Caution: Words Haunt

Think Fast!

I sat by Hannah in pure distracting bliss. The one good thing about art class is that you can do whatever you want for fourty five minutes of the class. Our assignment was to draw what was on our minds. "What the fuck are you smoking?!" she asked laughing after looking at what I had sketched.

"Oh come on, as if it's totally weird!" I said, looking down at my picture of a chicken army saving their breaded brethren from KFC and shouting freedom. "What are you drawing?" I asked.

Her picture was so cute. It was a little penguin listening to music and basically rocking out. "What's he listening to?" I asked.

"He's being awesome and listening to Blink 182!" she said proudly, as if she had raised him right.

"Dude, you have to make a background!" I said, realizing behind her paper was blank.

"...He's a penguin. That's just snow." She replied.

"Lazy little liar!" I laughed at her. She was so cute when she giggled.

The bell rang and we parted to our next classes. Oh great. Second period. If I weren't so pissed off and tired, I would bother being sarcastic and saying that nothing is better than my English class, but oh well.

I sat in my desk and prepared for my least favorite class of the day. I sat drawing giraffes starting riots in New York. Suddenly I realized that my teacher was looming over me. Crap, we've only been in class eight minutes. What the Hell did she want?

"Can I help you?" I asked with obviously fake politness.

"It's reading time. You can draw later." She said and closed my binder.

"Actually I can't. Whenever I try to, you just get upset and close my binder and take away my pencils." I informed her and re-opened my binder. God was I restraining myself today.

"Well, that's because this isn't the class to draw in."

"This also isn't the class to do random things like color and paste for notebooks, but you have us do that anyways. I'll do your art in addtion to my own. Fair?" I said, putting it in question form to help her feel supirior in her old years.

"No, I think it best that you just read right now." She said and took my pencil. I didn't bother fighting with her. I was so fucking tired!!! I sat tapping my hands as a snare while my foot went as a basedrum. I started up the instrumental part of "Just Like You" when again, a wrinkled old face stared at me.

"What now?" I asked, not hiding how annoyed I was.

"Be quiet! We're trying to read!" she said.

"Dude, no one has their books out! Why do you only talk to me? Am I your target?" I complained, starting to stand up and back her away from my desk. Old people smelled bad, regardless of how much perfumes they put on to mask it.

"Well, at least they're being quiet."

"I was being quiet when I was drawing! What are you talking about!" I tried not to scream at her. This lady pisses me off so much.

"Calm down. You-"

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked suddenly. I had seen a face pass by the window and needed to follow it.

"Well, yes you can. Be back soon and take the pass." She said.

"Thanks." I grabbed the pass and ran down the hallway. I chased for the back of his head, the one I'd seen so often before. I pounced his back. "Zach!" I exclaimed as I attacked him. He had been suspended for the longest time. Something about smoking in a bathroom.

"Hey, what's up? How's your try on getting clean going?" He asked, knowing perfectly well that I was failing.

"Well, actually, that's why I needed to talk to you..." I let my voice trail off. He kept a stash in his pocket, because if he left it in his backpack, the school would find it. Hannah would have to wait. I couldn't take this much longer...