Starting Over

Everything except her

Two years. Two years, to the day, since her family had been slaughtered. Two years since she made the decision to leave her old life, her family, her friends. Two years since she had been put up for adoption. Today, she was going to her new home. Denise and Paul Jonas were her new adoptive parents; Denise would be taking her there, whilst Paul looked after their youngest son back in L.A. They had four sons, Nick, Kevin and Joe. The names all sounded familiar, but Katie was way past caring. The door to her old life had finally been shut and she’d slid the bolt home. Now, these people would be unlocking the door to her new one.

The plane ride, well there wasn’t really anything to say, Katie fell asleep almost the moment after they were in the air. She woke up when there was only an hour left to go, Denise was reading a book, and most of the other passengers were sleeping.
“Hey, Denise?” she whispered, so as not to disturb anyone. Denise looked up at her.
“Yes honey?” she replied in a kindly tone. Katie looked down at her hands in her lap.
“Will they hate me?” Katie whispered it so quietly, that if she hadn’t of seen her lips move, Denise would have sworn it was just her imagination.
“Of course not honey,” she said, putting her arm around Katie’s shoulders, “they’ll love you, I’m sure of it.” but although Denise sounded so certain, mentally, her fingers were crossed, and she prayed that everything would be alright. She didn’t know Katie’s full story, but from what she gathered, it had been a tough two years on the poor girl, she was only sixteen.


Nick and Kevin laughed, watching Joe and their little brother, Frankie, battle it out on their Xbox 360 on Spikeout: Battle Street. Their dad was currently working in his study, and their mum was picking up the girl that she’d wanted to adopt.
“What do you think the orphaned kid’ll be like?” Kevin asked, he was genuinely interested in whoever had caught their parents attention, even though he knew nothing about her, apart from the fact she was a girl.
‘She’s probably some twelve-year old orphaned geek,’ thought Nick. ‘I bet she’s a real brat, used to getting her own way and all that.’ Out loud he said. “I don’t know, I guess she’ll be alright.”
Not a moment later, they heard the doorbell go. Joe shot up like his pants were on fire.
“I’ll get it, I’ll get it!” He shouted, just like a little kid, as he raced Frankie to the door. They threw the door open to see their mothers cheerful face. Denise chuckled.
“I guess you guys are a little excited, huh?” Joe and Frankie nodded their heads vigorously. “Well she’s just grabbing her case now. I’m just going to help her get anything that’s left.” And with that, Denise put a heavy case on the doorstep, and walked back to the car.


Katie sighed as she looked over at the house she would soon be calling home. It was perfect. The family sounded perfect. Everything seemed so damn perfect! Everything except her. She looked so out of place here. A Goth girl wearing a ripped tee , jeans that were so torn they were almost non-existent and held together in places with safety-pins, gigantic black and silver New Rock boots with spikes and buckles, fishnet arm warmers. Her hair was left free, to fall over her face, dark, heavy eye make up and a deep burgundy lipstick. She had several piercing on both ears, her nose pierced, her belly piercing was clearly on display, and there were even a couple that were totally hidden from view that she had no intention of showing. She had a swirling pattern around a piece of Gaelic on her lower back and she had a wing on each side of her back, the bottom half seeping out from underneath her shirt to curl down her back, like a tender caress. No. She didn’t belong here. Not in the beautiful world of big white houses with picket fences and beautiful gardens with roses and fuchsias and even more stunning plants. But Denise was on her way back over. And anyway, she had already said she would come here. After all, this perfect family may be able to provide her with a little stability.
It took her a mere moment to realise that Denise was beckoning her forwards, encouraging her to go to the house. Katie took a step back in reflex, she couldn’t do this, it wasn’t her, she’d ruin them, their perfect lives would be wrecked she would-.
A car was pretty much flying down the road, at an unimaginable speed. The same road that Denise was currently standing in the middle of… Katie panicked. She wanted to run, get away from it all, but she couldn’t. The car got closer and closer. Without even registering her actions, she bolted across the road and dragged Denise out of the path of the monstrosity that was a speeding vehicle. She wrapped her arms around Denise and made sure that when they landed, Denise wouldn’t get hurt. Katie felt her shoulder come into contact with the scorching tarmac. Bright, white pain flared through it as it popped out of its socket. Katie yelped, her roll came to a stop. She jumped up and pulled Denise up with her, proceeding to check that she was unharmed. It was as soon as she knew that Denise was okay that the pain from her shoulder blazed through her. She whimpered before taken a deep breath and repositioned it, hoping that it would be alright. As soon as it was back it place, she rolled it a couple of times just to make sure. She looked at Denise.
“You okay?” Her voice was laced with fear and worry. Denise took a deep breath, and smiled a watery smile.
“I’m fine, thank you.” She replied. Katie waved it off.
“Go and get some sugar in you,” She said, smiling, “it’ll help with the shock, I’ll lock up the car.” She took the keys from Denises grasp and headed back over to the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
is it good??

am i doing okay??

please tell me!!

I'll love you if you give me comments *sneaky sideways look*

love you anyways ^_^

Elegance xx

p.s. just had to change where they lived, im a muppet, kinda messed up first time, but ya know...

i am a muppet