Killer likes candy

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

I gasped and coughed up water. My savior was nothing by my subconscious mind playing tricks on me. I was undoubtedly on my bathroom flooring in a towel. I nearly fell back into slumber when I heard my mother talking. I felt a surge of disappointment in myself. I failed suicide and will most likely be looked at as a hazardous thing and treated differently.

My mother stepped over me to see if I was awake and I could tell by the look in her eyes that she must have been worried.I wished hadn’t seen that. Guilt is the least I want to undergo at this moment. I wanted, no, needed to be back there. I feel right with Shannon.
“Cass! She's awake. What should I do?” My mom asked to the person she was talking franticly to on the phone. She went into the other room and I continued to cough up water.
After the oxygen started getting to my head and I started feeling less feeble, I managed to sit up.
“Fuck!” I yelled and kicked my foot out at the wall in front of me and cried for a short time.

After I was dressed and had composed my emotions, I allowed my friends to come in my room. I despised what was coming up.
Becky was the first to storm in and attempt to comfort and get close to me. I felt vacant and paid little or no attention to whatever my friends were saying to me.
“Cass!?! What were you thinking?” Becky said panicking and trying to grab any part of me to help her feel more like I was with her.
Joanne was on my other side rubbing my shoulder and keeping her mouth shut. The only thing she could possibly say would be an awkward joke that wouldn’t make anything better. Simon wasn’t in the room at all. I didn’t expect him to show up, he’s not really my closest friend.
“Answer me!” Becky was still demanding an explanation.
“I miss her so much…” I said and suddenly knew why I had these friends. I started sobbing uncontrollably and Becky and Joanne both hugged me and oddly I reached out and accepted it. That night I cried on them and they never once wiped it away or stopped to check the time. They stayed with me the whole night.

Sappy ending. not my type. It's 1 in the morning im tired. Good night