Caution: Words Haunt

All's Fair in Love and Hate

"So what exactly did I miss here?" Zach asked us as I sat holding my baby. I always had a tiny hope I'd get her. This was the best moment of my life!

"You missed everything that I've been waiting for." I said and started kissing her once more when the security guard came by.

"What is this?!" he exclaimed.

"Sorry. I forgot the PDA rules." I lied. Damn school always picking on me.

"No! This is unacceptable! Young ladies, what is wrong with you?!" God, could he be any more obnoxious?!

"Dude, this isn't a mormon church. In fact, this is school. There's not supposed to be any religion! This is just a... well, ya know, relationship. Like I said, though, sorry about the PDA rule. My bad." Jeez, he better not make a big deal out of this! She is not going to break up with me before our first day just because of some stupid security guard!

"Well listen here, if I see you two doing that again, I'm gonna get you suspended for truancy! Got it?" he said. Yeah right, like I could care less about that. Just don't get my baby in too much trouble.

"Alright sir. I'll try to keep my hands off of her." I joked and she slapped the back of my head as I did so. "Haha, or maybe it's her you should watch." I said and she giggled from next to me. I love how I don't have to be too funny for her to still laugh. Her laugh is cute.

He walked away and she started going off on me. "I can't believe you seriously said that about me!" She said it angrily, but by the smile on her face, I knew she didn't really mind.

"What can I say? I thought you knew I was a smartass?" I said.

"Haha, well that is what I loved about you most." she said and snuggled back into my arm. God I love her. She smelled good right now.

"Hey hey hey! I'm not a third wheel! Lets talk about something I'm interested in, alright?" he interrupted.

"Alright. Uh, did anyone see that new episode of Chowder last night?"

"Dude, that wasn't new!" Zach complained. "It was on this Saturday!"

"Jeez, sorry I'm not a cartoon addict." I joked.

"Yeah, you need to watch more if you want to sound smart in future Cartoon Network discussions honey." Hannah informed me.

"Oh quiet you." I said pretending to be hurt. "In other news, have they finished talking about that Cailee kid on the news?"

"Who watches the news? Get serious!" Hannah said.

"Ok fine! Someone else start a conversation." I pouted.

"Nice weather we're having, isn't it Hannah?" Zach asked over me.

"Oh yes. It's beautiful! Not too cloudy but not too cold either!" Hannah replied, also ignoring me.

"Sure, choose the easy answer!" I said as the bell rang. "Damnit! Now we wasted to much time to get nachos!" I whined.

"I'll make it up to you after school. You wanna go to my place?" Zach offered.

"Nothin else to do. Later man." I said as I started walking Hannah to her classroom.




Stupid Zach randomly having to ditch me just because he had to make up a math test I probably made him ditch in the first place! Stupid me never being able to stay mad at the jackass!

I entered my apartment shocked that my dad wasn't there and ready to bitch to me about the house's current state. I had barely put the chair into a normal position when my phone started vibrating. NO! IT'S CARTOON TIME!

"Can I help you?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Hey babe. What's up?" It was Hannah, of course.

"Uh, nothin really. I'm just gettin' ready to watch some tv. How 'bout you?"

"My house is really quiet right now and, I dunno. I needed someone to talk to." she answered. Aw how cute! She doesn't know how to appreciate silence!

"Want me to come over? Zach's busy at school so I'm really not doin' anything." I offered.

"Yeah. You know where I live, right?" She made sure.

"Yeah, remember? I helped you bake cookies for a fundraiser or something a couple months ago." I reminded her.

"Alright. See ya in a lil while." She said.

"Later." I said and hung up. I guess deep down I don't like being alone either.

I got to her house in about fifteen minutes. I knocked on her door and screamed as a huge rottweiler came up to the fence and started barking. It was snarling and attacking the chain links as if it could chew right through it and eat me! I opened her door and burst through before it got a chance to succeed at that.

"What the fuck?!" she screamed as she grabbed an umbrella and almost beat me over the head with it. "Oh shit! Audrey it's just you."

"Uh, yeah, and I kinda value my life, so just put down the weapon and step back from it." I said with my hands up in surrender.

"Haha. You just scared me is all. I was ready to answer when you burst through it. What happened?"

"You're neighbors dog scared the shit outta me." I said, feeling rediculous as the words came out. I felt worse when she started laughing at me. "Oh like you never overreacted when you got scared. Exibit A." I said pointing at the umbrella and laughing.

She showed me into the rest of her house and we sat down to watch cartoons. It was nice, having someone so warm and sweet under my arm as we watched Flapjack. "Hey Audrey." she said suddenly.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Uh, were you ever emo or something?" She asked.

"No. Why?" I asked, then remembered the burns on my wrist from last night. Shit. What's a good excuse for this?!

"Well, what's this?" she asked.

"Haha. Yesterday when I was making pasta, I accidentally set a paper plate on fire and almost burned my entire appartment trying to put it out. I got a couple wounds from battling the fire, but I guess since the house didn't get destroyed being a firefighter isn't entirely a stupid thought." I said.

"Wait, what's this?" she asked, pointing at a few dotted scars by my elbow joint.

"I don't remember." I lied. Come on! Now's no time for the past to catch up on me!

"Hey Jude?"

"Don't make it bad." I sang back to her. Please don't ask the stupid question on you're mind! Just let it be! Damn, what's with all these Beetle's references popping up?!

She giggled. "Nothing." Thank GOD!
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yeah, i guess i'm updating a lot lately. anyways, yeah, i don't want the relationship to end, but there has to be drama. or maybe illl turn this into a comedy. no one likes drama, afterall.