Caution: Words Haunt

Best Day Ever!

I ran to my math class almost ready to kill someone. My eyes glanced tons of times to an opened fence, but I'd ditched class so much and to fail all of my classes would be stupid. If I'm going to quit drugs, I might as well got the whole nine yards and start doing well in school. I remember that before high school, I always had straight A's. But junior high was way easier, I guess.

I walked into my class right as the bell rang. "Nice timing." I thought out loud and took my seat. Mr. Garcia smiled at me. I loved this class. No one talked to me in this one, but at least none of them hated me. And I had a nice seat in the back so I could text the whole time.

I pulled out my phone. I immidiatly started writing a text to Hannah. "Hey lady, what's happenin?" I sent. Thank the lord for unlimited texting!

"Jude, care to answer the problem on the board?" Mr. G asked.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked and stood up, knowing that I didn't. He handed me his marker and I started figuring it out. I don't know how, but math has always clicked with me. I had to miss a month of school almost because of pnemonia, but when I came back, I knew exactly what was going on. I guess numbers just make more sense than words in my mind.

"Good job." he said as I went back to my seat. I knew this teacher well. After answering a question, it's a dead give away that he wouldn't talk to you for the rest of the class period. I loved that. I checked my phone as it vibrated in my pocket. "Nothing. Hey, I didn't see you this morning. Are you sick?" Aw, how sweet! She actually cares about me!

"Yeah, but I woke up really late and missed first period. " I sent her. I pulled out my binder and started drawing. I love drawing. It's always been able to keep me so occupied that I never thought about anything else.

"Damn, trouble sleeping? I usually can't even stay up past 11!" she texted back.

"I usually go to bed at around 10, but I had just forgotten to turn my alarm on this morning." I replyed.

"Haha, nice one genius. Hey, I gotta go. My teacher's staring at me!" she texted. I put my phone in my pocket, knowing that replying would only make her want to pull out her phone and get her in trouble. I looked at the clock. Only twenty minutes left in class anyways.

My paper was covered in flames and ruins as a dinosaur threw cars at a donut shop for being out of jelly-filled. Damn, I'm insane. I was shading in the smoke when the bell rang. I put my stuff away and headed out to the usual bench we all sat at.

Hannah was the first to join. "Hello there." I said as she sat next to me.

"Jude, I have a problem." she said, looking at me seriously.

"Uh, what's wrong. Hold on, is this gonna be one of those things that results in me kicking someone's ass? Because if so, wait until AFTER school this time so I don't get suspended." I said. She giggled, but stopped soon.

"No, that's not it. It's just... Well, how did you figure out you were a lesbian?" She asked.

"Uh, realizing that I LOVED women is just kind of as natural as realizing you love men. Do you think you're in love?" I asked. Damn, someone's stealing my woman!

"Well, it's just... I think that I'm also attracted to women." She said. Then she leaned over and snuggled into my arm. "I think that I like you." she said. I pinched my leg so she couldn't see. Yup, it hurt like hell. No way was this happening though! It's impossible for her to fall in love with me! Hell, even I knew that this could never happen! God, don't you dare be messing with my head this time!

"Uh, are you sure about that?" I asked. She looked away.

"You don't like me, do you?" She asked, and I thought she was going to cry. I turned her face towards mine and looked her in the eyes.

"Hannah, I've liked you since we were in the ninth grade." I said, and leaning in slightly, I kissed her soft lips, exactly as I had in my dreams every night!

"Damn! PDA is against the rules, kids!" Zach said as he appeared from no where.

I flipped him off and held Hannah in tightly as our faces pulled away. Today, regardless of whatever I've ever said or this morning, was the best day of my life.
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haha, corny, but i had to put in some sort of action, right?