A Twisted Love Affair

Tell me that everything’s going to be all right.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna come home now?” It was about the fourth time I’d asked it, and I knew the answer wouldn’t change. When dad made a decision, he stuck with it. “I’m sorry Chip. I’ll be home soon. I promise. Besides, you have my number now; call me tomorrow. We’ll talk then about when I’m coming home.” I sighed and gave in. There was no way to convince him so I might as well just accept it. “I love you.” I gave him one last hug. “I love you too.” He gave me a little smile as he closed the door behind us. Leaving Ryan and I too figure out what to do next.

“So. What was the big news you had to tell everyone?” I was trying to defeat the defining silence. It really wasn’t doing any good. “You’ll see. I’d rather tell everyone at once.” A sly little smile appeared on Ryan’s face, but quickly vanished. “When are you telling everybody?” “When Brendon gets back.” I sighed in frustration. Not only was I never going to find out this big secret, I was never gonna get to see dad…ok I will…but it’s going to seem like forever until he comes home.

“Bye Chip.” No kiss, no “I love you.” Just bye. Just like when I was 5 and he’d drop me off from soccer practise. I didn’t like it. “Bye Ryan. Have fun fucking Ivy.” I slammed the door behind me and ran to the house. I’m not exactly sure why I reacted the way I did, but I could tell it hurt Ryan. As I watched him drive away, I could see the confused and hurt look on his face. For some reason, it made me feel better.

Ok. Today is tomorrow, tomorrow is today, and today is yesterday. Get it? Haha well it doesn’t really matter. It’s tomorrow, and here’s my list of things to do today.

1. Call dad and somehow convince him to come home.
2. Call Ryan and apologize for storming out like that yell at him for leading me on. I just know he’s going to stay with Ivy.
3. Call Andrew. I’m not sure what I’m going to say…but if I call Ryan first I’m sure I’ll figure out something.
4. Call Emily and have some serious down time. Drama is defiantly not good when it makes you neglect your best friend.
5. Break the phone. I’ll have spent too many hours on it by this point.

Ok. Now, the likely hood of this happening all in one day? Slim to none…and slim just left. However I’ve got all of tomorrow too. So I might as well get started and just see how much I can get through. If I’m lucky I won’t have much to deal with tomorrow.

I started out by calling dad. I was pretty anxious to find out what’s going to happen. “Hello?” “Dad?” “Hey Chip. How are you?” I almost said “Oh just peachy. The man I love is marrying another women and leading me on, my parents are almost split up…or may as well be, and I might soon have a creepy stalker ex-boyfriend.” However I managed to hold my tongue. “I’m alright I guess. When are you coming home?” “Right now.” I gasped. Was he serious? He must be…is he? “Dad…seriously?” He didn’t answer. Instead, the line went dead and there was a knock on out front door.

I raced downstairs and yanked open the door. There was dad. He looked a lot better then he had yesterday, and even happier to see me then before. “Hey kiddo!” He lifted me up and twirled me around. I just hugged him and waiting for the dream to end. “Where’s your mother?” I pointed towards the kitchen and he went waltzing in there. Good old dad.

I ran upstairs, eager to avoid the conflict that might occur downstairs. However I was pretty sure nothing would happen. If dad says he didn’t do it, then he didn’t. No questions asked. Some people are easy to believe; dad is one of them.

I picked my phone back up and started to dial Ryan’s number. He was the next thing on my list. “Hello…” It was Ivy, and it took all my strength not to start screaming at her. “Hi Ivy!” I put up my best fake preppy girl voice and started to talk. “How are you and Ryan? I hear you’ve got some big surprise for everyone!” “Listen bitch! I know what you’re trying to do, don’t think I’m blind like everyone else! I know you love him, so listen and listen good. Ryan will never love you, you’re only 13! Way too young for…yes dear?” I guess Ryan had interrupted her little rant. “Oh it’s Chip…I was just talking to her about the surprise…no I didn’t tell her…you wanna t-t-talk to h-h-her?” Haha bitchy little Ivy just backed herself into a corner. “Uh…s-s-sure.” Suddenly the phone was handed over to Ryan. “Chip? I’m so sorry about whatever Ivy said. I’m sure it isn’t true.” Well…that was very nice, however I still hate him for leading me on. “Save it Ryan. I just called to tell you that I’m not letting you use me anymore. If you want to be with Ivy then that’s fine, I’m ok with it. However I’m not okay with you leading me on.” Well that felt good to get off my chest. “O-okay Chip. You win. I’ll see you soon then. When we make our big announcement.” I heard him sigh and then hang up the phone. Suddenly, I felt kind of guilty, but I pushed that aside and carried on with my tasks. That’s two down three to go.

Time to call Andrew. I’m sure this will be one of the most interesting conversations of the day. Not only does he have the potential to be a stalker, I’m not exactly sure if I’m over him. I’m also not sure that I still love him either, so pretty much, it’s going to be a loose, loose situation.

“Hello?” I nearly jumped when I heard Andrew pick up the phone. I’m not exactly sure why thought; I called him. “H-h-hey Andrew…” Oh yay! Why don’t we just put a big sign over my head that says “Nervous wreck?” “Chip what’s wrong.” “Oh nothing…just calling to say hi!” I smiled weakly before remembering that he couldn’t see me. “You know I’m always right so you might as well just tell me what’s wrong.” I bit my lip and thought about it for a few seconds, not that it did any good. Before I knew it I was spilling out everything. About Ryan not loving me, and me maybe loving him, about Ryan and Ivy’s announcement, and pretty much about anything that was on my mind. “And…that’s it…” It was silent when I finished my rant, and I was suddenly cursing Andrew for making me tell him.

“Well…I don’t know what to tell you. I’d like to say follow your heart, but that’s pretty obvious.” I heard a long sigh before he continued. “I think you’re too young for Ryan, but if you really love him, then you should go after what you love. I’ll always stick by you no matter what you decide.” It was my turn to sigh. This wasn’t a very easy thing. “Thanks Andrew.” He hung up the phone, leaving me to my misery.

I did end up finishing what was on my list. I decided that the whole world wasn’t going to stop because I couldn’t control my freakin teenage hormones. So anyways…the point is I ended up calling Emily (but not actually breaking my phone) and then we met up at the Starbucks just to hang out.

“So what’s going on with you? I feel like we haven’t talked in forever.” I smiled as Emily started ranting, something she’s always been good at. “Well, everything’s going pretty good. Nothing really exciting has happened like what’s happening to you but whatever. I’m not exactly sure if it happened to me I’d be too thrilled. So anyways the only major thing that happened is…” She made this huge dramatic pause and I went along with it, just too make her feel special. “Come on tell me!!” “Ok well you know how you’re always making fun of me because I’ve never had a boyfriend but you seem to go through guys like…well, crazy?” Oh my god…what’s she getting at? “And…?” “And you can’t say that anymore. See I met this guy…it was kind of funny actually…we went up to the lake for a while like we always do and there was this other family there and they had two sons and one of them was my age and we were hanging out the ENTIRE time and oh my god I had sooooo much fun. Anyways his name’s Parker and he’s really nice and he lives like…just in the next town over so it’s not like it’s going to be a long distance relationship or anything.” Emily was still rambling and grinning like mad, and I was really happy for her. A little jealous that she didn’t have anything major to deal with but whatever, it’s her turn to have a guy for once. “So when do I get to meet him?” I probably shouldn’t have asked that, but I think I can handle another bout of rambling. “Oh very soon! His dad comes into town every weekend for business so he’ll probably just start brining Parker with him. Oh my god you’re going to love him! He’s so smart and really funny, and he’s so nice too! Like he’s not immature like all the others guys, he’s classy. OH and he’s poetic as well!” I shook my head and prepared myself for the next hour and a half or so, which was defiantly going to be filled with details on Parker.

By the time I finally got home that night I was exhausted, but I needed to know what happened with mom and dad, so I forced myself to get up and go talk to them.

When I went downstairs the two of them were cuddled together on the couch, watching some sappy chick flick. Not one of the funny happy ones, but the I’m-gonna-cry-my-eyes-out ones. I rolled my eyes, but smiled at the same time. I was so happy that they had been able to work things out. I don’t think this house would be the same without both parents.