Tears of Silver


Chapter four

"Okay honey be good, and remember you can phone me plus if you need anything I’ll be there. Don’t be afraid to call, especially if something strange happens. Now I’m not saying something strange will happen-." The old ladies words lingered in Arielle’s mind as she stood surveying the crowd in search for her aunt and uncle. She was just about to go inside her bag to get out the picture when a bold man wearing a black suit sporting black glasses came up to her.

“Are you Miss Arielle?” He asked his voice thickly accented.

Arielle nodded. He took of his glasses and looked hard at her.

“Yes okay, this way then Mr and Mrs Deloris are awaiting your arrival.”

Arielle rolled her eyes, “I need my suitcase.”

The man shook his head, “No worries Ms Arielle, I will take care of it, just tell me how it looks and I will be right back.”

“It’s black, with a red ribbon on it.” She blurted. The man bowed and walked off in the direction of the luggage centre.

So this was it, England, Arielle though looking wild eyed at the airport before her, way nice. As Arielle’s eyes flicked all over the place they caught the attention of a boy. Tall, really tall with long sandy brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Surprisingly the boy was staring back at her. Arielle frowned slightly and turned her back to him. She didn’t even know the boy and he was staring at her, till he walked up to her and smiled.

“Hey are you Arielle?”

Arielle nodded numbly amazed that he knew her name.

“Cool, I’m Rich, your cousin.”

Silence, Arielle scolded herself inside; boy was she stupid he was her cousin.

“You know not Rich as in rich, err, I mean my name is Rich.”

Larger silence filled the space between them.

“God, I feel like such a friggen dork right now. Do you know where John went?”

He stared intently at Arielle with his deep blue eyes. She shrugged, she didn’t know a John.

“I’m right here young Richmond. I see you have met Miss Arielle.” John stated appearing with Arielle’s bag in his right hand.

“That’s all?” Rich’s eyebrows went up.

“Yes young Richmond.” He replied dryly.

“‘Kay let’s get out of here, I can’t wait to get home.” Rich muttered sticking his hands into his jeans pocket. “Let’s go Arielle.”

Inside the large jeep the silence wore on. A long uncomfortable one. Rich shifted in his seat uncomfortably as Arielle sat leaning her head to the window letting her hair curtain her face from Rich.

Rich looked at his cousin, now he understood why his mother hadn’t wanted her to come. There was an aura of forbidden around her that chilled Rich down to the bone. He fought the urge to go all crazy and just stared at the small girl huddled up like a caged animal by the window. Her blue eyes shone brightly through her hair captivating under her alluring eyelashes. His mother had said that all of them looked gorgeous. It was her mother that was Arielle’s mother’s sister, yet it was Rich’s father who persuaded her to let the girl some to their home. Inside Rich knew something was wrong about her, but he couldn’t figure out what. His mother never told him what them was.

“Will you stop staring at me?” Arielle snapped turning her head to face Rich. He turned a deep scarlet red.

“Like anyone would stare at you monkey face.” He blubbered hiding his grin behind his sleeve. Arielle was just like his sister, boy would this be fun.