Starting Over

"They said you were a girly girl!"

Ten minutes later, the Jonas’ heard the front door close, and Katie poked her head around the door.
“Uhh, where do you want my stuff?” She asked scratching the back of her neck. All they could do, well, except Frankie, was stare at her like she had a third head or something. An awkward silence fell, and so did Katie’s face. All of a sudden, the large house felt at least ten sizes too small.
“I…uhh…I’ll just be outside.” She muttered, not looking up.
As she sat outside, Katie mentally kicked herself. What had she been thinking? She was a bad luck magnet! The Jonas’ had most likely been perfectly fine until she turned up. And now, when she’s been there for less than an hour, their mum nearly gets hit by a car, a big car that was speeding down their perfect quiet road. Definitely not the norm. She sat there, head in hands, thinking about what her life would have been like if her parents hadn’t of been murdered, if she hadn’t chosen to shut the door on her old life. She was so immersed in her thoughts, that she didn’t notice someone come outside, well, not until they put their arms round her.
Katie looked up startled, and saw the youngest one, Frankie, sitting next to her.
“Hey little man.” She said, half-smiling at him.
“Hey.” He said back, resting his head on her shoulder.
“You okay?” She asked, she knew it was difficult for kids to cope seeing something like that.
“Yeah, I guess.” ‘He is just too cute‘, Katie thought, smiling. ‘Girls are going to love him when he grows up!’
“C’mon babe, your like, my little brother now! So come on! Spill, what’s eating you?” She grinned, bumping his shoulder with hers. Frankie took his arms from around her, and looked down at his feet.
“You’re different to how I thought you would be.” He said quietly. Katie laughed from beside him.
“How so?” This kid really was sweet. Frankie hesitated before he spoke.
“Nick said you would be younger, more my age,” He hesitated again. “and Joe and Kevin said you were a girl.” Katie burst out laughing. Frankie’s brow furrowed. “What? What did I say?” Katie took a couple of deep breaths and calmed herself down.
“Y’know babe,” She had to suppress a giggle. “that, is the funniest thing someone’s said to me in ages! I mean, I am a girl! So you’re a little confusing, I can guarantee that I’m not a guy!” And with that she burst out laughing again, Frankie turned red with embarrassment.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He protested. “I meant that, they said you were a girly girl. Wearing pink and ribbons and make-up and all that stuff.” Katie sobered up immediately and made a face.
“I do like that stuff, just not the way they said, bleugh!” She shuddered visibly, and Frankie cracked up.
“What’s going on here?” Asked the two oldest brothers.
“These are Joe and Kevin, right?” Katie stage whispered to Frankie, he nodded, still giggling. Katie put her hands on her hips and glared at them.
“Uh-oh,” Joe muttered to Kevin. “What did we do?” His face held a look of panic.
“I have no idea!” Kevin whispered back, looking equally alarmed. Katie continued to glare.
“Apparently,” She stressed, narrowing her eyes. “You two, said that I was a girly girl!” She frowned in mock anger, but it looked real to all the guys except Frankie, he thought he had just found his new best friend, and was trying to hide his amusement.
Denise and Paul, who appeared to have caught the end of Katie’s rant, came outside. Nick wasn’t far behind them.
“We didn’t mean to! Honest!” Kevin and Joe said in unison, not really getting that she wasn’t really angry. Before they even knew what was happening, Katie had whipped out her phone, and taken a picture. The older boys stood there in confusion, and Frankie started to chuckle. The corners of Katie’s mouth twitched. Nick snorted, trying to keep in his laughter, and Denise had tears running down her face as she fell about laughing. Paul just stood there, shaking his head at all of them. Kevin and Joe, finally getting that Katie was messing around, turned to glare at her.
“What?” She asked innocently. The guys rolled their eyes.
It seemed that the moment of quiet and awkwardness was over.
♠ ♠ ♠

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ya know, i would like some comments...

I know this stroy isn't fantastic, but if you have any ideas or whatever, please tell me

I f you have something to criticise, do it!

I f you have something to praise, same thing!

please...*puppy dog eyes*

Elegance xx