Status: Completed :)


5 Years Later

"Hon, are you sure you want to do this?" My mom said to me while I was packing.

"Yes Mom. I'm going back to Cali and I'm going to see The Jonas Family. Is the hard to see?" I answered.

"Well the last time you saw them was 5 years ago. Do you think they know who you are?" My mom stopped me.

"Mom, you know as well as I do, I talk to Denise 1 week ago. She even sent me the money for the plane. Mom, I know the last time I was there, I was there for like 2 months, I sorry about that. But I want to see how the family is." I continue to pack my bags.

"Are you going back to see Nick, because you know he moved on. He's getting married soon to that...that"

"That Miley slut of girl that he cheated on me with then we got back together and then once I moved back here started to date Cyrus, yeah her." I said fast.

"Well, since you are going, what are you wearing?" My mom said helping me pack.

"I have to wear a dress because once they pick me up, we're going to Nick and Manly Virus's engagment party."

"Okay honey, I'll go so you finish packing and then I want you to go to bed."

"Night Mom. See you in the morning." I said as my mom shut the door. Well I guess it is true...

I'm coming back.
♠ ♠ ♠
tell Me what you think. and since i feel nice tonight, the second will be out to.