Status: Completed :)


You drink?

I went up stairs real quick and grabbed something. This is what I wore. I went down stairs and Nick said " change fast."


Once we got in their, Nick left me. I shrugged and went over and sat by a table. This guy came up to me smiled at me. He came over and sat next to me.

"Hey cutie. What's your name?" He slid his chair closer to mine.

"None of your business." I said turning around. He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I tried to push him off but he wouldn't let me go.

"Let go of her." I looked up and saw a waiter. He got off me and walked away mumbling something.

"Thank you." I said to the waiter.

"You're welcome. That guys always trys to get in a girls pants everytime he is here." The waiter started to walk away but stopped and said to me "What's your name?"

"I'm Jade. What's your name?"

"I'm Ricky." I shook his hand.

I got up and went to try and find Nick. I looked around but couldn't find him. Then I looked in the corner of the room and saw him talking to a bunch of girls. He looked wasted. I went over to him and pushed the girls away. They rolled their eyes and left.

"Hey Jade, you got the the girlz awa." Nick said smiling stupidly.

"Come on Nick, we have to go." I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him but he did move. He pulled me into his lap and he started to kiss my neck. I felt him try to pull my shirt up but I pushed him away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the club. We got into his car and I drove.

"I have apartment." He mumbled.

"What?" I said still looking at the road.

"I said I have an apartment!" He yelled.


"Just turn up next stree and dare you go."

I turned up the next street and saw an apartment. I parked the car and got out of the car and went around to the other side. I opened the door and got Nick out of the car. I pulled him to his feet and pulled him into the apartment. I stopped Nick and looked in his pockets for a key and then he smirked at me.

"If you wanted to get into bed with me, you could have asked."

"Shut the hell up Nick. I'm looking for a key to get to your apartment room. And anyway, you're getting married dumbdip." I said angry.

He rolled his eyes and pulled to key out of his back pocket. I looked at the key and it said room 312 on it. I got into the elevator and went to his room. He fell onto his bed face down. I went to the bathroom and came back out and saw him facing me smiling. He motioned me to his bed. I sat down on his bed and he pushed me down on the bed. I tried get up but he put all his weight on me. He slid hand up my shirt and unhooked my bra. I slapped him in the face and pushed him off the bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
since you people are nice, i will be nice to you. here is the next update. but i can't update until tomorrow. but still rate and comment. thank you

PS:i love the word dumbdip for some reason.