Someone get me to the doctor

Chapter Four

."Are you all right?"
I blinked.It was a dream.Thats all.Caroline didnt try to kill me.Thank god.
."Where am I?What time is it?"I questioned.
."Still at the doctors.Its 9:00 PM."
."Oh sht.My parents are going to be so mad.Wait.Mikey can I see your cell?"
."Um, sure."Mikey handed me his cell-phone.
."Thanks." I got up from where I was and walked out into the hallway.I quickly called my parents.
."Hello?"It was my sister.Mi Jeung.
."Mi Jeung?"
."Yeah, what do you want punk?Ka-chans freaking out.Where are you?"
I hesitated.I couldn't tell her I'm with Mikey Way.She doesnt know who he is.
."I'm at Hailey's."
."The girl that made Nathan cry?"
She always asks that whenever I mention Hailey."Yes.Anyways, I'm staying over."
."Okay.Bye loser." She hung up.
I called Hailey."Hi, this is Jeung Bok, is Hailey there?"
."No.You're not Jeung Bok.You're juice box!You're made of bubbles."
It was Hailey's stupid little brother."Jake!Give the phone to Hailey!Now!"
."Why should I?"
."Jake, just do it!"
I heard in the background Hailey yelling at Jake.
."HAILEY!Guess what?"
."I'm with Mikey Way!!"
."I know!Doesnt that seem impossible?"
."Yeah, but its like nine and-shouldnt you be home?"
."About that...I told my sister that I'm staying at your house for the night."
."Why the hell would you do that?"
."Because...I didnt want to get in trouble."
."Whatever, I'm only saving your asz this once.Got it?"
."Oh my god!Thank you Hailey!"
."Yeah,yeah.You owe me like a crap load of candy."
."I know.I'll get it for you on like Tuesday."
."You're a LIFESAVER Hailey."
."Yeah I just have one question."
."Is Mikey really hot?"
."I'll answer that question LATER.Bye Hailey."I hung up.
I walked back inside the room.
."Here.Thanks."I gave Mikey back his phone.
."Who'd you call?"
I looked at him."A friend."
."Which friend?"
."One of my BEST friends."
."Um, excuse me.But,um, you."The doctor pointed at me."You shouldn't bend your knee that much."
."No worries.I'll be okay."
."Okay.You two are free to go."The doctor walked out of the room.
."Let's go."Mikey started walking towards the door.
."Wait."He stopped and turned around."Where?"
."While you were passed out I called a hotel.We're going to stay there.With two of my friends."
."I passed out?"
."Yeah.For like half an hour."
."Yeah.Wait, you didnt know that you passed out?"
."Yeah.I guess."