Can't Find Her Home

I'm six

Helen was finely six and she was so happy but a like bit like me.She alway ran off to the creek and played pranks on Mikey.That was kind of funny because Mikey and Helen are really good friends like me and Gerard.
Helen's pov
"Come on Mikey!Let's go watch Gerard and Frank play kick ball!"I asked Mikey."Okay race you there!"Mikey said."Okay fine but I will win!"I told him.

"Okay on three!"Mikey said."1,2,3!GO!"Mikey said but when he said that I was a off.Mikey was after me but one thing I didn't do before racing was to check if my shoes where tied.But they where and I tripped."Helen!!"Mikey yelled and ran toward me."Frank isn't that your sister on the floor?"some boy told frank."Oh my gosh!Helen!"Frank yelled as he ran toward me with Gerard right be hide him."Mikey it hurts!"I cryed to him.

My knee had a scratch that was bleeding."Helen are you okay"Frank asked me.A crowed of kids started coming over."Mikey what happen!?"Gerard asked Mikey."We were going to race and she trip!"Mikey said.Frank was helping me up."Ouch!It hurts Frank!Make it stop!"I cryed to him.

"Come on Helen I'm taking you to the nurse!"Frank told me."It hurts when I walk!"I told him."Shit!"Frank said he picked me up and began running to the nurse.

Gerard and Mikey where right be hide him."Frank it burns!"I told him."I know Helen but where almost there."he said.Frank opened the office door and ran straight into the nurse office."Hey is there a nurse in the house!?"Frank yelled.He lay ed me on the bed and went off to look for someone to help me.

Mikey came in to the room to keep me comply."Hey how are you feeling?"Mikey asked me."I hate being here Mikey!It's so white here!"I told him.He came closer to me and wiped the tears away from my face."Don't worry Frank and Gerard went to go look for help."He told me."Well it feels like they are taking forever."I told him.

I saw the bandages on the counter."Mikey see the bandages on the counter can you hand them to me?"I asked him"Sure what are you going to do?"Mikey asked me."I'm going to cover my scratch."I told him.He handed me the bandages and I began covering on bandages."There done now."I told him.I hoped off the bed and got Mikey's hand and began to walk.

"Hey Helen are you sure you can walk?"Mikey asked me"Sure I can!Don't be silly!"I told him.When Frank and Gerard got back with a teacher me and Mikey where all really out the door.

"Hey where is Helen and Mikey?"Frank asked.That day when school was let out I was waiting outside for Mikey,Frank,and Gerard.Being six and in first grade was bad because I get out early and Mikey,Frank, and Gerard don't.Frank told me to wait be hide the big oak tree.
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