A Twisted Love Affair

Old friends?

Chip’s POV: I left mom after a few minutes. I didn’t want to be with her, I wanted to be alone. There was nothing anyone could say or do to take the pain away. Dad was gone; he may never come back, even if he promised he would. What does that leave for us? Nothing, that’s what.

I stayed in my room for days. I didn’t know what to do; I didn’t know how to go on. All I really did was just sit and listen to my CDs. Everything else was just a blur, it was like having a hangover; I could remember anything.

“IF YOU SAY GOOD BYE TODAY I’D ASK YOU TOO BE TRUE!!” I groaned and made a mental note to change my ring tone as I picked up my phone. “Yes?” I spoke quietly, and viciously. I’m sure the tears that choked up my voice didn’t help either. “Chip. Thank god. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you forever.” “Hi Emi…” I was cut off. “Don’t say a word. I’ll be right there.” I hung up the phone and rolled my eyes. That girl just doesn’t understand when I want to be alone.

About a half hour later Emily was pounding on our door. I only knew this because I could hear my mom great her. I didn’t leave my room to give her the same warm welcome. If she wanted to see me that bad, she could come up here herself.

“Chip. Can I come in?” I sighed and got up off the bed. I was hoping she’d go away before I had to let someone in. “OMG! YOU’RE OK!” She dropped her bags and gave me a huge hug. I hugged her back, hopping she’d let go soon. “What did you bring?” I asked, awkwardly trying to start a conversation. “Ice cream, chips, pop, and chocolate. Oh and a bunch of chick flicks.” Well, at least her plans didn’t involve me leaving my room… “Thanks Emily.” I mumbled, trying not to show TOO much gratitude, but really, I was kind of glad to have the company. Four days of straight solitude is NOT very fun.

We ended up spending 8 hours watching movie after movie, devouring the food that was placed in front of us. “That’s it. We’re all out of movies…and food.” We both broke into a slight giggle fit. I’m not exactly sure why…there’s nothing funny about the 50 pounds I’m going to gain from all this junk food. “You wanna talk about it?” She asked, bringing down the mood. “Not really.” I slumped back and picked away at one of the ice cream tubes. “Then…you could go have a shower…get dressed…you know…clean up?” I raised an eyebrow at her. What was she getting at? “Maybe we could head out to the dance they’re holding?” I smiled and hopped off the bed, prepared to leave my room. “Yeah. Sounds good.” I wasn’t sure why the sudden change of heart, but I was ready to have a little fun.

2 hours, three times washing my hair, and four times brushing my teeth later, we were standing in the long line that was formed outside the club, waiting to get it. “Do you plan on meeting boyfriend number…what is it?…13 here?” Emily asked mockingly. “Actually. I’m quite happy with Ryan.” “Right. For how long? You know how you are with guys.” She was right; I did have the habit of going through guys like crazy. “Haha. Well, once he marries Ivy. I’ll be free. Besides. What about you? Are you FINNALY gonna get your first boyfriend?” Emily blushed and ignored the question, seeing as she’d gone out of her way to cheer me up, I didn’t push the subject.

When we finally got into the club I noticed how many cute guys there actually were! I didn’t think it would be bad to just have a dance with one right? I mean, Ryan’s married. How much does he want from me?

“Come on. Before I go ask that really cute guy to dance, we’re getting you a date for the night!” Emily looked appalled as I dragged her through the crowd towards a potentially good guy. He passed the cuteness test, now let’s see how he measures on personality. “Hello ladies.” He flashed us a smile and leaned back. Checking Emily out and giving me a weak smile. Now, usually that would bother me, but this guy was all Emily’s. “I’m Jake.” “Emily.” I wandered off and didn’t catch the rest of the conversation, but from what I could see, they were hitting it off quite well.

Now…to find that cute guy I had my eye on earlier. “Hey. Chip!” I turned around and…there he was. I nearly died when I realized it was him I had been looking for. See, this guy is Andrew. We were friends for a long time, but his family moved away. The sad part is, just before he found out he was moving, we started going out. Needless to say, he tore my heart out when he left. It surprises me that I didn’t recognize him at first, then I realized I had only seen him from the side, and only in the darkened club.

“ANDREW!!” I screamed and ran towards him. Pretty much jumping into his arms. If music wasn’t blaring all around us, I’m sure we would have made quite the scene. “Hey. I take it your happy to see me?” I giggled and pulled away from him. Giving him a once over. He was still as adorable as ever; his personality hasn’t changed much either. “Aww. I missed you too.” He smiled and hugged me again. “I know. I can’t believe you’re back!” He didn’t respond to that. Instead he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and enjoyed the moment. Finally seeing him again was the best thing that could have happened. That kiss defiantly took my mind off dad.

“This isn’t exactly the best place to catch up.” He pulled away from the kiss and I grabbed his hand. He didn’t have to tell me twice. “Just let me tell Emily.” We found her and she was all too happy to have me out of the picture. She seemed to be having a pretty good time with Jake, so I didn’t feel bad about leaving her there.

We walked out of the club and headed down to the park. It was defiantly the prettiest place in the entire town, and the best place to just sit back and relax.

“So how’s my favourite girl been?” I giggled and rolled my eyes. “You first.” I didn’t feel like brining down the mood by dumping all my problems on him. “Pretty good. We just got back about a week ago. I would have called you, but we don’t exactly have a phone at the moment.” “It’s all right. I’m just really glad your back.” He slipped an arm around my waist and I leaned my head on his shoulders. I did feel a little guilty being here, but I shoved that thought into the back of my head. Ryan has Ivy right? Why should I care?

“So. Your turn. How have you been?” I thought about it, and decided not to dump m problems on him. “Pretty good. Glad to be out of middle school and into high school. As much as I love summer break, I can’t wait to get into Grade 9.” He laughed and pulled me closer. “So like you, the only one in the world who WANTS to go to school.” I laughed along with him. We eventually stopped down at the lakeside.

“I missed this place.” I didn’t respond. I just stared out at the water. It was so pretty and calm. It had nothing to worry about. No parents that got up and left, no hidden secrets. All it had to do was just sit there and look beautiful.

“What’s on your mind?” Andrew looked over at me, his eyes shone with concern. “Oh…nothing.” I lied, and he saw right through it. “Tell me Chip.” I sighed, and tried to think of a way out of this. “You just got back. I’m not dumping all my problems on you.” I gave him a weak smile, but again, he didn’t buy it. “Chip. You’re going to tell me.” He smirked and I finally gave in. there’s no point arguing with Andrew. He’s like a rock. Solid and stubborn.

“I see…” He was in deep thought by the time I had finished explaining everything to him. I even told him about Ryan. He seemed to understand everything. He also seemed to care about what I was saying. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled, hanging my head. “Aww Chip! Don’t be. I love you. I’m always willing to help you.” I smiled again and rested my head back on his shoulder, shutting my eyes and just listening to the water lapping up against the shore, letting it lull me to sleep.