A Twisted Love Affair

Crash and burn

"MORNING CHIPERS!" I woke up to Emily brutaly beating me with her pillow. Not exactly the way I wanted to wake up but hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. "I'm gonna kill you Em." I grabbed my pillow and started fiercly fighting back. "I GIVE I GIVE!" I was standing over Emily. Pillow poised and ready to resume beating. "What's the magic woooord?" I taunted. "Chip is god?" She asked, still sheltering her face. "Thank you!" I smiled and backed off, placing the pillow back on my bead whre it belonged. "Hey...wanna go wake up the guys?" I smirked. Of course I wanted to beat the guys...and Ivy and mom to death.

"Ok quiet...quiet..." We were tip-toeing into the living room where everyone was still sleeping soudly. I rolled my eyes when I saw Ivy and Ryan, curled up together, but ignored it and kept on kreeping towards dad. Emily was going to get Jon, and I was going to get dad. Then we'll see about the rest. "Ready? 1...2...THREE!" I yelled and we started whipping the pillows at them. "Good morning Chip." I turned around and was tripped by Spencer. I guess he woke up too. "Why hello. What a nice surprise." I was laying flat on the floor, Spencer and dad towering over me. "Tickle torture?" I glared at them but I don't think they noticed as I was soon shreaking with laughter. I could hear Emily laughing as well and figured Ryan and Jon must be attacking her.


"Well...that was an eventful morning." Ivy smiled and looked around at us all. We were sitting in the diningroom, eating our breakfast. Emily and I were still rathert giggly from this morning so we polietly excused ourselves from the table, and instead, we eve's dropped on the conversation.

"So. What plans have been made for the wedding?" Haha gotta love mom. always thinking romanticly. "Oh well we have almost everything done. Guest lists, place, time, date, invitations, decorations, food. I think all that's left is the wedding party." Ivy sounded so excited. I kind of felt bad about making out with her fiancee...but all's fair in love and war. "Speaking of which. Brendon...would you be my best man?" Silence for a minute before I heard chairs scraping across the floor. "Of course. I wish you and Ivy the best." Good ol' dad. Always watching out for his child. "Do you know who's going to be you're made of hounour?" Mom again...nossy little person isn't she? "Well...You know we're not having many people, so there will probably be no bridesmaids...and I was kind of hopping Chip would do it. She's been like a little sister to me. I would really love to have her in the wedding party." Cannon fired, direct hit. Was she trying to kill me? "I don't really think..." Ryan was cut off by mom. "I'm sure she'd love that." This was all I had to hear.

"Omg. Is she blind?" I was pacing my room and ranting at Emily, who, thankfully, was just listning and letting me rant. "I mean, first they have the wedding right after my birthday, then she wants be to be her Maid Of Hounour. I want nothing to do with this wedding!!" Emily got up and placed her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to stop pacing. "Listen. Mabey he won't go through with it. He did say you had a chance." I colapsed on the bed and burried my face in my hands. "I guess. It's not worth worrying about. I can't change anything."


"WHO IS SHE!!" "Honey...let me explain." "NO! TELL ME WHO SHE IS! NOW!!" I had been listning to my parents fight for...hmm...about 3 minutes? Well it seems like forever. Everyone's gone home and now my mom is accusing dad of cheating on her. I'm not sure if I bellive it's true. Not that that matters, the tears are comign anyways. I hate it when my parents fight, even when it's just tiny stuff. Can you imagine listning to your mom acuse your dad of sleeping with another women?

"GET OUT!" That was my mom's piercing voice. It rang through the entire house until it fadded away and there was silence. "I said...get out." She growled. Her voice was low now, and even thought she wasn't talking to me, I bolted. All I had on me was my MP3 and a bit of money, but I left. I could NOT stand being in this house. However it wasn't a good idea to just leave. It was dark out and I had no where to go. Unless...

"Chip? What..." I didn't let him finish. I flug myself into Ryan's arms and started sobbing, crying my eyes out and trying to wash away all the pain, trying to make it all go away. "Shhh. You'll be ok. Come here." He picked me up and carried me over to the couch in his living room. The house was eerily quiet and I think Ryan read my mind. "Don't worry. Ivy's out with some friends." I relaxed a little and sunk into the couch. Ryan brought me a mug of hot chocolate and then sat down next to me, letting me curl up next to him. I guess now I'm supposed to say I felt safe in his arms, but I really didn't. I didn't think I could feel safe anywhere at that very moment in time. Everything was just crashing and burning.