Status: Ongoing.

Garage Grunge and Pubescent Pop

Keep It Clean


(Alix's Point of View)
"Quick, Alix, let's go before he gets up!" Jared shouted and quickly crossed the room to take hold of my arm. I pushed him away and ran to Joe who was, now, sitting on the ground, holding his face in pain. His fist were clenched and his eyes, glaring towards Jared, were extremely dark.

"Jared, what the hell?!" I shouted in his direction, not sure how to help Joe. I pulled his hand from the bloody bruise on his face and stood up to get a wash cloth from the bathroom.

"He's obviously got some sort of blackmail on you! He deserves it- Well, he would deserve it anyway but, now, its much worse. What is he threatening you with, Alix? Why are you with him?" Jared growled. His fists were still clenched as well as he stood in the living room but, fortunately, Joe was mature enough to not pursue the fight Jared had laid out for him and Jared was too confused to continue it.

"Jared." I snapped, sternly. "He is not threatening me. He does not have blackmail on me. I like him. You would, too, if you gave him any sort of chance. You're just like the people we are always upset with. You're mad at the jocky, popular kids for judging us and looking at us like we're a bunch of bad kids but you do the same. You look at Joe and see nothing but one of them and refuse to see beyond his label. You are such a hypocrite. I used to be, too, Jared. But I gave it a chance. And I'm much happier. Just try it."

His face softened but his brows were still furrowed in confusion. "You actually like him?" he asked. "I mean, really like him?" He shifted his weight uncomfortably to the other foot and glanced at Joe before looking back to me.

I nodded. "Why would I go through such trouble if I didn't? Just try, please." I said.

Jared sighed as Joe got to his feet. He wiped his bleeding cheekbone and eye off with his shirt which was already red; just not as maroony-red as his blood. I winced just looking as him. It looked like it really hurt. "Fine." Jared said, drawing my attention back to him. Fine? What? "I'll give him a chance. But if he pisses me off-"

"I'm still in the room." Joe said sharply, cutting him off.

Jared nodded in recognition. "Then, don't piss me off." he said. I glared at Jared, implying he had more to say. He returned the glare and sighed. "And I'm sorry about the black eye." he said, trying to contain his smirk of accomplishment. Well, at least he was trying. I suppose that's good enough.

"You could always make it up to me by letting me deck you in the face." Joe suggested with a big, fake smile. I punched him in the arm. "Apology accepted." he muttered.