Tears of Silver


Chapter One

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
and things are not what they seem.
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art; to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Arielle sat down on the cold winter sidewalk, holding her throbbing head. Her life was coming to an end, she thought over and over again. Nothing would remain the same. Her life was finished, ended. And you might be asking why she felt this way. Well it was pretty simple; her mom was dead, gone, never to return. No matter how many people tried to comfort her there was no one who could truly help her. There was no one left for her. Her father had long gone, the moment he found out about her. Her mother had raised her single handed which she gave her credit for. Arielle was not the best of girls; she had a problem interacting with people, girl in particular. She spent most of her days like this, sitting outside contemplating her life. But this time it was different, this time would be the last time she would come here. Tomorrow she would be shipped off to her unknown relatives. To start again her life, if what she had now was even considered a life.

Arielle broke down, tears streaming down her face, her throat burning. She let out a choked cough and fumbled to get her inhaler. Yes another default about Arielle, she had asthma. Not only that, she also had Anemia from her mother. Arielle stood up unsteadily as she swayed in the harsh winter wind. She dusted her jeans and walked over to the swing-set. By the swing-set was a slide. These things looked a little rusty, but still able to use them. Sitting down on one of the swing, she began swinging her legs up and down trying to get higher. She smiled something she rarely did now. Once she hit the highest she thought she could go, she jumped off. She flew cutting through the air and landed on her feet. It was getting darker as she played on the playground. Even though she was fifteen, she always loved playing around like a little girl. Arielle never had a real childhood and this was as close as it would ever come to one. Both her and her mother had been poor barley able to scrape enough money for food, let alone school.

“Arielle, it’s late you should come inside.” Her neighbor’s voice cut through her trance.

Arielle let her long platinum blonde hair fall over her face and frowned sadly as she followed the small old woman back to the house. She kicked of her boots and left them on the door step as she entered the bright living room. Shadows seemed to form out of everything even with the light. Her neighbor smiled sympathetically at her. Arielle hated it.

“Honey, you want to rest know, tomorrow is the big day.” Her voice crooned as she led her through the halls to her room.

Arielle stood rigid as she led her. The old woman’s hands felt alien on her shoulder. She cautiously stepped inside the room. It held many memories, happier ones of when she would usually come here and play when she was younger and her mother was at work. She smiled sadly and sat down on the edge of the bed making it sag a little under her weight. Her eyes flicked around the room taking in the familiar objects. The bluish walls painted with small fairies, the small cabinet in which all her cloths were in, and the pink light stand. All that seemed distant now; they were unconnected to her when it had been only a week, just one. Tears stained her eyes and the burning sensation returned. Her throat felt heavy, tight. Her body racked with her sobs. The lady embraced her tightly burrowing her face into Arielle’s hair.

“Shush now darl’n don’t cry. You are going home.” She whispered.

“There is not my home.” She spat pushing the old lady away. She burrowed her face into the bed, ignoring the lady until she left closing the door gently behind her.

Arielle curled into the fetal position and crumbled up staining the bed with her tears. She fell asleep with tears streaming down her face.


‘Hey mama’ an eight year old Arielle said lifting her head from her mothers lap.

‘Yes honey?’ Her mother replied sweetly.

‘Why did daddy leave, didn’t he want me?’

Her mom smiled sadly raking her hand through Arielle’s hair, ‘He loved you sweetie, he just wasn’t ready for you. It made him...nervous.’

‘You aren’t ever going to leave me like daddy did are you?’

‘No honey, I’ll always be with you no matter what.’

Arielle smiled contently, ‘I love you mama.’

'I love you to sweetie.’ She murmured.


Arielle tossed on to and fro on the bed mumbling unheard words. Tears run down her face as she shivered pulling herself tighter into a ball. She had lied, her mother lied. She had no one....not one. Slowly she opened her eyes and stared dully at the darkness. Life wasn't worth it. Her mother had escaped it.
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I bringing this story back!