Status: Story will not be updated as fast as before due to other projects.

Will You Swear on Your Life, That Life Is Beautiful?

Chapter 4

“Right… what about…. Jacoby Shaddix, lead singer of Papa Roach. He’s cute, would you have done him?”

“He’s married and has two kids, I highly doubt he would have slept with a piece of trailer trash. I mean, hell I wouldn’t have fucked me either.” I told Michelle and Val, they seemed to be determined to find out whom Seb looked like. “The only thing he got from me was the eyes. The skin tone, smile, face, hair – has got to be his dad’s. Or it could be my mom’s not to sure.”

“Jesus no wonder you and Jason are together. Neither of ye remember who ye slept with.” Michelle joked; Val slapped her on the arm. “You know I’m kidding, how about you try the whole sleeping around thing again and get pregnant. But the trick is this time, remember who you slept with.

I couldn’t help but grin at her; she was a complete weirdo once you had her taking on a subject. “Oh shit… I have to get Seb food in Wal-Mart.” I had completely forgotten about getting the pregnancy test. Seb had many jars of food in the bag I just wanted to use that as an excuse. “Jimmy, pull over at the next exit.” I yelled, he told Matt.

I bit my lip nervously and began to crave cigarettes. “Does anyone have nicotine patches?” I asked, knowing that your not allowed smoke on tour buses anymore, stupid smoking ban. Brian threw me a box of patches, which I was really surprised at. He smoked like a chimney. “Thanks.”

Himself and Seb where still playing, Brian was trying to teach a toddler to play a guitar three times the size of him. It was pretty amazing to see Seb actually take to someone so fast. It took him many hours to even go near Jason.

“Are you alright?” Michelle whispered to me. I nodded sticking two patches on each wrist. “You seem a little more distracted than usual.” I said nothing and looked out for a Wal-Mart or any major store that sold pregnancy tests. “You pregnant?” my eyes widened and I looked to her.

“How the hell do you know?” I tried my hardest not to shout that at her. Everyone was off doing their own thing; she pulled up her tube top to reveal a little bit of a bump. “No way!” I squealed loudly making everyone look at us. “How long?”

“Two months.” She mouthed, waiting for everyone to stop looking in our direction. “It’s the reason I’m on tour at the moment, Bri knows and well now you do. I’m telling Val when we arrive at the venue, because she will go mental.”

“Aw, I feel so privileged.” I smiled, but then I remember I was tiny when I had Seb and wondered was it normal to be that small. “No offence but are you sure you aren’t longer than two months, I mean you’re… huge.” She slapped my arm playfully and watched Brian with Seb.

“It’s twins.” She was trying her hardest to suppress a smile. “I had the appointment before I met you and found out last week it was two of ‘em in there.” Brian looked up from the guitar to wink at Michelle. “Tomorrow night we’re telling the guys at diner, you and JB can come as well. Oh and Seb.”
“Thanks I think I’ll take you up on that.” I told her, watching Seb yawn and rub his eyes. “My little man seems to be tired, I may put him to sleep before he gets cranky.” I excused myself and walked over to Brian, kneeling down to Seb’s level. “You let me sleep with while she was pregnant?” I questioned in a low cheery voice. “You are an ass hole.” I took Seb and walked back to the bunks.

I got into one of the cleaner bunks and settled myself and my son in. He can’t sleep in bunks by himself or he will role out, it happened to him before while my dad was watching him and Seb got a real fright ever since.

Someone was walking down the isle of the bus and then the person stopped. The curtain opened and leaned towards the back of my head. “Look I…I didn’t know she was pregnant.” He said, I closed my eyes and tried not to cry. “If I knew I wouldn’t have slept with you.”

“Because that makes the situation better.” I whispered harshly. He waited a while before moving. I smiled, threw my tears, running my hand over Seb’s head. The other was resting on my stomach. “I don’t need another one just yet.” I spoke softly, as the bus slowly rocked me to sleep.

“C’mon sleepy head, we’re at a shop.” I heard someone mutter. I grunted in response and I got a pinch in the ass. “Amandaaaaaa.”

“Fuck off Michelle.”

“No sweetheart, we have a test to take remember?” I shot up hitting my head off the top bunk. “Easy does it.” She laughed. I flipped her off and gently awoke my sleeping baby. “I’ll get your shoes and his jumper.”

“Thanks,” I crawled slowly out of the bunk bringing Seb with me. Jason walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. Making Seb giggle and burry his head in the crook of my shoulder. “Can you take him, for a second. I just need to get some shoes on.”

“Yeah, no problem. Come here buddy.” Seb and him where getting on great, I couldn’t believe how easily he was getting on with Jason. “Do you want me to mind him or what?”

“Nah, I’ll take him with me. He needs to get out of this bus for a while.” I told him, putting my runners on. “You need anything call me. Come on Michelle.” We got off the bus and walked into the Wal-Mart. Seb was running ahead, delighted to have the room again.

“Jason excited about maybe being a daddy?”

“He doesn’t know.” I told her; she looked at me and then back to the ground. “I really like him, I do, but something in my tells me Jason isn’t the type of guy that will settle down and have a family.” I sighed, “Besides, I couldn’t be sure who the father is.”

“No,” she expressed, looking at me in shock. “You did not cheat on Jason!” I shook my head, biting my lip. “Then what? Slept with someone before you two hooked up?” I nodded, closing my eyes, this was not happening. “Who was it?”

“Michelle I-”

“Don’t tell me. Let me guess,” she grinned. “Matt Berry? Dan? One of the guys in the band.” I shook my head. “Oh come on, tell me. I won’t tell anybody. Maybe I might tell Val or Brian, but they won’t tell anybody. Pleaaase!”

“No Michelle. Build a bridge and get the fuck over it!” I laughed, picking up a pregnancy test. “Now, lets find some chocolate ice cream and baby crackers.” I put a fake smile on my face and led Seb to the baby food isle.

We bought our stuff and headed back on to the bus. I shoved my shopping bag in under a bunk. I picked up the can of baby food and Seb. “C’mon little fellow, time to get some food into you, huh?”