Starting Over


“Something tells me that you may want to see the intriguing show that your house has become….” hissed a malicious voice on the other end of Katie’s phone. “Something tells me that you will wish to see your family…one…last…time!” it finished with a snarling, grating laugh, worthy of an animal. Katie froze, her eyes went wide and the blood slowly drained from her face, her lower lip started to tremble, and the phone slid from her grasp, shattering as it hit the concrete.
“Katie? Katie! What’s wrong?!” her friends shouted, panicking.
Katie shook her head, still deathly pale.
“I need to get home…” she whispered, almost inaudibly. Her friends looked at each other in confusion. Without a moment to spare, Katie was off. She ran to the park gate, vaulted over it, and sprinted all the way back to her house. There was a crowd of people outside, muttering and whispering to each other nervously. The police and two ambulances were parked outside. Katie squeezed her way through the gaps, not an easy feat when you are 5’9”, and got to the front. She gasped in horror at the site before her. It was like something straight out of ‘Saw’. A carcass was hanging from her parent’s bedroom window, dripping blood, two arms and a leg were scattered across the gravel in the front garden; there was a round object too… Katie shrieked when she realised what it was. It was her sister’s head, coated in blood. Two ambulance men came out of the front door, carrying a stretcher. As it passed Katie, something came out from under it and grabbed her leg. It took her a moment to realise it was an arm…with no skin. Katie promptly emptied the contents of her stomach onto the pavement.
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Sorry for the shortness, and the graphicness

but there is more to come...

that i promise...

Elegance xx