Status: Story will not be updated as fast as before due to other projects.

Will You Swear on Your Life, That Life Is Beautiful?

Chapter 1

The second I had the door open I was being pushed against it with a forceful kiss. I didn’t object and moved my hands down to his pants where his throbbing dick was ready to be released. I let his pants fall and I slip my hand into his boxers to slide his dick between my fingers.

“Oh fuck,” he moaned, breaking the kiss. He grabbed the bottom of my tee shirt before yanking it over my head and throwing it to the ground. He pulled his own off as I began undoing my jeans.

I didn’t even have them at my knees when Jay leapt back into the kiss. He tried to undo my bra and failed. I reached back and unclasped it, running my fingers threw his short hair.

Both of his hands travelled up to my breast and he began messaging them flicking my nipples every once in a while. I couldn’t help but to moan into the kiss a few times. I began to slowly pull his throbbing member in my hand, I grinned into the kiss as he began to move my legs apart.

“Wh- hey nice tits!” this broke only to see Johnny looking me up and down. I yanked up my pants as fast as possible, whilst covering the rest me with my arm. “Well you didn’t have to cover them up.”

“What the fuck do you want?” Jason growled only half doing his jeans up.

“Just wanted to know did you want a drink?” he grinned innocently, I took half a step foreword before being pushed back.

“Get the fuck out!” I shouted abruptly, making both men jump slightly. Johnny left swiftly, leaving Jason and me alone again. “The answer is no, he ruined the mood.”

“Did the same thing for me.” He sighed, handing me my top. “So after the concert maybe?” he was trying his best to repress a smile. I did my jeans up and went looking for my bra. “Or my bus… or your bus… or anywhere…” he spoke cheerfully. I was staying silent, pissing him off. “Ah c’mon Ams…” he whined.

“Maybe, depends on how I feel…” I grinned; hell I wasn’t going to sacrifice my sex just to tease him. We where finished ‘straightening’ our clothes and hair out. “I’m doing Kirk’s guitar tonight so… I shouldn’t be to long after the show…” I grinned, walking out the door, linking hands up with Jason. “Do you want to drink?”

“Nah, I’ll drink after work. I’ll leave the drinks to the guys…” he tugged my arm and kissed my head. “I’ll see you later babe,” he kissed me again. I tried to pull my hand away but he wasn’t letting go. “Please?”

“No,” I grinned, yanking my hand away. “Later, I have to talk to my crew for a while and you, sweetie, aren’t in the Metallica family.” He pouted and I laughed loudly, causing a few people to look at us. “Maybe someday when you dump those losers, huh?”

“Ah now your asking to much, Colonel Sanders would not be to happy about that, would you Colonel?” he asked his tattoo, to say Jason was an interesting person, would be a huge understatement. “He said he will let me join if you fuck me right now.”

“Jason,” I said very slowly. “Read my lips… No!” He continued pouting and I kissed him. “Now, I’ll either rob someone’s radio to tell you where I am later or I’ll find you myself, alright?” he nodded and we parted. Three weeks with him was …insane. Meaning a little less than four weeks touring with Avenged and Metallica was insane as well.

How Jason and me got together is beyond me. We’re alike in most ways except I’m sober and don’t do drugs anymore. First night of the tour, I managed to hop into bed with Syn, he wasn’t drunk and neither was I, three days later his girlfriend arrived. I was fucked; somehow I managed to get with Jason.

The Avenged girls that I have met are lovely. Michelle, Syn’s girl, and Valary are so nice and kind, it really made me pissed off. I didn’t want her to know that I slept with her man; I wasn’t that type of girl. Or so I thought.

“Hey, sweetie, you know you’re on Kirk’s guitar tonight, don’t ya?” My dad rushed out in front of me.

“Yup I do dad, listen I’ll talk to you later… I need to go talk to Jerry about the set up for tonight.” I hit his shoulder lightly and kept walking. That was one thing about my dad I loved, we were working together for years and got on like a house on fire.

Ever since I was eighteen I was on the road working with him, I tried to drop out of high school at sixteen; needless to say he didn’t let me. He wanted me to graduate like he did, I wasn’t to impressed but I was the typical rebel child taking after me dad. I think I worked with my dad for the best part of nine months before I got married to Mick Mars son, Les Paul Deal.

That is a story and a half. Dad thought we wouldn’t last six months, the old man had no faith in me, and Mick didn’t care as long as we where happy. I didn’t give a crap that he was nine years older than me or had a famous dad; I was just in complete love with him.

About six years later we got divorced, it wasn’t working out and we were able to see it before it got to nasty. We never tried for kids but accidents do happen and I fell pregnant once and lost the baby at five months. Guess nature knew the kid would have had a fucked up life.

I’m still the best of friends with Paul, but I don’t go around bragging to people that I married him, few people on this tour actually know. He’s married now with two kids, I still see him and his family around the holidays. Under all the tattoos they’re an amazing bunch of people.

I knew from the minute Jason and I hooked up we would never ever end up staying together for a long time. I was changed and wanted to live a little freer before I got married again, and Jason… there’s just something about him that screams he’s not marriage material. Nice thing for a girlfriend to say, huh?

I turned on my radio, in case I was needed for anything special. Because I was a girl I wasn’t allowed carry heavy things or help set up the stage unless they really needed me. I was Metallica’s only girl on the road – usually there were a few but this time it was just me.

“Hey Mike do you want a hand setting up merch?” I yelled across the empty arena. He radioed me back and said if I wasn’t doing anything. “Be there in a second,” I yelled once again. I wasn’t into the whole radio thing, it creped me out that other people could hear you without you knowing.

If we where playing in a park or something similar, there would be three merch booths set up, but in the arenas there were two smaller ones. If the wrong one was sent or they hadn’t arrived on time I was the one who had to check that they were there on time. It wasn’t to bad because selling merch is one thing but forgetting a set of guitars is another, that’s why I opted to get someone in to make sure the guitar where there. I wasn’t exactly trusted to make sure they were there.

“Hey stranger, not with your roadie?” he asked with a slight grin on his face. I flipped him off and began handing him t-shirts to put in different piles. “Oh does daddy not know that his little angel of a first daughter is dating a foul mouthed, horny roadie?”

“Mike!” I squealed rather loudly. “Shut the fuck up. And no, daddy does not know that his little angel is going out with someone, so keep it to yourself.” I told him, throwing a pile of t-shirts. Me and Mike had always been tight he started doing merch when I started doing anything for Metallica. “Plus I’m not an angel, did you not see how bad I was like two, three years ago?”

“Yeah I did, I ended up doing what you where supposed to be doing.” I bit my lip; I knew I’d always feel guilty for people having to clean up after my messes and mishaps. Glad that’s all over now. “Don’t worry my sweet girl, it was all in the past and hopefully it will stay there.”

~ ~ ~

The show was over and I was left packing away Kirk’s guitars and whatnot when Jason came over and started helping me. I gave him a smile, which he did not return. I frowned but continued what I was doing.

“Can we talk?” he finally asked. I told him sure, so I finished up my crap and followed him into a back room. “So James Heitfield saw us and started questioning me about us… Do you know what it’s like to ask your idol about your relationship with someone?”

“No… and I why are you telling me this? It’s not like James matters much, he’s just a guy I work for and with, and I have done most of my -”

“That’s because he’s your fucking dad.” Oh crap, my face fell. No one was ever meant to know that I was James’ first child and we both liked keeping it that way. “Seriously, Manda, why couldn’t you tell me? I was bragging about being in bed with you one night and he was standing right there beside me.”

“Look Jason, I’m sorry. I really am, but I didn’t want you liking me because my dad happens to be James Heitfield. Not many people know about me and there is a good reason for that – we both don’t think it necessary to let people know.” I said looking him directly in the eye, he was upset and I could understand that. There was a long silence and I had to shatter it. “What was he saying to you anyway?”

“He was warning me if I did this, or if I did that he’d come after me. That fucking scared me, I know he’s your dad but he will always be my idol and when your idol threatens to kill you, you kind of get a bit worried you know?”

“Yeah, I know, and I’m sorry. Kiss?” he was trying his best to hid a smile. “C’mon, it’s not a big deal Jason… not many people know anyway, they don’t need to, neither my dad or me need nor want the attention from fans, some of them are crazy fuckers.”

“I know… I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t have told me sooner or later. I wouldn’t have given a shit, because I like you for who you are not who your dad is not for your mom, just you.” I gave him a weak smile and he kissed me nose. “Your mom isn’t Pam Anderson is she?”


“Cause if she was I’m afraid I would only be with you so I could screw her brains out.”

“Glad she’s not my mom then…” I said, he laughed, lifting my chin with his finger. Our mouths met and we began making out in the tiny little back room. It wasn’t rushed or fast, the kiss was slow and passionate. I’d never shared that with him before and a little part of me told me I shouldn’t be doing this.

We broke away and just stood there with our arms wrapped around each other. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder, as he leaned on the side of my head. I didn’t think Jason was capable of the whole cuddling scene but in my mind this was what I needed just someone to hold me.

“Ams?” Jason questioned, I grumbled lightly into his shirt, enjoying his scent of sweat, alcohol and Zack’s cologne. He was silent for a while but I could tell he wanted to say something, so I waited for him. “James told me to tell you something…” again I grumbled, it probably wasn’t that important anyway. “He said your son will be here in the morning.”

Oh fuck, I squeezed my eyes tight.