Caution: Words Haunt

Starting School

"Are you alright?" I heard someone say. My eyes took a minute to open but I awoke to find myself in my bed on Jerry.

"Yeah. What's up? Something wrong?" I asked, wanting nothing more then to go back to sleep.

"Dude, you convulse in you're sleep! I thought you were dying or something!" he exclaimed.

"Oh. Nah, just one of those trippy dreams that you forget when you wake up, I guess." I lied. My dream was too horrible to forget. There were shadows chasing after me and trying to come into my skin, but when I went to Hannah for help, she slammed a door in my face for having done drugs. Then I went to Zach to ask for help but his mom was home and blamed me for all of his drugs. Then I went to Jerry's house for help, but his mom said he was back with his dad. No, this was a dream that I feared everyday- the thought of being alone when I needed help the most. But sometimes it's hard to believe that people will always be there for you.

"You sure your ok?" he asked. Leave it to Jerry to bug me about my well-being. Ugh, guys and their caring natures. Why do girls blame all their issues on them?!

"It's no big deal. I thought you were going to have to go home tonight?" I asked, "Not that I'm chasing you away or anything." I said.

"Haha. Well, I was GONNA but someone decided to fall asleep on me. That someone happens to sleep very peacefully and I didn't want to disturb her in her few moments of peace, so I decided to let her rest awhile. Until, you know, she started practically having a seizure on my stomach. Then I kinda freaked out." He joked.

"Sorry about that. Oh, you don't have to go now do you?" I whined. I really had missed him more than I thought I had.

"Well, it's about... 10:45, so I can probably stay for a little bit longer." He said.

"Mkay then. So what do you wanna-"

The door burst open. My dad was looming in the doorway and for some reason, the look on his face actually scared me. Wait, no! I haven't been scared of my dad since I was twelve! What's going on? What have I done that could've gotten me in trouble...

"Get out now, Jerry." Dad said, his tone obviously trying to hide his anger. Wait, since when does dad try to hide his anger? Wait a sec, isn't this the man who's ass I just kicked yesterday. Oh wait- that's why I'm scared. Crap, Jerry, please don't listen to him!

"Uh, what's wrong? I can help." he said. Yes! Try staying for awhile longer!

"GET OUT, PLEASE" Dad stopped trying to hide his anger. Ok, I'm screwed.

"Uh, later Jude. I'll see ya tomorrow." He said and leaned down to hug me. I almost cried into his shoulder. "See ya." I called as he exited my house.

"Can I help you?" I asked. God, am I seriously too much of a dumbass to control my attitude even now? Why would you make me so obnoxious?

"What the fuck did you do at school?" he asked.

"When?" I asked, seriously confused. Wait, he forgot about the fight? Well, he was drunk... But what did I do at school?

"Did you kiss a fuckin girl?!" He screamed.

"NO!!!" I lied. Damn, that was a pretty convincing no. Hopefully he's stupid.

"Tell me the truth, bitch! Are you fuckin gay?" He demanded.

"Hell no! That's nasty!!!" I screamed. Damn, we've fought about this shit before. I'm so sick of it!!!

"Ok then, how about what else the school's been calling me about! What the fuck have you been doing in you're English class?!"

"Sleeping." I joked. NO! This is not a time for joking!

"EXACTLY! Stop being a fuck up and pay some fuckin attention in school!" he said.

"I do! But when I pay attention, my teacher gets angry!"

"Well then stop trying to be a smart ass and just get a fuckin brain!!!" he yelled. "I'm sick of all these calls from you're school! I'm trying to hook up with my women and they're blocking the phone lines!"

"Oh, so it's not my education you care about, it's your whores." I said in the voice of a kid who was trying to understand a situation. God, I need to stop doing that!

He slapped me. "Oh what? We all know you can't get anywhere in life no matter if you paid attention or not!" he exclaimed.

"Hmmm... Must run in the family." I said.

"Don't talk about your mother like that!" He yelled... ok, either he was insulting mom or really was too stupid to realize I was talking about him.

"I wasn't talking about Mom! Mom was smart! She was a great woman and your stupid ass didn't deserve her!" I screamed. He slapped me again. "God! Stop slapping me! I'm telling you the truth!"

"NO WONDER YOURE TEACHERS HATE YOU! I CAN'T STAND YOUR ASS EITHER!!!" he screamed and slammed my door to leave my room. Ok, well, at least there wasn't a real fight this time.




"Morning, Babe." I said, wrapping my arms around Hannah as I greeted her at school. I actually slept well last night and got to school at a normal time!

"Hey honey." She said. "What happened to you're face?" She asked.

"I fell outta bed and smacked it against my table last night!" I said. She rubbed it warmly and gave it a sweet kiss. Damn, I was blessed to have her!

"Oh my God! Zach, guess who's back in town!" I said, unable to hide my excitement as he approaced us.

"Who?" He asked.

"Jerry!!! He starts here today!" I exclaimed.

"Dude, for real? Damn, looks like it's back to the good ol' days!" he exclaimed.

"Wait, who's Jerry?" Hannah asked.

"You're gonna meet him. Trust me, he's the nicest guy in the world!!!" I said. Just as I finished, Jerry was walking through the gate and I couldn't help but race over and attack him. "That's Hannah." I whispered in his ear as we walked over to the bench.

"Damn, you're lucky!" he exclaimed.

"Aren't I!" I said.
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yup yup.