Caution: Words Haunt

Just A Day of School

The bell rang before my friends and I accomplished more than small talk. I walked slowly to my class, my mind fogged with exhaustion. I opened the door to my art class and sat at my seat immediatly. I loved my seat in art class- right by the back and closest to the door. I began to pull out my pencil when suddenly someone smacked the back of my head. I was up in an instant, prepared to cuss whoever it was out, when I realized that no one was behind me.

Nothing's worse than feeling what's not there. I mean, I've been paranoid and hearing voices since before my drug days. I guess I'm just a freak like that. But I could've sworn that it was real...

I turned to sit back in my seat when I realized that my backpack wasn't on my desk. Ok, this was not my imagination. Someone was seriously messing with my mind at this point. I had my journal in my backpack (it's more of a diary, but journal sounds less sissy, so I call it that.) If anybody ever read that, I would be in deep shit...

I looked around, trying to find who could've had my backpack. Suddenly, I felt the crazed warm embrace of tight arms around me. I turned to see who had seized me, only to be greeted by the girl of my dreams!

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"My schedule was changed because my old teacher was fired for having porn on his classroom computor! I have this class with you now!" She hugged my tightly, filling my lungs with her beautiful fragrances. God, if there truly is one in the sky, I promise to quit drugs if you give her to me!

She pulled my backpack from behind her and sat in the seat next to mine after giving the teacher her transfer slip. I felt so blessed at that moment.

Ok, no I didn't. I felt like shit. But it wasn't as bad as it had been before...
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sorry it's short. i felt like updating, and yeah. i'll type more eventually. tell me if you like it?