to draw and write about who she most admire. She chooses me when I went to go pick her up from school she came running out of the school crying. She said that Alice told her that she drew the ugliest picture ever. When she showed me the drawing it was me and her I liked her drawing. I framed it then I framed the story that came along with it I love having her around.” He said I smile to what he said.

“Well Helen and me have a very special bound when I was in middle school I would tell Helen to wait from me be hid the old red wood tree. Till I got out of school and went to get her. One day she wasn’t be hide the red wood tree I started panicking and I ran into the school asking them if they have seen her. The school said she didn’t go to school I was worried. I ran out of the school down the street to my house she wasn’t there I ran down the park. That’s where I found her playing on the swing some older men was there as well. I ran to Helen before the older man got to her I was crying because I found her. I picked her up and we both walked home I locked the front door my mom was home so I was happy. I placed Helen down and ran to my room to cry I thought I losted her.” I said.

I didn’t realize that tears where coming down my cheeks I tried to wipe them always but they kept coming. That awful day never left me “Hey its okay everything is alright” Sharon was beside me now. He was holding my hand gently in his I was blushing “Everything is alright” he said. I don’t know why but my heart was jumping around it was telling me to tell him I like him. No I can’t just keep it locked away I don’t want to get hurt again. I just don’t but he is different he is really nice, sweet, kind, and caring ahh why is it so hard to love again!? My heart is telling me to tell him but my head is telling me to shut up. Who should I listen to? I turned and faced Sharon but he planet a kiss when I turned my head. I didn’t fight back I didn’t want to I love it and I love him it is perfect.

He pulled me closer to deepen the kiss in which since he was on his knees and he pulled me out of the chair I was sitting on. I landed on top of him we pulled away to get some air. “Oh am sorry I should get off” I said I was about to get off of him but he wrapped his arms around me. That caused me to blush a bright red “No you are not” He said I looked at him he was smiling at me. “I have liked you ever since I saw you with that jerk you use to call boyfriend. After that day I could never stop thinking about you Frank you are a sweet boy and I have one thing to ask you. Will you be my boyfriend?” Sharon asked me. My heart was jumping for joy he liked me all this time and I didn’t even know about it? He said that he saw me with Gerard that meant that I ran into him before but where?


“Excuse me but can you tell me where the teen section is?” “OH sure let me show you follow me” I said to the young man. He had his two sister with him that day they where both about maybe the same age as Helen. “So what do are you looking for?” I asked him “Oh not me my two twin sisters they want to get a book” He said. “Well we have a bunch of books they can choose out of and if the book isn’t here we can order it for them.” I said. When I showed them where the teen a section I then left and went to fix the books in the travel section. That day three people asked for help “Excuse me I need help” I turned around there he was again. “Uh did you fine everything alright?” I asked him “My sister did but the other didn’t” He said. “Oh what book is she looking for?” I asked him “Well she said it’s a cheerleading book” he said. “Really what is it called?” “Uh I don’t know she has bin crying that its not here” He said. “Well maybe I can help” I said me and him walked back to the teen section. “Carlie where is Alice?” The young man asked his sister “Je ne sais pas” she replied it sounded French to me. “Did she tell you where she went” “Non” she said again. “Sharon there you are! I have bin looking for you everywhere! I’m telling mom and dad that you left me!” I guest this was his other sister.

“I didn’t leave you! You ran off when I was going to get you help to look for your book Poco bugiardo!” He said I didn’t understand the last to words he said but they didn’t sound good. “You are a mean big brother!” She said to him “Non il isnt tu est!” The other sister told her sister in French. “Why are you talking in French Carlie just because you and Sharon can talk in three different languages! We are in America not in France! So stop it!” Wow this girl has problems. “Just because you don’t know how to speak in French doesn’t mean you can take it out on us!” The other sister said. “Uh…” “Carlie arrêter! Alice stop! You two are a pain when I take you guys to the mall! Carlie go back and read and Alice stay with me!” He said.

“No I don’t want the stupid book no more! I’m going to look for another one!” She said and stormed off. “Wow” I said “Sorry for all this but my sisters can be a pain in my ass when I bring them both.” He said. “Wow if my sister acted like that I would have gone crazy!” I said. “Well I lived with it my whole life so I know how to deal with it.” He said.

Back present

He saw me in barns and noble! But he was different last time he has changed a lot but he is still cute. “So what do you say? Will you be my boyfriend?” He asked me again “Uh yes!” I said with joy.
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So I use some French in this chapter I can't speak french but I'm learning!