Caution: Words Haunt

I'm Tired of This

Finally the bell rang to dismiss me from Hell. I ran to find Hannah at her last class to walk her home.

"Hey, your friend Jerry is really cool." She said as we walked out of the school.

"I know! I've missed him for so long, now. I can't believe he's actually back!" I said more to myself than to her.

"He's really cute, too." She blushed. Oh no way! She's not allowed to like him too! Ok, maybe I'm just paranoid.

"Yeah, but I'm cuter, right?" I laughed into her cheek as I kissed it.

"Oh certainly. Aw, don't get jealous because I appreciate beauty." She said. Yeah, I'm way too paranoid! We continued walking down the street holding hands when suddenly I heard a car drive up next to us.

"Hey, little girl. Want a, uh, quick fix? Just hop in back." Shit, no way! The car was a beat up white mini-van, owned by my "ex-boyfriend's" roommate. Well, I guess his ex-roommate, now that he was dead.

"Uh, who the hell are you?" I asked, trying to play dumb.

"Oh come on. I'm sure you're friend wants some. Oh wait, don't tell me you've turned dyke!" he said, worriedly.

"Come on, Hannah. This guy's crazy." I said, pulling her in close to me and guiding her down a residential street. No one would do anything insane down a block with people everywhere.

"Hey! I'm serious! I'll give you some!" He yelled. My fingers itched but I clenched Hannah towards me. I began twitching a little bit. She's worth it, she's worth it. Don't do it Jude! You're beyond this!!!

"Come on, Hannah." I said and walked up to a stranger's house. I pulled out my house key and pretended to begin unlock it. He drove away and she looked at me questioningly.

"Did you know him?" she asked concerned.

"Hell no! That fool's on crack or something. I probably look like someone he knows, though." I assured her. She nodded.

I got her to her house, which was only a few blocks away from where we had been and kissed her good-bye. "I hope he doesn't come back to you." She said, sounding honestly worried.

"It's ok. I can ditch him." I said, kissed her one more time, and walked away as she shut the door. Why is it that your demons always catch up to you when everything in your life is going great? I finally have the girl of my dreams (fantasies, more like it) my friend is back from moving away, and... ok, well, that's all that's going well, but the point is, it's not fair that now is when shit happens! So much for karma.
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ok, i'm at a loss. send me some ideas for future chapters, or i'll try working from my own imagination. my updates may start becoming very infrequent, though, cuz i can't think of what to write right now. sorry