Status: Story will not be updated as fast as before due to other projects.

Will You Swear on Your Life, That Life Is Beautiful?

Chapter 3

I heard a repeated ringing nose in the room and soon realised that it was the hotel phone. I reached over a sleeping Jason to grab it before Seb or himself woke up. “Hello?” I answered groggily.

“Manda where are you? It’s half one in the day!” my dad half yelled down the line and I groaned in frustration. “All the buses are gone, and Fran took the car this morning. The Avenged band bus is just leaving, you’re gonna have to get a lift from them.”

“Can’t I just sleep and get a taxi?” I asked softly, using my best ‘angelic voice.’

“No, Mands, you need to get on that bus in fifteen minutes or I will deduct pay from your wages.” I growled lowly, in frustration. “Don’t you even think about getting pissed off with me. Just get on the bus in fifteen minutes, they’re down there waiting for you.”

“Fine! But- ” I wasn’t able to continue my little rant as he had hung up on me. I shook Jason trying to wake him, as I picked some of my clothes off the floor. “Jason, we need to go.” I whined, as the cold air hit my body. I huffed and pinched his ribs, which woke him up. “We have to get on the bus in fifteen minutes. Can you handle Seb while I go down to the front desk?”

I heard a small grunt and pinched him harder. I literally ran down to reception and paid the hotel staff with the company credit card. I saw the Avenged tour manger and told him I would be five minutes. I got to the lift and was met by Jason who had Seb in his arms and the overflowing bag as well.

We jumped onto the bus and sat down, Jimmy just shook his head smiling like a mad man. I was just up so I ordered Jason to make me coffee, which he did without complaints. Jimmy let Jason sleep in his bunk and I left Seb sleep on me.

“So you’re fucking Jason?” Jimmy mused, handing me yet another coffee. Let’s just say a night of slow lovemaking takes it toll in the morning. “I’m not in the least worried about him getting hurt, you and the kid on the other hand – you let me know and he’s dead right?”

“Yeah…” I muttered, he was a lovely guy but I was too tired to care what he was talking about. “Do you know when we get to the next venue?” he shook his head as Seb began to stir against me. “Hello baby,” I kissed his head and rubbed his head gently.

“Mama,” he yawned, obviously still tired. I smiled as Jimmy handed me the changing bag. Seb let out a little whine as I laid him down to change his nappy – it wouldn’t be his favourite thing in the world. “No…” he let out a dry cry.

“Could you heat this up a little for me please?” I asked Jimmy, and I didn’t even have to tell him how to do it. I changed Seb’s wet nappy and replaced it with a clean one. “We’ll get your bottle now, sweetheart. You can wake Jason when you have energy.”

I settled him and Jimmy down to watch some cartoons on the television. I was flicking threw my phone when I suddenly realized my period was late. I double checked the dates on my phone and nearly cried. Shit, shit, shit! The first week I slept with Jason, I’d slept with Brian.

I ran up to the driver’s cockpit, where Shads was driving. “Hey could you stop at the next Wal-Mart of something, I need to get something for Seb to eat.” Well at least I was telling him half the truth.

“You alright?” Matt asked as I sat down beside him. I nodded, trying my best to hold back tears, I couldn’t be pregnant again. I’d just gotten over having Seb. I don’t need another baby. I don’t want another child. “Michelle doesn’t know if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“What?” I snapped, oh this just made things three times worse than they needed to be. If it were Brian’s baby then we would have to tell Michelle. And Jason. And everyone else. “Oh god,” I let a couple of tears fall but wiped them away before Matt could see them.

“Look Brian just blurted it out to me. I haven’t told a soul, but he is very agitated at the moment, I’m just letting you know in case he snaps -” he was cut off my Seb running in with an empty bottle and Jimmy trailing behind him. “Hey, look, someone has a kid.”

“Mine,” I said picking him up. He had gotten more energy since he finished his bottle, but must have realised Jimmy was a man. “Don’t get offended if he won’t go to you, he likes woman with nice boobs.”

“Ah I know what he means, boobies do make a woman good don’t they kid?” Matt laughed.


“Thank you Matt,” I said sarcastically. “No, baby, we don’t say words like that. When you get into your teenage years, you can talk about boobies all you like but not in front of me.” I was brushing his dark brown hair out of his eyes as he kept repeating ‘booies’. “We’ll find you some girls to play with later, alright?”

Both Jimmy and Matt said yeah no problem. I laughed, men really do only think about themselves all the time. I went back into the sitting area to keep an eye Seb as the other two talked in the cockpit.

Brian and Zack managed to crawl out of their beds some time later, both in there boxers might I add. Zack thought it was cool having a little guy around and tried to talk to him, but failed when Seb just started crying. Brian laughed, and then Zack told him he should try talking with the kid.

“Hey kiddo,” Brian sat down opposite me, as Seb was sitting on me. “You know Zack is a weirdo, I don’t know how he got such a hot girlfriend,” queue Seb saying ‘booies’. “Yeah I like them too, I think you and Matt should get on pretty well.” To my amazement he reached out for Brian to pick him up.

Brian looked at me confused. “He wants you to pick him up.” I said softly, the situation was awkward as hell. I hadn’t spoken to Brian since we fucked. Brian picked the child off of my lap and went to rub it in Zack’s face. “Don’t worry, Zack, he only like’s Brian ‘cause he wears make-up and has tits.”

“Thank god,” Zack laughed, as Brian threw us both dirty looks. Zack sat down beside me and started watching the tv. “You have worn our poor Jason out, we can’t even get the poor chap to talk let alone wake up, if you broke his dick, he will be very upset.”

I muffled a laugh, seeing how serious his face was. “Oh trust me, I didn’t brake anything last night. Did you know he could be sweet and sensitive?” I pondered, trying not to laugh at him chocking on his morning coffee. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll save the juicy details for later.”

Zack was about to reply when we both heard a large thump and lots of groaning. I, being a woman and mother, rushed to see who it was. It was Jason, still half asleep. “I tried to get out without falling.” He whined like a five year old. I helped him up and he grabbed onto the hoop in my jeans, giving me a big sloppy kiss. I pulled away from him, wiping his slobber off me. “You can’t resist me.”

“I think it’s the other way around, love.” I grinned, pinning him up against the bunks. I pressed my lips to his firmly and began frenching him, with people sleeping in surrounding bunks. I broke the kiss and he edged his face towards mine. “You can’t resist me.” I imitated him, walking back to the main living area.

“You’re a bitch.” He yelled with a hint of laughter in his voice. I merely flipped him off and kept walking. “But I love you.”