Killer likes candy


In a typical place like this, it seems almost surreal to see one of your best friends kill themselves. To see them stare you in the eyes before they go. To see that not all is well in them and you never noticed until it was obviously too late to make any actions to stop the future…

I stood completely still and a rush of sickness whelmed over my skin as I saw that she was off the ledge and in not even 3 seconds was dangling off the ledge of her staircase.
I breathed deeply fearing how my body and mind were going to react to this.
I didn’t know if walking closer was right or not. She was obviously gone. Her body was faintly twirling from the twist that the rope was in.
I will never forget the sound her body made when it ricocheted off the wall.
And of coarse I will never forget when I saw the man at the top of the railing shoving her off.

It's short, i know. But i cant help it if the introduction is short =P