Can't Find Her Home

Our nightmare

That night Frank and Helen were sleeping over me and Gerard where so happy.But then again Helen wasn't happy though this is her first sleep over and wasn't use to it like Frank."Where is Helen going to sleep?She is not use to sleeping alone me and her share a room together"Hmm we can lock her in Mikey's room?"Gerard told Frank."You jerk she has nightmare!Really bad once too..She wakes up screaming and throwing her teddy bears at the window."Frank told Gerard.

"Wow that's bad what do you do?"I asked him because if she's going to sleep in my room that she won't wake me up.

"Well the first thing I do is make her stop screaming.Second is that you have to hug her tight.Then you have to stay with her till she falls asleep."He told me."But becareful because she sometimes wakes up and sits up straight saying some words.That scares me when I hear her talking like that!"Frank said.

That night I fell asleep with Helen in my room.She was sleeping on my bed."Hey Mikey can you come and tuk me in?"Helen asked me."Sure"I said.

She was holding the teddy bear that Frank gave her when she was five."Night Helen."I said I walked to the light swatch."Mikey don't turn off the lights!"Helen cryed."But it's getting late and the light need to go off"I told her."Fine but you have come in the bed with me"Helen said.

She will sometimes want someone to stay in the bed with her till she falls asleep.The thought of what Frank told me ran throw my head.

"Okay fine"I said.I turned off the light and walked to Helen she was holding her teddy bear named neno."Mikey are still awake?"Helen asked."Yes what is it?"I asked.

"I had fun today!With you guys I'm really lucky to have you as my friend."Helen said she layed her head on the side of my arm.I felt my face turn red.I gave her a hug and I felt my face really red.I felt Helen breathing she was asleep.

Before I new it me and her fell dead asleep.But I woke up to hear my bed room door open.I thought it might be Gerard and Frank trying to scare me and Helen.I peeked over Helen to see who it was.

"Sam what are you doing here?"I asked her."Mikey I'm sorry but your little girlfriend needs to die."She said and looked at Helen."What are you talking about?!"I asked scared."Are you crazy!!"I yell."Yes you say it as if it was a bad thing?"She said.

"Helen wake!"I said I shoke her awake."Mikey...What is it?"Helen asked me."We need to..."I stopped because I saw Sam running toward us with a knife.I graved Helen's hand and ran to my closet and locked the door from the inside."Mikey what's going on?!"She asked me."Uh...Someone is trying to kill you."I told her."What!?!"She screamed.

I saw the airvent that leads to Gerard room.There was a very hard knock on the door then a knife pirced the door."Helen can you fit throw that airvent?"I asked her."Yeah why?"She said."I want you to get Gerard."I told her.

"No I'm not leaving you behide Mikey."She told me.I woke up the next morning I was happy to find out it was a nightmare."Mikey your up!I thought I was going to get Gerard to wake you up!"Helen said with a smile.

I hugged her to make sure it wasn't a dream."Oh my goodness!I had the worst nightmare ever!"I told her.

"You too huh?"She said rubbing my back."It was horrible!Some was trying to kill you and me!"I told her."It's just a bad dream Mikey even though that was the same dream I had."She said."Hey!Where going to be late for school you smart onces!"Gerard yelled