Starting Over


Half an hour later, Frankie and Katie were still upstairs, doing God knows what, and Nick, Joe and Kevin were discussing their newly adopted sister…again.
“I think she seems pretty cool,” Kevin said grinning. “Frankie loves her already!”
“Yeah, he does, doesn’t he?” Joe replied indignantly. “She’s spent more time with him than the rest of us put together!”. The two of them smiled, Katie was going to be an awesome sister, if a little odd looking.
“I don’t see what all the fuss is about.” Nick muttered grumpily. “She’s not that special.”
Joe and Kevin exchanged a look.
“I think-”
“That he’s on his man-period?” Katie cut Joe off. He jumped and fell off the sofa. Frankie started to giggle from where he was on Kate’s shoulders.
“How did you guys get here so quietly?” Kevin asked, completely amazed.
“Special talent.” Katie winked. Nick just sat there, not saying anything. “Hey, Nick!” He looked up and glared at her. “I just wanted to say, ignore Joe and his stupid, ahem, notions.”
The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, but he turned away from her before she saw a real smile. She put Frankie down so that he could go and play with Joe.
“Niiiiiiiiiiiiiickyyyyy,” She giggled, skipping over to him and placing her arms around his neck. “Was that a smile that I just saw?” The tips of his ears went a little bit red.
“Ugh no! Why the hell would I smile at you?!” Nick looked almost disgusted. Katie’s grin faltered slightly, before it was back in place.
“Because…” She started. “You love me. And I’m funny. And you find me entertaining.” This time she saw him smirk. “Aha!” She shouted. “I knew there was a smile there somewhere!” Kate jumped up and down excitedly. Kevin looked at her as if she was a bomb about to explode, Joe started laughing and Frankie jumped up and started to dance around with her.
“I am in a house full of crazy people.” Nick muttered, rolling his eyes. Just then, Denise popped her head around the door frame.
“Kids!” She called. “Dinner!”
Before you could even say Oh My Jonas, Joe and Katie were off.
“No! You move!
“No way! I‘m gonna be first!”
“Ha! Fat chance! My skinny ass will get there waaaaaaay before you!”
The last was called by Katie, just as she skidded through the doorway into the dining room.
“You know, I wouldn’t normally do this, but I think I’ll have to make an exception, seeing as you’re basically my sister now!” And with that, Joe tackled Kate, just as she reached for her chair.
“Aaaaaaaahhh! Frankie! Help meeeeeeee!” Katie shrieked, giggling like a giggle monster.
“I’ll save you Katie!” He cried, also giggling, and then leapt onto Joe's back.
“Frank! No! You should be helping me! Not her!” Joe yelled, knocked flat by the nine year-old.
“No way! Katie is so much cooler! She’s gonna let me help her paint her room!” Frank shouted.
“She must be insane then!”
“No I’m not!” Kate exclaimed. “Frankie’s just freakin' amazing!”
“Pfft, as if.” Joe retorted.
Ahem, can I just point out that you’re being held down by a nine year-old?” She asked,patronizingly politely.
“Sure! Go ahead!” Kevin answered, just as Joe was about to speak.
“Okay then! Joe, you are currently being held down by a nine year-old!” Katie smiledas cutely as she could. Joe just glared at her.
“At least I don’t have a crush on Nicky-boy!” He snapped. Katie froze, her eyes wide.
Excuse me?!”
“Yeah, you heard me.” Joe smirked. “And don’t bother to deny it.” Katie looked at him as though he was crazy,which he probably was.
“I think,” She started. “that you are completely and utterly-”
“Deluded.” Nick finished. “I’m pretty sure that it’s obvious that I’m not her type, and I-I don't think she's my type either.” Kate wasn’t sure if she was imagining it or not, but he looked a little upset. She wasn't entirely sure why, but she felt a little disappointment, along with a smidgen of sadness.
“Yeah, what he said.” She muttered.
“Kids, dinner’s getting cold, so sit down and lets say Grace.”
Everyone scrambled to their seats. Not once throughout the meal did Nick meet Kate’s questioning gaze.She felt hurt.
♠ ♠ ♠
i am soooooooo sorry this took so long to post

i'm gonna aim to post more regularly from now on

comments would be nice

