Tears of Silver


Chapter Two

“It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Hits you when it's too late
Hits you when you're down”
-Bonnie Tyler quotes

It was as if Arielle was out of her body. She felt alien as she dressed. Quickly she pulled on the dark blue dress that she had worn to her mother’s funeral. It was the only presentable thing she owned. It rained outside showing her mood all to well. She brushed her hair away impatiently and bent down to tie her shoes. The room was dark; she had not opened the light. Arielle stood up straight and picked up her small suitcase her only belonging. She was really going to be leaving. It hurt inside; her heart felt like it was breaking all over again. She couldn’t take the pain, it hurt too much. She sighed and looked around the room once more before leaving, she wouldn’t turn back.

A tear slid down her face as she walked slowly to the living room where the old lady waited. The lady took one look at her and sighed wondering how the sweet little girl had grown so sad. She stood up from the couch she was sitting on and embraced Arielle. Arielle stood stiffly inhaling the comforting sent of honeydew.

“Oh sweetie it only they had let me keep you. They always have to brew up trouble those people do..” he trailed off surprised as Arielle wrapped her arms around her frail old body.

“I’m going to miss you.” Arielle croaked sniffling quietly.

‘Oh honey, just phone me when you home. You know my phone number.” The lady said trying to hold back tears. She needed to stay strong for the child.

She withdrew from Arielle and smiled, “How about we get going. You don’t want to miss you plane now do you?”

Arielle nodded smiling shyly.

“Of course you don’t.” She said wryly. “Now come on the cabs waiting for us.”

Arielle followed the lady suitcase in hand out the door and waited patiently as she locked it. The woman turned and began to descend before stopping suddenly.

“Oh boy, I am loosing it these days, Look at the weather; it’s raining cats and dogs.” She muttered to herself. “Come on sweetie lets get you a coat and umbrella.”

“But what about the cab?” Arielle asked pointing to the cab that waited impatiently for them on the road.

“Oh that can wait; after all I paid for the ride already.” She said dryly before turning around and tottering back up the stairs.

Arielle waited outside soaking up the brittle air. She sighed contently; she always loved the rainy days best it really was beautiful, the smell of clean snow mixed with rain. If you actually called the colored snow clean. Slowly she edged away from the protection of the roof and let the drops trickle down her cheek. Was the world truly crying for her? Soon her own tears mingled with the rain.

“Arielle! Get out of that rain!” The lady scolded walking out the house again with a black cloak and an umbrella.

Arielle nodded numbed by the rain and walked back toward the woman.

“Gosh my joints are just aching right now; I just can’t stand this terrible cold.” She muttered care fully wrapping the cloak around Arielle. “Pull up the hood girl; you don’t want to catch your death of cold.”

Arielle dropped her suitcase onto the wet cement floor and pulled the hood over her head. She picked up the suitcase again. The woman opened the umbrella and they both walked out into the rain.

Once in the cab Arielle placed the suitcase on the seat next to her and looked out the window at the gray world.

“Buckle up your seat belt.” The lady instructed sliding into the other seat.

Arielle did so and went back to gazing out the window.

“Where to ma’m.” The man said looking at us from the mirror.

“The airport out of town.” She instructed.

Arielle tucked her hair behind her ear and watched intently as the white and black world blurred together. She smiled faintly; huh this was going to be different.