Can't Find Her Home

Welcome to the *** scene.

As the years flow by all of us got older.Helen was already 13,Frank was 17,Gerard was 19,and me I was 15.All of us were still best friends.Even though Helen was still in middle school.She's bid having the worst month ever.So was Frank there parent's slept up.Helen and Frank went to live with there mother.While there father moved to Texas.

Helen got in lots of fights with Frank and there mother.Still lived three blocks down from us.But it still wasn't the same.I would see Helen sometimes running straight down the street toward the little park.Me and Gerard would worry about them Frank use to be a really good big brother.One time when me and Gerard where walking with them to school they got into a big fight.

"Your such a jerk!You always hated me huh?!"Helen yelled at Frank.

"Yeah sometimes I wished you weren't born!"Frank yelled at Helen

"I could end it!?!Is that what you want!?"Helen yelled at Frank.

"Yeah go ahead and kill yourself you brat!!!!"Frank yelled at Helen.

When Helen heard that she ran ahead of us crying."Mikey follow her.If she anything like me she will try to do something stupid."Gerard told me.I shook my head and ran after her."Helen wait!"I yelled at her.Me and Gerard went though the same thing too.

But it was never this bad but I could remember one time Gerard trued to kill himself after we got into a fight.She was fast for a third teen year old.She ran throw the woods.I felt so worried I ran faster and faster.Till I was close enough to her I graved her arm and pulled her into a hug.

"Mikey let me go!!!"she told me.She was pushing me away as hard as she could but I won't let her go."Mikey let me go!!!"she said again but she gave up and hugged me tight crying into me.I felt like my whole world was going to break if I found out Helen the sweetest,nice, girl ever killed herself.Because of what Frank said.I just wanted to punch Frank after that."Mikey I...Wish you were my brother."she told me.

After she stopped crying we both began to walk into the woods.Helen didn't want to go to school and I didn't want to leave her.

We walked deeper and deeper into the woods.Helen new her way around the woods but I didn't.So I stayed close by her.That when the memory of me asking Helen came back to me.

"Uh Helen I need to ask you something?"I told her."What is it Mikey?"Helen asked."Do you remember when we were small I asked you if you liked someone in your class?"I told her."Yeah?"she said."Well do you reminder when you..."I stopped talking.

When Helen kissed me on the lips.I was plushing red but I didn't care."Thank you for follow me.If you didn't I don't now what would happened to me."she told me."It was nothing I really care about you that's why I followed you."I said.

We began walking again we where hold hands all the way.But Helen stopped after she saw something way ahead of us.She let go of my hand and ran toward the thing."Helen where are you?!"I yelled to her she didn't say anything.She was way ahead of me"Mikey!!!"I hared her scream.

I ran as fast as I could to her with all my heart.When I got there I saw Helen standing next a dead body with her."Mikey get me out of here!!!!"she screamed.She was crying and shaking half to death."What the hell was that?!"I told her.

"I don't know but get me out of here!!!"she said.Me and her began running to her house was really close by.Lucky of us Helen's mom didn't leave for work."Mom...I...I...Found a dead body!!"Helen told her."Your joking right?Sweetie maybe your having a bad day and seeing things?"her mother said."No!!Ask Mikey he saw it too!!"She said

"It's true Ms.Iero there is a body!"I told her.Helen ran to the phone and dialed 911.."Hello please help there's a dead body be hide my house!!"Helen said."You kids aren't playing huh?"Helen mother said.We both shook are heads yes.