I Am Not Afraid To Keep On Living.

This Is Not The End.

Today was her funeral.
My mother's funeral.
She'd done so well for so long.. And now she's gone. I had prepared a little something to say, and I told myself I'd get up there and say it, no matter what.
Frank came over and squeezed my hand.
"You okay?"
I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile.
"Not really. It's my mother's funeral. She's not going to see me have kids, grow old." I started to cry quietly. "I'm sorry Frankie."
He pulled me in towards hm and started to run his hands through my hair.
If there was anything this guy could do to me, it was make me feel better in the worst situations.


I stepped out of my seat and walked towards the front of the chapel. This was it. I layed my piece of paper down, and cleared my throat.
"My mother was the strongest woman you'd ever have met. It didn't matter how tough things were for her, or how much pain she was in, she still put on a smile and help her family go through their everyday life. She wanted the best for my sisters and I, and she gave it to us. I know I couldn't have asked for a better childhood. She wasn't just my mother, she was also my best friend."
I closed my eyes for a minute. I have to finish this.
For my Mom.
"When I found out that my Mom didn't make it, I had one thought in my mind. 'This is the end. I'm never going to be able to go on.' But I've ben thinking. She wouldn't have wanted me to cease all progress in my life. She'd want me to go on strong, and show everyone how strong I could be. This is not the end. And I have one last thoght for you. I am not afraid to keep on living. I'll go on, and show everyone what a great woman you were. I love you Mom."


My sisters came over to me and hugged me. My Dad did the same. The wake was over, and everyone was going home. Gab came over to me. Her face was slightly tearstained.
"I'm going to miss her."
"Me too. More than anyone knows." I gave her a hug, and eventually, everyone was gone.

"So. Are you really not afraid?"
I looked up at Frankie with a smile. Not a huge smile. Not a weak smile. Just a regular, genuine smile.
"I'm not. I'm ready to go at it alone."
He looked a bit taken aback at that.
"With you of course, Frankie."
He put his arm arond my waist and we started walking towards the car. And I finally knew.
Everything was okay.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sorry it took so long. Like really REALLY long.
School came back and I have exams. But yeh. The end of my first fic [on this site *shifty eyes towards Lucy*].