Poor Sarah


I hugged the small child and knelt down, putting my hands on her shoulders. "Don't worry, child, everything is going to be just fine. Don't cry." I wiped away her tears. She pulled me into another hug.

"Why do you have to go, mommy?" She asked, her big brown eyes so wide and shiny with tears, that it brought tears to my own eyes. I shook my head and kissed my child's forhead.

"Mommy did some very bad stuff, and I have to go away for a little while to keep you safe. I won't be gone for a long time." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, and was met with the sober, dark skinned face of my lawer. She knew my fate, who didn't? Oh, yeah. Sarah...My child...Poor Sarah, never going to have her mommy by her side. I held back a sob. I won't be able to see my baby grow up. My lawer pointed to her watch and I nodded, sadly. It was time to go. I put a hand in my pocket and pulled out an envelop and small box. "Here, honey. When you are able to read a little better, read this. And I want to keep this box. Inside is a special treat for you. I love you." Sarah took the box and tears were flowing down her cheeks. I kissed her cheek and tasted her salty tears. She didn't know of my fate, just that I was gonna be gone for a long time.

"I love you too, mommy." She choked back. Tiny Sarah. I stood up and lifted her up into my arms. "Please don't leave me, mommy. Please, I'm going to miss you so much!" She was sobbing loudly now. I sobbed slightly.

"I know honey, I know. But you just need to know that I love you. Please. I have to go now. Good bye, Sarah." I put her down with one last squeeze and kiss and turned her away. Tina, her sitter grabbed Sarah before she could run after me as I turned away from them and walked down the hall.

My lawer took me to the room. The room was white, all white. Empty except for one lone chair in the middle. Chains and shackles were hooked up to it. I knew that was my place. Taylor, the lawer, led me over and I sat down.

"I'll be right back. I'm so sorry." She said softly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head. It was'nt her fault. It was all my own doing. I should'nt have let my temper get the best of me. Taylor walked away and did'nt come back for a while. That gave me time to cry over my idiocy.

When she came back, she was with a lot of people. Too many people too count. A good number had cameras, they were the reporters, and then there were the witnesses. A woman pushed through and frowned sadly. "I'm sorry. I don't want to do this either." She said, someone with a cart followed. Needles upon needles were on the cart. Other materials were there too, but all I saw were needles. I gulped. The woman with the cart pulled on some gloves.

"I'm Emmy Witter and well...I'm here to kill you." She said indifferently. I burst into tears, again. She took my wrists and chained them to the chair.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I yelled, looking up, trying to free myself. The lady, Emmy, then chained my legs. I screamed. "NO! Stop!" Emmy paid no attention and continued on her way. The first lady was preparing the needles. I cried and screamed. "NO! STOP! I'M SORRY! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! PLEASE DON'T!" My cries were fruitless though, because the no name lady pulled up my sleeve and wiped it with alchohol pads. I screamed again. "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! THIS IS ILLEGAL! YOU HAVE TO HAVE POSITIVE PROOF! YOU HAVE NO PROOF! DON'T! YOU CAN'T KILL ME! STOP!" I screamed over and over again. All I got for a responce was flashes from two dozen cameras. The reporters were'nt doing anything. Why were they just standing there? Why was Taylor just standing there?

"HELP ME! PLEASE! SOMEONE STOP THIS!" I screamed at the bystanders. I tried to fight myself free. Everything I did was fruitless. I could not die like this! Sarah! What if she found out how I died! I watched in horror as Emmy was handed the huge needle. It was filled with a vial green, almost solid, liquid. I was done trying to fight. They could kill me now. "Come on! Hurry up and kill me! Its better than this torture! The suspence is killing me!" I sneered. My fear was now anger. Then Emmy put the needle to my skin and whispered. "Bye bye!" And shot the poison into me.

Everything went black. My head was pounding. My heart was speeding from whatever speed it should be to a thousand beats per second. But bliss. Pure bliss, oh how I enjoyed it! I had never experienced something as pleasurable as this. This...This...This bliss! I was happy, yet I had no feeling at all. Then, suddenly, everything went white. I almost laughed at how suddenly it came. Actually, I am laughing now. My voice echoes. Woah, how trippy. Maybe I was'nt dying, but just being drugged. How stupid would that be? Being drugged when I am supposed to be killed.

People's faces floated into my mind. Sarah, Coby, Taylor, Tina, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Granda. Sarah's face popped into view again. Poor Sarah...Her mommy is dead. Poor Sarah...

Everything went black and I was numb. No longer in bliss. But just numb. I watched as colors faded into and out of view. I heard the angels sing. Then I heard the Jeopordy theme. What? Why? Did that mean my time was running out? What kind of sick joke was God and Satan playing on me? Then everything went red as the song ended. Hell? Yes, thats where I am.

Poor Sarah...Her mommy's in Hell...Poor Sarah...
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