Caution: Words Haunt

Rejection Written On My Forehead

I sat in third period as it started to rain outside. All I could think of was how great it would be to be out there; the rain is the most joyous thing ever. It drips so softly and yet it impacts everything. I mean, your day could be ruined because of it's little impact, or it could be wonderful to feel it's chill. It's all about perspective.

I contemplated this rather than pay attention to Mr. Garcia. When will he learn that you can be as cool as you want, but teaching math is no way to get attention from a teenager? The window got fogged and soon there was nothing to look at. Suddenly the bell rang and I jumped out of my seat to head to lunch.

"What's up, Hannah?" I asked as I took my usual seat under a tree. Rain was falling down on her and she looked so volnerable in the cold.

"N-nothing." she shivered.

"Want to borrow my jacket?" I offered her. That was the stupidest thing I could've done, considering it was about forty-degrees, if not colder before the rain started! She nodded her head. I cursed myself. I knew I had no chance, but still I offered her this? That wasn't sucking up, that was being a retard!!!

"Actually, here, come sit by me." I said and unzipped my jacket. I found my brain once more! Thank God, or whoever's above! She sat down and I opened my jacket around her and held her. Man, she smelled great. I wish I could hold her forever. Zack started walking over.

"What's up?" I asked.

"You're a dumbass, Jude. They open the cafeteria, you know." He said as the rain from the tree dripped onto us.

"But it's such lovely weather!" I said sarcastically. "I can't stand being inside anymore."

"You're so weird. No wonder you're name is Aud." He responded and sat down next to us.

"If we're so stupid, why don't you go inside?" I asked him annoyed. Get away from my woman! This is my only chance to be this close to her!

"Because I'm just as stupid." He said.

"Well, I'm not stupid. I'm gonna go inside for a while. Want something, Audrey?" Hannah said, rising from my jacket. Yes, I want your sweet warmth under my arm again!

"Uh, can you get me a cookie?" I asked. She nodded and went to the cafeteria.

"God, if I had one wish, it would be that she were a lesbian and that we could be together forever." I said as she walked away.

"Uh, that's two wishes..." Zach laughed at me.

"Ok, then I'd wish to grant my own wishes and then I can have it all. Happy?" I replied.

"Maybe you could wish that you weren't such a dumbass." he said.

"Hey, your not so smart yourself, Mr. Peer- Pressure." I said.

"Oh whatever. Who started that?" He looked accusingly at me.

"Who brought the shit to my party?" I said.

"Touche. Anyways, that doesn't even matter. I mean, you're dumb because you know you can never have her and yet you won't let her go."

"Well, it's not that easy!" I said.

"I know-" He said, looking down.

"Aw, does Zachy have a crush on some little girl?" I teased.

"Nah. You know, I just might be gay. I used to like you and your manlier than most guys I know!"

"Actually, you're just a sissy." I said. He looked away, pretending to be hurt. "Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" I joked. He nodded. I gave him a hug, not because I was actually sorry, but because I was freezing. I felt his jacket pocket as I hugged him and remembered how lucky I was to have a friend like him. I could hurt his feelings and tease him, but he's always willing to share his stash.

I pulled the lighter from his pocket. "Hey, don't light one at school." He scolded.

"Fuck this, man. I gotta get out of here. Let's go home?" I asked.

"Um... Well, I already went to my important classes... But the security guard is right there." he said, pointing towards the gate.

"No problem." I pulled out a couple forgotten slips of paper from my pocket. As we walked towards the gate, I showed the guard the trip-slips I had copied after stealing one from the office one afternoon. He accepted them and Zach and I were off. I couldn't stand another day clean. I needed this now.
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i was gonna write something totally different, but for some reason, i forgot and just pulled this outta my ass. hey, comment if you like it, but if not, i'm just gonna quit, ok. i'm not one of those annoying author's who's begging for attention for his/her story, but i want to know i'm not wasting my time, ya know?