Tears of Silver


Chapter Three

Arielle twiddled her thumbs nervously. It was taking quite some time for them to arrive to the airport and already the lady had run out of questions thanks to the cab driver who turned on the radio. Arielle raked her hand through her hair thoughtfully as she stared out the window. Where was her mother now? Where was her father? Why had they both abandoned her, was she that horrible? A lone tear slid down her pale face before she could stop it. Arielle whipped it away quickly, she was tired of the tears they did nothing for her. She would never show any weakness no matter how terrible her heart ached she wouldn’t.

She twined her hands together and decided then and there that never would she let anyone in. All people ever did to her was the constant reason of her broken heart. They, all of them, had ripped it into fragments. Arielle cocked her head as the sound of the rain became for frequent. How she loved the rain. When she was younger she would run out playing till she got sick. Arielle yearned for those days again, when her mother would cuddle close with her in her bed. She leaned her head on the window and closed her eyes, trying to make the picture form again into her mind.

The old lady watched sympathetically as Arielle fell asleep. She held an unlimited amount of pity for the girl. It was such a shame she had to be wrapped into her mother’s secrete. Well the lady had always said what the woman did was as good as being dead. The lady exhaled life was really wearing her down. She looked out the window where the airport looming form was coming into view. So little time she had now to explain to Arielle what her mother was.

What her father was.

And what she was most of all.

Slowly the cab came to a stop at the large parking lot.

“Ma’m that’d be-.” The lady handed him the money from her purse.

“Keep the change.” She murmured picking up the umbrella from underneath the seat.

“Yes Ma’m.” The man said tipping his head at her.

The lady shook Arielle’s shoulder gently, “Come on darlin’ wake up.”

Arielle’s eyes opened revealing her lustrous cloudy blue eyes. She yawned and watched dazed as the woman opened the door. The cold air brought her back to her senses. Rapidly she fumbled for her suitcase. The old woman got to the suitcase before her and eased it out the car.

“Come on honey, you just get out the car.”

Arielle complied with the woman’s wishes and rose unsteadily out the car.

The woman noticed this and let out a small laugh, “Careful child you the grounds slippery and you don’t want to fall.”

Arielle frowned as she looked at the old woman’s kind face and looked away to sick of her own behavior to try to look into her eyes. Stiffly she took the bag from the surprised woman and walked toward the airport. Suddenly a though hit her, how was the woman to get home now that the cab was gone? She looked back and saw that the lady was looking straight into her eyes. Something about the force of her eyes unnerved her; it was as if the woman was trying to figure her out.

“It seems that I’m getting old.” The woman whispered quietly as she passed by a very stunned Arielle.

An image of Arielle’s mother plastered itself in her mind. It was one of her smiling her eyes bright with happiness, and golden hair flowing in the wind. Arielle cursed at her mind, it just seemed to love torturing her. A tear escaped from Arielle’s eyes as it slid down her face Arielle broke down. She wrapped her arms around herself and began mumbling sweet nothing to herself, trying to dull the ache in her heart.

Just standing there....

All alone.

Letting the rain wash away her pain.

Her sorrow.

Her agony.....

“Come on child don’t cry now. Everything will be all right, I assure you.”

Her word echoed in the dark corner in Arielle’s mind where she had escaped to. Warmth traveled through her body at the words. She hiccupped and regained her posture. “Let’s go” She said firmly.