Status: Ongoing.

Garage Grunge and Pubescent Pop

She'll never be tamed. She'll never be controlled. She'll never fall in love.
Or, at least, that's what she was counting on. Not everything goes the way you plan, though.
Sometimes, the most unexpected occurs, leaving all of your plans... totaled.
Maybe, you'll even see things through someone else's eyes.
Maybe, even his eyes; the one whose name you can't even speak anymore without cringing.
Maybe, you'll find that he's different than you expected-
You might even find that he's the same little boy he always was and that you haven't changed either.
And, maybe- just maybe, the music you've used to keep yourself alive for the last few years can merge with the music he's lived off of and something beautiful can be made..
But this is all just a bunch of maybes.
Maybes are often no's, right?
  1. Thank you, Pan!
    "All of that incoherent screaming you call music must have gone to your head, Abernethy."
  2. The Sacred Shrubbery Has Been Crossed
    "I knew that look. I knew it too well- Sadly, there was no time to stop him."
  3. I Am the Scum of the Earth
    "I was used to getting in trouble for everything I did while jerks like Joe Jonas got away with ***. "
  4. Its Safe in My Garage
    "We wanted people to leave our gigs feeling alive"
  5. We Need to Talk
    "Foolishly, my heart believed nothing had changed."
  6. Nostalgia
    "He laughed and, although I didn't want to, I laughed, too. Maybe this could work out..."
  7. I'll Keep Ya' Safe, Love
    "I don't plan on hopping into the sack with him anytime soon."
  8. Relax; Relapse
    "Oh, Buddha, someone close to me is going to die today, I am going to get hit by a bus, my chinchilla is going to get sick or-"
  9. Make Plans
    "But, you did get me into a lot more work than I would have done if you didn't freak out so...I think you owe me."
  10. At Home in Your Eyes
    "After we were cleaned up, (which took a while because most of the "cleaning" we did consisted of splashing each other with water..) we found ourselves in my bedroom, sitting on the bed and talking. "
  11. Little Kids Know All
    "What color lego is your favorite? Are you going to marry Joey?"
  12. So Very Close
    "Honestly, I am shocked you didn't wake up. He was shaking the bed so much, I think he shifted some tectonic plates."
  13. Dude, What's Going On?
    "I thought we hated her and her delinquent friends but, now, she is here eating dinner with eyes while you stare at her with lovey eyes?"
  14. Car Rides Are Special
    "It amazed me how comfortable they all were together- as if she were part of our family and they'd been best friends for years."
  15. Not All of the Jocks Are Mean
    "Her eyes were glistening and, under the gray clouds and gloomy environment she honestly looked like sunshine."
  16. Get Me Out of Here
    "Maybe you should just be friends with us instead."
  17. Butterflies
    "I'll make an effort... for you."
  18. Love Lights Fires
    "He placed his forefinger softly under my chin and lifted my face to meet his again."
  19. But Fire Can Burn
    "Where the hell have you been?"
  20. Impulse
    "This was definitely a first and it put an uncomfortable, heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach."
  21. Keep It Clean
    "Apology accepted."
  22. You've Just Got to Not Give A Damn
    "Will you meet me at the Jonas's when you are ready and drive me to school?"