Caution: Words Haunt

My Guardian Angel

It's so damn white here! And bright! I'm not some sort of vampire poser or anything, but a little color and darkness couldn't hurt this room. It smells so sterile. I wish a stray German Sheperd would run through this place and just fix it all. And what the Hell is that beeping?!

I sat up from my position and turned to my left. Curtains. Hmmm, wonder what that could mean. "What the hell happened?" came a familiar voice from my right.

"Good morning to you too, sweetie." I said sarcastically to Zach. I could tell by his straight face that he wasn't in the mood. "Man, I'm sorry. It's just... I was pissed and I couldn't control myself." I said, looking down, ashamed.

"What happened?" He said, a little more understanding this time.

"Ok, well, I ran to my house after school because my dad sent me a really messed up text message. I swear, I thought he was gonna try to kill me. Anyways, I got home to find out that he only sent it to piss me off, and I reacted just as he probably expected I would. I started throwing shit around. And then, well, remember how a couple years ago I used to take pain meds when I couldn't get my hands on anything real? Well, I kinda went back to that habit, but instead of just a handfull, I downed half a bottle. I guess I passed out." I stopped there, seeing that he knew what happened next.

"I know. I was calling you afterschool 'cause I thought you'd want to hang out again, but you wouldn't answer, so I thought something was buggin' you. Then I started walking to you'r house and found your phone in the street. I was gonna bring it up to your appartment, but when I got there, it was trashed and I found you in the bathroom. Shit, at first I thought someone broke in, but then I found you'r bottle. I got you here as fast as I could because ambulences cost money and all." he told me his side of the story. Man, if ever I felt like shit, it wasn't nearly as bad as I felt now.

"I'm so sorry, man. What did you tell them?"

"I told them that you had accidentally overdosed on pain medications. They pumped your stomach and said you should be able to go once you woke up." I looked at him.

"My wallet's at home." I felt even worse.

"I picked it up, don't worry. You should have just enough to get outta here and buy me some tacos from Jack in the Box." he smiled. One thing I loved about Zach- he can't stay mad forever. We went to the front desk and checked myself out. As we walked to Jack, he told me about how Hannah wanted to go with him to my place. "You know, I'm thinkin' you might actually stand a chance with her. That is, if she doesn't find you half dead in the bathroom one day." he joked.

"Oh, shut up. No more pain meds. Here, after we eat, come to my house and take all the meds to your place. I don't wanna freak out like that and make you lie for me anymore. Not to mention I can't afford to do that anymore." I laughed.

As we continued to walk I shivered. Sure, he brings my wallet but not my jacket! Suddenly, though, I felt a comfortable weight on my shoulders as he layed is on them. I think Zach's actually more than just an older brother. I think he's an angel. An angel who helped mess up my life just as much as I've messed up his, but an angel nonetheless. I wonder where I'd be without him.
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yeah, i dunno. i felt like saying something nice here. like, they aren't gonna have any sexual relations coming up cuz they're just friends and shes gay anyways, but ya know, it's nice to just put something in there about how close friends are. to all my friends who are actually lame enough to read my stupid story, i love you guys! without you, i dunno where i'd be